Seeking Part-time Rockstar Bookkeeper for our virtual financial coaching firm
Here’s the good stuff:
- You get to work from home. This also means you must be a self-starter as there won’t be anyone there to tell you when to work.
- There is no stress, no rush or panic. I just need someone who is EXTREMELY detailed, punctual, customer-service oriented and reliable.
- The hours are very flexible. You will be assigned clients and projects and there will be deadlines. How you meet those deadlines is up to you. The specific times of day you work are up to you with the exception of regular team huddles and regular check-ins with your team leader. There will be client calls for you to be on but those will also be set according to your working hours.
- You only have to get dressed from the shirt up. We do team & client meetings via video calls, so yoga pants won’t be seen.
- We are expecting to teach you some details of how we do bookkeeping. A basic understanding of bookkeeping principles is required to help you get started with us faster. We are very industry specific so we will teach you our preferred ways of handling our clients and their specific requirements. We do expect intelligence, energy, critical thinking, problem-solving and a get-it-done attitude to learn as fast as possible.
- We are a growth-oriented company. If you enjoy reading, you’ll be rewarded and will fit in and can definitely learn more about our methods and possibly grow into a new position, if desired.
Here is the bad stuff:
- The pay sucks. I mean, you won’t get rich at it. We pay $12/hour to start. So, if anything it is extra spending money.
- Right now this job is approx 40 hours/month with approx. 30 of those hours happening in the first two weeks of the month. This could be good, could be bad. Lots of work some weeks and built in days off other weeks.
- Read point 1.
Here is the job:
- Direct client bookkeeping of multiple, assigned accounts
- Onboarding of new clients including collecting essential information, clean-ups, setting them up in systems such as QuickBooks and Gusto
- Communications with our coaches to best serve our clients
- Review and analysis of client financial reports
- Communication with our clients to gain clarity on there specific transactions via phone calls, video conferences and e-mail.
Longer-term Expectations:
- By the end of the first month working with us, you will be expected to enter one month’s worth of transactions for 4 different clients on a daily basis.
- By 90 days, you will be expected to enter the daily transactions and perform the monthly close for 15 clients and become a Certified QuickBooks ProAdvisor. When these goals are met, a significant pay raise is given.
- By the end of year 1, you will be a Certified Profit First Professional working with clients to understand the finances and growth of their business. This is more of a coaching role and we will support you in growing into that from the initial bookkeeper position.
We are always looking for ways to improve in the organization. If you have a sense of how systems and processes work, there is room to make your job more efficient.
Some aspects of this job will require tech-savviness and they all require excellent communication, via both real time conversation and written notes.
This job is ideal for someone with bookkeeping experience and:
- A parent who is looking to do some part time work.
- A college student who is looking for work around their school schedule.
- Anyone looking for a fulfilling, fun part-time job. We have a strong mission here and you will be a part of helping us help other business owners achieve their dreams.
There may be room for growth in the future and hours will increase as we bring on new clients until you are at your pre-determined workload. Just like any small business… as the business grows, so do the opportunities for new work and bigger and better job roles. We can’t guarantee we will continue to grow, of course, but it is a true possibility. Right now we are regularly adding new clients.
A couple more things that will help you make the most of this opportunity:
- Be open to receiving helpful observations for improvement.
- Be willing to speak up when you disagree and/or have questions
- Have the ability to say, “I don’t know but I am happy to find an answer for you,” and then follow through on that promise.
- One more thing….Please, No Whiners or Complainers! If you find yourself blaming others for your problems instead of taking personal responsibility, you will not like it here!
We are looking to bring someone onboard as soon as possible, but will spend the time to find the best fit both in abilities and cultural fit. A qualified candidate must enjoy learning, being stretched to grow and will ultimately be an integral part of our family away from our families.
If you are interested, please send an e-mail and put “I love details” in the subject line. That’s right – We need you to declare it loud and proud. We also need to know you’re paying attention. In the body of the e-mail, please identify the tree typos in this ad. 😉
Another thing that will give you a BIG leg up (but is optional) is to send a quick video in along with your resume. This is for us to get a feel for your personality. Tell us in your video why you think you’re perfect for this job and why you will rock this position. Think of this video as your cover letter you’d normally send with a resume.
If you decide not to send us a video along with your resume, tell us why you decided to not send a video along with your submission.
We are excited to meet you.