How to Create Visually Appealing Social Media Posts

Social media is a great place to share information, establish your status as an expert in your field, and interact with fans and customers.  According to Hubspot, content with visual images receives 94% more views than content without visual images!  In addition to this, visual content is 40x more likely to be shared than text content.

These stats are very important, and show the importance of visual content in your marketing campaigns.  From your blogs to your social media posts, be sure you’re including visually appealing images as much as possible!

Use a program

You don’t have to use fancy programs to create catchy graphics! Try easy-to-use graphic design programs such as or to edit photos and create images.  Simply select the image or type of post you’d like to create and follow the steps.  Canva includes numerous images and layouts that are ready-to-use, and you can also upload your own images.

These programs offer extensive font libraries, the ability to add text, photos, layers, and colors, which add depth and dimension to your graphics.  It can be a bit of a learning curve at first, but after your first few images, you’ll begin to learn what works!

Space it out

Make sure your images are well spaced and have a good balance of color.  When we create images, it can be tough to replicate the depth and scope that we see in more professional graphics.

Between using varying colors to your benefit to limiting the fonts per graphic, this article is a helpful glance into the most important errors to avoid (and tips to include!) in your next image.

Click here for Graphic Design Tips for Non-Designers.

Choose a color

Choosing a color that evokes a certain emotion, if that’s important to your product and/or service.  Colors have meanings, which can be used to your benefit in logo and graphic creation.

When you’re trying to portray the enthusiasm in your brand, you might choose yellow.  If you prefer to give a calm vibe around your inspirational quote graphic, green is your best choice.   Click here for an infographic of color choices of some of the world’s most popular brands.

Brand it

At the top or bottom of all of your graphics, be sure to include your website URL written out (for example, or your actual logo.

This shows that your graphic was created exclusively for your use, and it also allows people to learn more about you if the image if shared.  Since sharing images makes them seen by a much greater audience (think hundreds or thousands more!), it’s important that you’re giving yourself credit.

When creating graphics, consider the traditional design elements while creating something original.  Your images should reflect your brand, image you’d like to portray, as well as visually appealing design.  The more your image speaks to your audience, the more likely it is to be shared – helping your organization be seen across a much wider scope!

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4 Steps to a Great To-Do List

The to-do list is a much talked about item, and that’s for good reason. Especially when working from home, staying on a schedule and keeping on task is crucial. Rarely is someone going to be managing your every move, which makes a to-do list a priority!

You can create a standard list to get through each day, but creating more of a “system” with your to-do list makes it more likely to stick.  Here are a few best practices for creating to-do lists that work with you.

Coordinate for you

Color coordinating is a great way to organize your list.  You can do this by client, task, priority, and so on. Although it’s useful, color coding isn’t for everyone, but you do need to find some type of system that works for you.

If you’re more visual, color coding is a great idea. If you like to group things by task, a more segmented list might be better for you.  Play around with your lists for a few days at a time to determine the best fit.


Whichever list you choose, prioritizing will be a constant necessity.  For example, do you have a specific task due on Friday? Be sure you aren’t placing that over an email piece due on Wednesday!

You’ll get in the flow of your tasks and priorities as your home based career continues.  You can always modify a list – sometimes it’s helpful to create one on the web via Google Docs or utilize a Word Document so you can change easily.

Repetition is key

Your to-do list isn’t going to be helpful if you use it for one week then quit. Get into the habit of adding every major (or even minor) task to your list. It’s truly an exercise in organization, and organization prevents you from missing items.  

It can take a few weeks to really get in the habit of using your list, but once you do, you will find that you’ll be storing far more information on your page and less in your brain.  This allows you to be more efficient and keep your mind on the tasks you need to complete.

Cross it out

Crossing off your items is half the fun! Not only does it allow you to keep track and feel accomplished, it can be important in billing your clients and employers.

The to-do list keeps track of your work, so be sure you’re giving yourself the credit by acknowledging when it’s done. If something is halfway completed, you can always update and make a note indicating the change.  These small movements in your list give you a sense of achievement throughout the day, and with longer projects, it can keep you feeling positive about your status.

A to-do list is always a must-have, and it can truly work for you in your work from home career.  Create one that works with your personality and work habits, prioritize what’s important, repeat daily, and cross it off – you’re well on your way to to-do list (and productivity) success!

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5 Tips for a Successful Home Based Interview

If you work from home or desire to work from home, you will likely go through another an interview for a home based position.  Interviews are nerve wracking enough at an office location, but those from home can be a little bit more challenging.  Between kids and dogs, lack of an in person connection, and various other distractions, finding your calm and professional demeanor may take a few more steps.

Read along for some best practices for home based interviews.

Be Knowledgeable

The number one step in interview prep is to learn all you can about the company. It’s more than useful to have a baseline of knowledge going into your interview. To avoid any surprises, know some basic information about the company and the job position being offered.

This process will be an asset to you that shows that you’ve done your research, showing that you care about obtaining the position and the organization.

Clear Distractions

When you work from home, the biggest barriers to successful calls and meetings are almost always distractions! Between kids, pets, TVs, UPS knocks on the door and so on, it can be tough to find a completely quiet space.  Especially if it’s a Skype call, take great care to ensure that distractions are eliminated during your interview!  In addition, make sure your background is nice and professional in appearance for Skype calls.

Distractions can also come in the form of your calendar obligations.  Make sure that your calendar is cleared so you aren’t rushing or receiving other urgent calls during the interview.  Always set aside more time than you think will be necessary, then you can call the kids back in or proceed with other meetings.

Ask Questions

All interviewers want you to ask questions, and it’s important that you think of 3-5 questions to ask ahead of time. A great question is, “What is the company culture?” Even though you’re working from home, company culture is king.  It will tell you how your boss works, how often you’ll be managed, how they communicate, how formal the meetings are, and so on.  It will also give you a glimpse into the company, and then you’ll be better equipped to decide if it’s a good fit for you.

Other good questions include asking about the direction of the position, what’s expected of you in the position, and what a typical day might consist of.

Take Inventory

Are your social media profiles in good working order?  Take a quick audit of your profiles and be sure they’re as professional as possible. Remove any questionable photos, posts, and so on, and if it’s applicable, be sure that you have some quality posts that are relevant to your industry and show your expertise.

Notice any gaps in employment, negative reviews, or anything similar, since employers may bring them up.  It’s important to be truthful, but knowing these things ahead of time will leave you time to prepare a proper, professional response.

Make sure that your LinkedIn profile looks especially nice, as it’s the more career-based social media profile.  Ask for quality recommendations, thoroughly complete all sections, and work to create meaningful connections to show your professional drive.

Know Your Strengths

Home based work requires a certain type of person with a number of qualities, so be sure to emphasize these in your interview.  Are you extremely self-motivated?  Do you work well independently?  Employers can be a bit nervous to hire workers remotely, and it’s up to you to convince them that you have the necessarily skill set.

Work from home interviews can be just as stressful as traditional interviews! Treat them as a typical interview in an office – dress to impress, eliminate distractions, be prepared and knowledgeable, and ask thoughtful questions.  If you do these things well, you’ll be on your way to a satisfying home based job position!

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4 Tips for a Healthy Home Based 2016

It’s that time of year – resolutions and goals are everywhere! We commit to being the best versions of ourselves in the new year, and one of the items on almost everyone’s list is the health category.

We can always strive to improve our health, and when working from home, health needs to take priority. It becomes easy to sit all day, eat all of the unhealthy foods in the house, and just generally lose sight of a healthy lifestyle.

Take breaks

When you take a break, the result is really dual-purpose – mental and physical. Taking a break gives your brain a break, and you can turn it into a physical break by taking a short walk, getting some fresh air, or doing a brief workout video.

Even if you’re extremely busy, make it a deliberate point to take short breaks throughout the day – 5-10 minutes is all you need to break up the work day!

Schedule fitness

At the top of all resolution lists is fitness! Just as you schedule important tasks to complete, conference calls, and daily to do items, scheduling fitness can really keep you healthy when you work from home.

Know yourself! If you like to get things out of the way, a morning workout might be your best bet. If you need a few cups of coffee to get moving, maybe an afternoon or evening workout suits you better. It’s not important when you do it, but that you schedule it and get it done.  Not only does fitness keep your body healthy, it actually makes you more productive and effective in your home based job.

Mental fitness

Mental health and fitness begins with balance. When you’re working from home everyday, it becomes easy to stay isolated.  Schedule coffee dates and meetings out if you can, and don’t be afraid to throw in small social meetings as well.

Working from home is very different from a traditional office environment, and it’s important to keep a healthy social life.  Maintain contact with friends and family throughout your week, and be sure that you’re venturing out of the house regularly.

Keep it positive

A healthy mind and body is nothing without a positive attitude. Health begins with your attitude, and the more that you can maintain a positive one, the more you’ll be able to accomplish. Think of your positivity as the fuel to your new, healthier lifestyle!

When you combine physical, mental, and an attitude of fitness, you’ll be well on your way to a happier, healthier new year! It’s more important that you factor in healthy habits when working from home, as there is much more opportunity to sit around and eat poorly.  Adopt these simple habits and see a change in your effectiveness and health in 2016.

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5 Tips for Home Based Work During the Holiday Season

It can be a challenge to juggle working from home during the holiday season. You’re doing your best to complete your tasks, but since your workspace is your home environment, this can get tricky this time of year. However, working from home has its flexibility perks, and you’ll be able to attend those Christmas concerts and holiday events with just a few tweaks of your schedule.

The holidays are a special time of year, so it’s important to recognize that and participate fully. On the other hand, work can pick up before the end of the year, so read along for some tips to manage both effectively.

Keep a normal daily schedule

As much as possible, plan ahead and keep a normal daily schedule. The more you can do this in the days surrounding the actual holidays, the more relaxed you can be on your days off.  Create a schedule now and do your best to prioritize as the holiday season moves along.

Hire some help

If your workload is too demanding right now or you want more time for friends and family during the holidays, consider hiring some help. You can find a great virtual assistant right here at Need help with kids? Look for college students home for the holidays. They can also help with wrapping gifts, organizing your home / office and even help with some home office tasks that you’ve gotten behind on. 

Make time for what’s important

Work will always be there – but the holidays won’t be. Make time for what’s important, especially this time of year. If you have to work a weekend afternoon to be able to attend a holiday event, it’s worth the extra effort. Cherish the memories that the holidays help create. You’ll look back someday and be glad you did!

Schedule something special

Since your home is your workspace, it can feel like the day goes from work to celebration central in a matter of ours! Schedule some special outings, occasions, shows, and so on for this time of year. It feels good to get out of the house, and you can still use your home for those cozy nights over hot chocolate, good movies, and gift wrapping.

Don’t stress out

Overall, don’t stress out too much! It can seem like the work is piling up this time of year and that it will never stop.  2016 will be here before we know it, and all we can do is our best to complete the rest of 2015.

Create your schedules, make time for what’s important, and minimize stress for a fun and efficient holiday season!

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3 Ways to Make Money Over the Holidays

There are three simple ways to make money over the holidays – and they will all put some extra cash in your pocket this upcoming holiday season! Not only will you come out with more money, you’ll gain different experiences and ways to create more income on a regular basis.


The holidays are known for being a time when we spend money, not make it. Although this is common as we’re giving gifts to loved ones and donating to charities we support, you can still make money around the holiday season.


Utilize the Online Sites


Online job search sites such as are great for extra income. Not only do they provide job opportunities, but all jobs can be completed remotely – or from home.


The holidays are already an incredibly busy time of year, and avoiding an extra commute is key to keep stress at bay. When you join, you can easily search for jobs from the comfort of your own home.  In a matter of days, you could be getting paid to do what you love in a virtual environment. works with top notch companies and potential employees who are looking for genuine, legitimate jobs. Take a look around and find that job that might be helpful for the holidays – and possibly even into the New Year!


Find Something Seasonal


Seasonal work is common this time of year, as the stores need a lot of extra help with increased customers and demand. Between department stores and small local businesses, it’s typically fairly easy to find places looking for seasonal workers.


Also, as the job is seasonal, you can simply see it as a way to bring in extra funds.  If you also work another job, the extra hours will not last forever.  If you have a bit of extra time, finding seasonal work is a great way to supplement your income, spread some holiday cheer, and stay busy during the season.


Clean It Out


This is a great time of year to clean out your closets! Many items can be donated, but brand new items or more obscure items may be better off as sold.


There are numerous ways to sell your items – online via eBay, Craigslist, and so on; in person via local Facebook “buy and sell” groups, and of course, the ever-popular garage sale, which is really only applicable if you live in a warm climate!
Selling items that you aren’t using is a great way to make room for the new items you’ll likely gather from the holidays, as well as bringing in some extra cash.


Taking some time to look through used clothing, new clothing that you won’t use, or various household items – there are bound to be several things that you don’t need anymore.

All in all, making money over the holiday season is a relatively simple task.  Go through your unused items, inquire about potential seasonal work, and go online for home based options at sites such as You’ll find the holidays less stressful on your bank account in no time!

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Career Advice from Leading Mom Executives

According to Pew Research, women only make up five percent of CEOs in the nation’s Fortune 500 companies and only 17 percent of their board members. For a woman, running a corporation while balancing a family is rife with issues from business acquisitions to missing school functions. Meanwhile, no one thinks much about how CEOs who are fathers manage to do both.


In a business world dominated by male leaders, the advice from leading mom executives resonates with women everywhere. Whether you’re hoping to gather some inspiration to get back into the workforce or calculate your next career move, these women leaders have insights to share.


Hilary Schneider

President of LifeLock, Hilary Schneider, oversees all aspects of the company’s business strategy from operations to growth and formerly held an executive role at Yahoo. Despite Schneider’s role as a business leader with a focus on strategy, she gave a speech with Arizona Women’s Leadership Forum on the necessity to focus on employee culture as a means for transformation and engagement. Schneider knows that strategy isn’t everything. Ignoring a new generation demanding a better work-life balance is detrimental to business.


LifeLock aligns itself with that same point-of-view with a challenging work environment that still fosters and honors work culture. Wellness rewards, four weeks of paid time off from year one, an anniversary recognition program and tuition assistance are just some of the perks extended to employees to help integrate a balance of work and play into their culture.


Ann-Marie Campbell

President of Home Depot’s Southern Division, Ann-Marie Campbell started at the corporation as a cashier in 1985. Campbell told Georgia State University’s alumni magazine that she loved the personal family atmosphere of Home Depot and being given challenging opportunities. She credits speaking up and staying open to opportunities as a means to get seen and mentored by people who could help.


Campbell believes the world is a community and developing others is truly when you succeed. Home Depot’s job page reflects those sentiments with everything from hiring events to military job seekers, volunteer opportunities and job postings. Moms looking to align themselves with a family-friendly company and emulate the success of their female leaders can set up a Google job alert to keep tabs on positions that get them closer to their goals.


Indra Nooyi

PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi shook off criticism when she focused on healthier snack and drink options and pivoted the company. Not one for hiding behind corporate rhetoric and marketing trends, she publicly proclaimed Pepsi needed to address obesity and stuck her ground on the long view instead of what investors wanted to hear.


Nooyi is fearless, but told “Fast Company” that some of the best advice she ever received was to improve yourself in order to improve your organization. Much like any mom, whether a top executive or not, it’s integral to improve yourself in order to help guide the family and create an environment poised for growth.

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4 Ways to Stay On Task Working From Home


Working from home can really free up a lot of time in your schedule and allow you more time with family.  It’s an unconventional method of working that has many benefits, but it’s still work – and work still needs to get done in your day.


Without the structure of an office environment, it can be more difficult to stay on task and keep productivity flowing. Although this can be a challenge to figure out at first, staying on task while working from home can be attained in a few simple steps.


Separate Your Space


We hear it time and time again, but having a separate work space is truly a big key in a less distracting home based career.


Set up a desk and workspace that allows you time to be quiet, work with limited distractions, and is comfortable. This also allows you to separate work from home life, which is another important part of staying on task when it is working hours.


Take Breaks


Breaks are an overlooked important part of our workdays.  When we don’t take breaks, we tend to veer off course and start surfing Facebook, Instagram, and Googling random items online.


Taking breaks gets your blood moving, rests your eyes from the computer screen, and gives you something to come back to with full attention.  Taking 5-minute walking breaks, getting some fresh air, or just going out in the yard with your dog can be the mental break you need to stay on task throughout the afternoon.


Remove Distractions


Distractions are the #1 issue with working from home and staying on task.  Whether TV or radio stations distract you, first you have to learn what gets you off track and remove them.  While some people can work just as effectively with the TV going in the background, others would find themselves watching a movie marathon in no time. Know what your distractions are and eliminate them!


While you can’t always have a child-free or pet-free home to work, you can schedule babysitters for important meetings or schedule the important stuff around nap times or play dates.  Staying on task requires a bit of effort in removing any distractions, but it’s worth it for the work that needs your undivided attention.


What’s Important?


Determine the most important tasks and do them first! When you work from home, and especially if you’re also responsible for childcare, your days can take different turns than expected.

When you complete the important items and check them off your list early in the day, you free up the rest of your time for variable time schedules and happenings.  Prioritize with a list, calendar alerts, or by scheduling meetings at times when you’re least likely to have a distraction or something come up.

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How to Separate Work From Home in a Home-Based Job

When you have a home based career, work and home life can start to feel like the same thing. While it’s a huge benefit to work from home, some separation is not only healthy, but necessary.


We all know that taking breaks and switching up your environment can be important, but there are some other small shifts you can make to make your work from home career truly feel more like a traditional office job – without the commute!


Mark it down


Do something work related to mark the end of your day.  Whether you close all work-related browsers, set your autoresponder on your email, or simply close your laptop, make sure that your work day truly ends.


Another trip to help with this it to set up your schedule for the next day or week.  This is very helpful mentally, since you’re looking forward and acknowledging that your work for the day is complete.  You’re giving your brain a break – a mental break and sign that you can rest and enjoy your home time.


Shift into something new


Just as you did something in the aforementioned tip to signify the end of your work day, start something non work-related when you’re finished for the day.


It can be as simple as starting dinner, taking a walk, or sitting outside with your family, but this physical break is also important in getting you into “home mode” when work is done.


Set office hours


Just as you have work hours in an office job, you should set similar hours at home.  While some jobs require unconventional hours, and it is nice to have the flexibility to work anytime for certain positions, setting hours keeps you from working endlessly.


Even if your hours are more 11-7 than 9-5, that’s just fine – stick to them as much as possible.  It’s important to choose hours that work best for you, your family, and your lifestyle.


If you must, log some time outside of office hours once in a while, but stick to it as a general rule. Everyone is much more mobile since we have smartphones and laptops, but those in a traditional job typically do get more “down time” when they go home for the evening; you need to enjoy this time too, so do your best to keep work to your set office hours.


Set up the environment


Make sure your environment feels like an office. It’s tempting to lay on the couch to work, but you won’t be nearly as productive, and it can feel more like a sick day than work.


Set up your peaceful, well-lit home office for a truly productive experience that feels like going to work.  You still get all the benefits of a home based career – no commute, more time with friends and family, and flexibility.


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5 Top Productivity Tips for Work From Home Employees

Productivity comes down to a number of things when working from home – organization, use of space, and the ability to take a break from your surroundings.


It’s important to utilize all three tactics when you’re trying to be more productive, especially if you work from home. Since you’re lacking the accountability of an office environment, which can certainly assist in getting things done, it’s important to put your own systems in place.




Productivity isn’t all work related! Stretching, moving, and walking throughout your day is key to physical and mental health, which makes you more productive in the long run.


Set a timer or alert on your phone to get up and stretch. Even if it’s just for 2-5 minutes, it’s enough to refresh your mind, bumping up productivity for the rest of the day.  Set intervals to make this a regular occurrence in your day.


Get out


Productivity stalls when we stay at home for too long. It just becomes redundant to look at the same few walls and workspace. In an office, you have the changes among your co-workers and employees, but at home, there’s not much difference in the day to day.


If you’re able to do so, get out of the house a few days per week.  Whether it’s during business hours to work at a coffee shop, or in the evening at a networking event or with friends, it’s crucial to your productivity and sanity!  Make a few plans during the week, even if it’s just to work in a coffee shop for a couple hours per day.


Take the time


Do your best to set up a proper environment that will allow you to be productive.  If you’re constantly looking at a messy house, or sitting in an uncomfortable chair, you’re not focusing on what matters – your work.


For a few dollars and some time, you can set up a warm, comfortable workspace that allows you to focus on your daily tasks, not that uncomfortable setup. In the evenings, make sure that your space is clean and comfortable for the next day as well.




If you work with other employees or just one boss, make sure you’re communicating.  Even if you have to send out a daily email asking for feedback or a check in, communication keeps things on track.


Productivity can stall when you’re waiting on a co-worker to complete a task, or if you’re waiting for approval from your boss.  Do your part by communicating and staying in the loop as much as possible.


Set a schedule

It all comes back to scheduling, and there’s a good reason for this.  Schedules keep things orderly as well as productive. Choose one day per week that becomes your “scheduling day” and keep to it. It doesn’t need to take more than 15-20 minutes, but set out your goals and tasks for the week.  As a bonus, it feels great to be productive and check those items off of a list during the week!

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