3 Productivity Tips for Work from Home Employees

Numerous studies have shown that when employees work from home, productivity increases. Although this is widely true, if you’re new to a home-based career, you might find productivity initially difficult.

You’re going from a structured office environment with employees and your boss nearby to a much more independent workspace. Read along for some productivity tips for work from home employees.

Track Your Time

Track your time every day, and for every task, especially if you work hourly. Define your objectives and what you want to accomplish. When you can see what you’re doing on a consistent basis, you’re able to schedule more effectively in the future. Yes, it’s great if you’re accomplishing your daily tasks without tracking hours, but it doesn’t mean you’ll be more productive next week.  It’s only when you can see everything laid out and where you’re utilizing time wisely (or not so wisely) that you can put a more effective weekly plan in place.

Use the Right Tools

The right tools can make all the difference in your productivity.  Whether you need a tool for documents or one for scheduling, you can find many that will help you plan and execute your day more seamlessly.

View the tools for your home-based career as your accountability (like an office-based supervisor). They will keep you organized, allow you to share with colleagues, and give you access from anywhere.

Keep a Schedule

Maintain a schedule just like a normal job and a normal workday. In a work from home job, it can be easy to fall into a lazy day, noticing that you haven’t accomplished anything at 4 PM! When you have a schedule and get into the groove of following it, you can see your day as a whole and be sure that you’re checking the important things off.  Your schedule should include each item that needs accomplished and the approximate time needed to complete it correctly.

Utilize your schedule for personal and family appointments and tasks as well, since they will cut into your work hours. If you have to work a bit later or earlier to make up for any time off, factor that in.

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4 Tips for Professional Social Media Success

As almost everyone knows, social media is a huge part of our lives, both personally and professionally. Whether you’re in the job searching process or just want to maintain a professional social media presence, there are best practices to utilize for success.

There are many benefits of social media, the main one being the ability to communicate and connect with so many people.  In today’s world, social media can truly help you grow personally and professionally, as long as you’re utilizing it with professionalism and skill.

Give a Status Update

Especially when utilizing LinkedIn, the most professional social network, be sure that you’re updating professionally and frequently. Whether you use the brief status update tool or the publisher tool for longer posts, create your updates consistently. Keep your updates professionally-focused and relevant to your business or area of interest.

By posting updates that provide value, information, and solid content for your followers, you’re establishing yourself as an expert in your given area, while also providing your audience with a great reason to follow you. Giving value to your followers is a much better way to sell, show your expert status, and keep your readers interested in what you’re doing.

Keep it Professional

It’s best to keep your Facebook page informal but professional.  While you can certainly keep personal photos, information, and status updates, be sure that all information is kept at a professional level that would be okay if viewed by potential employers.

Facebook and Twitter are excellent places to share your life and personality, but since we’re in the workplace, it has to remain professional as well.  Also, business information on a small scale is okay, but if you have your own business that you’d like to post about daily, create a separate Facebook business page to keep audiences separate.

For professionalism on LinkedIn, utilize a professional headshot.  While you don’t need to go to an actual professional photographer for the photo, you can use a sophisticated headshot.  Dress nicely and have a friend take your photo on a neutral backdrop.  There are numerous resources online for sample headshots and examples of what to wear for your photo.

Have a Professional Name

If you’ve had the same email address since middle school, it’s time for an upgrade! It doesn’t need to be anything fancy, something such as your firstname.lastname@domain.com is perfect. Do your best to keep it easy, memorable, and of course – clean and professional.

Once your email address is professional, use that email address signature to place your social networks. Place social media icons along with links to your different pages, as this encourages contacts to add you elsewhere, expanding your connections and business network.

Up to Date

On all of your social networks, it’s important to keep all information up to date. Even on Facebook, do your best to keep job positions up-to-date, and fill in relevant information whenever possible.

Although we don’t typically view Facebook as a job lead source, it can be! Sometimes recruiters contact people via Facebook due to their jobs, so keep them updated, especially if you’re in the market for a new job.

(Image courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net)

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4 Tips for Work from Home Parents

There are numerous tips out there for those of us who work from home. While they are very helpful and well-meaning, it can initially be even more of a challenge if you’re a work from home parent.

If your children are in school all day or grown, this isn’t as much of a challenge, but it can be tough on your motivation and productivity if you have small children that you’re caring for all day. With a few simple steps and a good hold on boundaries, you can complete your work while keeping a healthy, happy household.

Find Help

If you know that you’ll often be on the phone or interacting with clients in your work from home job, it may be easier to find childcare for your kid(s).  Whether you hire a babysitter or arrange for grandma to keep the kids each afternoon, this will free up your time and space for a quiet call.

If possible, make this a routine to keep the kids and yourself on a positive, productive schedule. If your job is more flexible, you may be able to keep your kids most of the time, save for a very important monthly meeting, for example.  You’ll know which child care options work best for you, your family, and your career demands as you move forward.

Set the Rules

Especially when you have smaller children, setting boundaries and rules for the day is so important. Of course, if you plan to care for the kids alone while working from home, you’ll be interacting with them often during the day. While this is normal in this type of career setup, you’ll still need to let kids know when you need quiet time or you’re expecting an important call.

Boundaries and rules are also crucial with pets. They may not be able to understand your words, but you can establish routines that will encourage them to rest, be as quiet as possible, and allow you to work without a lot of noise or chaos. When the whole family is on board with what’s needed for you to get your job done, things move much more smoothly.  Voice your needs and concerns up front, establish a family routine, and stick to it as much as you can.

Leave the House

Leaving the house can be a good idea for you and your kids. If you’re feeling distracted or things have become crazy in the household, get out for an hour or two and mix up the environment. We all have off days, and when you have a flexible work from home job, you’re more likely able to get out when you need to.

If your kids are in the care of a babysitter or family member, getting out can still help your motivation and productivity as well.  Use your child-free time to complete more work and take any calls that may require complete quiet.

Be Flexible

Allow for the issues and distractions to pop up! Try as you might, there will still be days when the kids are sick or the dogs are barking uncontrollably on a conference call.  We’re all human and these things do happen! If you’re able to get in a good groove early on, those little hiccups won’t make as much of an impact on your overall productivity.  If you have an off day, simply complete more work in the evening or plan out the rest of your week to include a few more hours.  When we’re parents, it’s a delicate balance between routine and the unpredictable.  Do your best to go with what comes up and plan as you see fit.

(Image courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net)

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Change Your Setting to Increase Productivity

Whether you work out of an office or from your kitchen table, where you work will affect how you work. There is a large body of research that tells us that the sights, sounds and routines of the daily work environment directly influence our productivity. If you want to increase your productiveness, then try playing with your work setting. 

A Change of Color

For several decades now, scientists have been looking at color’s effect on human behavior. Some research shows that pastel colors lead to calming thoughts and that bold reds and blues can positively affect the rate of work of a subject. To increase your work productivity, try experimenting with different colors in your office space. You do not need to paint and re-paint the walls. Hangings and artwork with a defined color scheme will do the trick.

Let There Be Light

The amount and source of light in the office has a direct impact on work behavior and mood. Most people know anecdotally that soft, artificial lighting lends itself to a sleepy surrounding. Bright lights can influence behavior, making a person more awake, but also anxious and unfocused. Strong, natural light seems to be the best mix for productivity. To moderate the intensity of the light in the office, use light-filtering roller shades and blinds that will allow just the right amount of sun into the workspace. The aesthetic nature of the light filter will also increase positive work judgement, helping you to want to spend time in the office.

The Green Effect

Bring a fern into the office. Research shows that green plants in the office space increase the quality of the living area, the worker’s well-being and overall productivity. Green life in the office lowers heart rate, increases respirations and helps with blood flow to the extremities. The type of plant is a factor in this, too. Green, small plants that have a slight scent seemed to have the greatest positive effect on the workspace.

Change Your View

The exposure to nature is a strong factor in human well-being. Just the sight of a lake, forest or mountain can lower heart rates and drive a person into a state of relaxation. If you have the option, re-configure your office space so that you are facing an exterior window. The view does not need to be magnificent, but even a cloud or pigeon can increase your productivity. If this is not an option, then frame nature photos and use them as your office décor.

Take a Walk

Physical activity is shown to decrease work absences from illness and increase work productiveness. Every 40 minutes or so, get up and do some type of physical activity. Depending on your level of fitness, this can be anything from a little walk around the office to a set of push-ups. Some people have begun using desk treadmills where you can walk at a leisurely pace while still working at your desk. These devices let you keep the blood flowing even during a long, busy work day.

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4 Tips to Stay Motivated Working From Home

Staying motivated during the workday can be especially tough when your home is your office. When you go to an office, it’s a little bit easier to stay on task with the structure of your day, management presence, and the office environment itself.

Although it’s a challenge to create a routine that will work to provide motivation, it’s essential to complete your necessary tasks and stay focused. Here are some best practices on how to stay motivated when working from home.

Dress Up

When you work in an office, there’s no choice but to dress appropriately. Although home-based careers allow you the freedom of clothing choice, you’ll be much more motivated if you continue to dress for the office. You don’t have to go all out, but doing your hair, makeup, and wearing casual to business casual clothing can help.  Dressing in sweatpants is incredibly comfortable, but doesn’t always do much to keep us motivated.

Create a Schedule

Schedules are key, especially when you work from home! You really have to strive to keep your work life and home life separate, so scheduling your time, appointments, and tasks is crucial to success. Make a schedule at the beginning of the week, and continue to move items down the list if you don’t complete them on a certain day. When you see your week laid out, it removes the overwhelm and tells you exactly what you need to be doing.  It’s easier to keep the motivation going when you can charge through your schedule.

Give Yourself Time Off

Whether it’s a 10-minute break or a few days off, you need to relax and recharge. When motivation is seriously waning, it’s typically because we haven’t had enough time to unplug. Taking a few short breaks during the day should go without saying, but add them to your schedule anyway! It’s always fun to take a quick walk, grab a snack, or get some fresh air.  When you need more recharging, make sure you’re taking time off to relax or spend time with family. Especially when you work from home, it can start to feel like you spend all your time in your home environment.  Keep your health intact by scheduling the appropriate amount of time off from work.

Do Something Fun

If you’re feeling unmotivated or your weeks are starting to run together, mix up your routine a bit. Call a friend or colleague and meet up for lunch, or take some of your calls outside, if at all possible. When you can change just the slightest parts of your routine, it can remove the monotony and spike motivation quickly!

(Image courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net)

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3 Tips to Help You Get by While Looking for a Home-Based Job

Whether you’re working as a temp or just waiting to apply for the right job, millions of Americans simply need to keep a roof over their heads until paychecks start rolling in again. Surviving between jobs comes down to discipline, cost-cutting and stretching what you do have to weather the storm. These three tips to help you get by while looking for a home-based job.

Make a Budget

A 2013 Gallup poll found that 67 percent of American households do not have a monthly household budget. The saying goes those who fail to plan, plan to fail, and that certainly rings true when it comes to getting by while unemployed.

First take a financial inventory. Write down all of your monthly bills to figure out what needs to be paid to maintain a minimal standard of living. Now go through everything and figure out how to reduce the monthly obligations. Consider placing a classified ad for a roommate to cut your rent payments. Lower your utility bills by unplugging all appliance and electronics when not in use. Cable or satellite television should either be eliminated completely or reduced to the least expensive package available.

Technology makes it easy to adhere to your new budget. Install a personal finance app like Mint.com or You Need A Budget on your smartphone. These apps enable you to digitally track all expenditures and warn you when you stray from your commitments. Both Mint and YNAB also recommend financial products based on the information you enter.

Generate Income

When employment is hard to come by, you’ll need to get creative to supplement your savings. Try these ideas:

Sell things you no longer need or use. Old clothing can be taken to consignment shops, while your old set of golf clubs can be sold on Craigslist.

Able-bodied individuals with a car can register for work on TaskRabbit. The mobile app matches you with people in your city who need odd-jobs done around their home or office. The more you’re willing to do (i.e., rake leaves, data entry, etc.), the more opportunities you’ll have.

Lyft is another money-making app. Register as a driver and you become part of a community that gives people rides for flat fares.

If you receive regular payments from an annuity or structured settlement, you may be able to sell your future payments to a company like J.G. Wentworth for a lump sum of cash now.
Another option is to participate in clinical studies. Some pay upward of five figures for participants. But keep in mind, the more it pays, the more risk that is likely involved. Make sure to do thorough research.

Prepare for the Future

The one positive that comes from extended employment is a lot of free time. Enroll in courses at an online or local community college. Those enrolled at least half-time are eligible for both Pell grants and student loans. Virtually all medical-related careers, including home health aides, dental hygienists and sonographers, will be in high demand through 2020, according to the Labor Department. All of the aforementioned require only a two-year degree. Computer science and networking courses will also position you for high-demand jobs.

Prolonged unemployment is just another one of life’s great challenges that test your mettle. A positive attitude and commitment to a plan will maximize your chances of gainful employment sooner rather than later. When you use these three tips to help you get by while looking for a home-based job, you’ll soon find yourself armed and ready when you and that job finally meet.

Check out these other great articles about home based jobs as a work from home professional. Also check out our current job postings for mom professionals.

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Go-to Resource for Home-Based Working Moms Launches New Site

Press Release


WHO: Lesley Spencer Pyle is founder & director of www.HBWM.com, Inc. (Home-Based Working Moms™), a professional association and online community of parents who work from home and those who would like to. She is a regular columnist with Entrepreneur.com, a contributor to DrLaura.com, is featured on DrPhil.com, the author of The Work-at-Home Workbook: Your Step-by-Step Guide on Selecting and Starting the Perfect Home Business for You, and a Clubmom Work from Home Expert. She is known as the expert when it comes to moms starting their own home-based businesses.

WHAT: HireMyMom.com is a new website that will enable professional women to market their skills, experience and education to businesses needing to outsource work. Businesses can hire these professionals at a fraction of the cost of hiring traditional employees or contractors for temporary or permanent assignments. This creates a win-win relationship where a company gets a high-level professional at a reduced cost and the professional receives a flexible environment that is extremely attractive to her and her desire to work from home.

May is National Revise Your Work Schedule Month – no better time to consider the options of working from home and join the growing trend. The U.S. Census Bureau recently reported that over 5.4 million mothers put their careers on hold to stay home with children. After having children, many women yearn not only for the freedom and flexibility to work from home to nurture their children, but also to continue their professional pursuits in a more flexible and accommodating way.

WHERE: Spencer Pyle, based in Spring, TX, is currently available by phone or in person, upon arrangement. ** We can also locate members of HireMyMom.com in your local area for interview.

Benefits of working from home:

  • Freedom and flexibility to create your own schedule
  • Be available at home while still contributing to the family’s income
  • Keep up on business skills
  • Have more time with kids and play a bigger role in their upbringing
  • Have an outlet for creativity and adult interaction that so many stay-at-home parents miss

HBWM.com, Inc provides its members with support, networking, free advertising options, information, a monthly newsletter, organizing tool kit, email discussion list, searchable member directory, member spotlights and corporate discounts on various products and services. Visit www.hbwm.com for more information.



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New Site is Missing Link Between Qualified Professionals and Businesses Looking to Outsource Work

Press Release


(HOUSTON) There’s a new breed of women professionals out there. They are experienced, talented and motivated. They are women on a mission to redefine their career path. This new generation of professionals is opting to leave corporate America for a more flexible work environment. No longer does having a career force them to sacrifice their family time. Nor does it mean sacrificing their career to have a family. But where can companies find them?

HireMyMom.com is a new website launching in May that will help companies locate qualified home-workers by enabling professional women to market their skills, experience and education to businesses needing to outsource work. Businesses can hire these professionals at a fraction of the cost of hiring traditional employees or contractors for temporary or permanent assignments. This creates a win-win relationship where a company gets a high-level professional at a reduced cost and the professional is able to keep a flexible schedule working from home.

Businesses need reliable, motivated, cost-friendly help. And these professionals are eager to prove their talent and skills. In fact, the U.S. Census Bureau reports that over 5.4 million mothers put their careers on hold to stay home with children. That adds up to a lot of talented women with experience, education, skills and motivation to find flexible work that can be done from their home office.

Lesley Spencer Pyle is Chief Executive Mom of HireMyMom.com and www.HBWM.com, Inc. (Home-Based Working Moms™), a professional association and online community of parents who work from home and those who would like to. She is a regular columnist with Entrepreneur.com, a contributor to DrLaura.com, is featured on DrPhil.com, the author of The Work-at-Home Workbook: Your Step-by-Step Guide on Selecting and Starting the Perfect Home Business for You, and a Clubmom Work from Home Expert. She is based in Houston and is currently available by phone or in person, upon arrangement.

Benefits of outsourcing through HireMyMom.com:

  • There is never a fee for outsourcing through HireMyMom.com
  • Save on time by sending out one query that goes to multiple candidates
  • You interview, evaluate and decide which candidate is best suited for your project all in one place
  • Ability to tap into the incredible talent and experience of home-based experts throughout the country

Visit www.hiremymom.com for more information.



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Moms and Businesses Benefit from Online Hiring

–A New Breed of Women Professionals are Taking Job Market by Storm–


Press Release

 For Immediate Release

Phoenix, AZ – There’s an exciting opportunity for a work force of 5.4 million people whose experience, education and skills are just beginning to be utilized to their potential in the business community. Otherwise known as “mom professionals” these individuals who have put their careers on hold to stay home with their children are now finding flexible work that can be done from their home office with HireMyMom (www.hiremymom.com).

Created by working mom, Lesley Spencer Pyle, this ground breaking matchmaking service provides businesses with top talent for temporary and permanent projects ranging from everything from Accounting to Web Design. Businesses benefit greatly with the convenience of creating one rather than multiple job postings that will reach several qualified candidates at no charge to them. For mom professionals, it enables them to capitalize on the freedom and flexibility to do top-rated work while avoiding work-from-home scams that litter the Internet. Additionally mom professionals have greater freedoms to choose between family and career.

Pyle has long been providing stay-at-home moms with resources. After deciding not to go back to work after her first child was born, she created a home based public relations and communications business. She quickly realized working moms were in need of guidance and support which resulted in her launching Home Based Working Moms (www.hbwm.com) in 1995. HBWM’s interactive website provides a variety of tools and resources to help moms network, learn and grow in their role as a home-based working mother, including free business profiles, member directory and networking opportunities.

“I am passionate about helping moms create lifestyles that enable them more freedom and flexibility to truly enjoy their family and their life” says Pyle, noting, “There are so many talented, experienced, educated moms out there just needing a push to get started – and I was one of them. It was this passion that led me to start the national association of Home-Based Working Moms and now HireMyMom.com that also provides businesses an easy and effective way to connect with Mom professionals.”



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Redbook Magazine Features HireMyMom

Lesley Pyle Redbook Magazine Feature

Hot Mama – Netpreneur Lesley Spencer Pyle

Hiremymom.com is the kind of business idea that’s so timely and practical that, naturally, it took a mom to think it up. The site, which connects companies looking to outsource projects with work-from-home moms who are eager for part-time work, was launched last May by Lesley Spencer Pyle, a mother of four in Spring, TX.

“I got pregnant right after I started my first job doing PR for a golf school,” says Pyle. “I hated being away from my baby, but my employer wasn’t open to flextime, so I quit.” Since her family was dependent on Pyle’s income, she began scrambling for freelance work.

“I knew there were other moms out there in the same position – I thought we could really learn from each other,” Pyle says. In 1995, she founded the online community Home-Based Working Moms (hbwm.com) which has evolved into a mini-empire, including a home-based business directory, a start-your-own-business kit, and a newsletter. Pyle loved connecting with moms online and figured employers might want to access this vast pool of talent. Enter hiremymom.com. For a small fee, moms who do everything from graphic design to sales can get listings for hundreds of long- and short-term projects that can be completed from the comfort of their kitchen table – uh, we mean home office.



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