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Need help with the hiring process? Check out our Concierge Service below!
$77.00 for 1 job for 30 days
1 job posting for 1 month
Edit Job Listing once approved
Email Support: Monday – Friday
$97.00 for 1 job for 30 days
1 Job Posting for 30 days
*Featured Job* in our Weekly Email
Get 30 days additional *FREE* if position is not filled.
Edit Job Listing once approved
Email Support: Monday – Friday
$197.00 for 1 job for 7 days
Want to Stand Out and get your job noticed FAST!?! Send a Solo Email Blast to Candidates specifically for your job post to our database of job seekers.
Also includes a free job listing on HireMyMom.
$895.00 for 1 job for 30 days
Full-Service Concierge Service Level I
- Administrative
- Support Services
- Accounting / Bookkeeping
- Customer Service
- Project Coordinator
*For roles not listed above, please check out our Level II services.
The Concierge service includes:
Why Pay Thousands in Recruiting Fees? Get Personalized Hiring for a Fraction of the Cost and avoid the COSTLY MISTAKES of hiring the WRONG candidates. Allow our H.R. Specialist to do a professional job for you while saving you the time-consuming process of writing, posting, reviewing, interviewing and hiring. Questions? Click here to learn more. In a RUSH? We do have a Rush Service for roles needing filled in two weeks or less. We also offer Onboarding Your New Hire services. |
$1,095.00 for 1 job for 30 days
Full-Service Concierge — LEVEL II
- Executive level
- Manager
- Media / Marketing
- Technology
- Web design / development
- Consultant
- Sales
- Bi-lingual
*For roles not listed above, please check out our LEVEL I Concierge Services.
The Concierge service includes:
Why Pay Thousands in Recruiting Fees? Get Personalized Hiring for a Fraction of the Cost and avoid the COSTLY MISTAKES of hiring the WRONG candidates. Allow our H.R. Specialist to do a professional job for you while saving you the time-consuming process of writing, posting, reviewing, interviewing and hiring.
Questions? Click here to learn more. We also offer Onboarding Your New Hire services. |
$495.00 for 1 job for 30 days
Concierge Lite includes:
Concierge LITE does not include the following. The client is responsible for all interviews and the completion of the project including:
*For FULL SERVICE Concierge, please check out our Level I Concierge Services and our Level II Services. |