4 Ways to Spot Scammy Work From Home Jobs

There are many postings and listings out there for work from home jobs.  Unfortunately, a lot of these are very spammy or just plain scams.  Since working from home is so in demand these days, it can be tempting to apply for these kinds of jobs and see where it goes.

Read along for some tips and advice to avoid scams when finding work from home.

Personal information

Avoid and cease communication with any job asking for personal information from the start, as well as anyone asking for money.  You shouldn’t pay to be considered for a job, and if that’s happening, it’s not an appropriate position.

Additionally, if any employer asks you to meet anywhere that sounds strange, or says anything that sends off alarm bells – always question this for your own safety.

Too good to be true

Sometimes you’ll come across positions that sound a little bit too good.  Do you get to work from home for 5 hours per week, make $150,000 with the potential to grow that 10 times in a year?  While that sounds like the job of a lifetime, it’s more than likely not true! These types of outlandish claims are a great clue that the job is less-than-truthful.

Sometimes the grandiose promises aren’t uncovered until you speak with someone.  You might be applying to what seems to be a very normal work from home position, but you might find out that it pays very little, or requires strange networking or payment plans and requirements.  These are typically scams that might make you find new recruits and others as part of the scam.  Avoid these at all costs!


This can apply to being inappropriate in content or inappropriate in requests from the employer.  As a general rule, avoid websites not set up specifically for work from home jobs, as they typically attract a lot of scams.  Also, if they are soliciting personal photos and information – or showing inappropriate photos and information – it’s not a legitimate home based job.

Repeated listings

If you see continuous postings from the same company with very generic information and skillset requirements, this is typically a scam.  You will also find that your emails get bounced back from the listing contact address, which is another telling sign.  As far as repeated listings, scammy jobs often post the same job over and over again, often taking up hundreds of pages with it.  This is almost always some type of scam trying to target as many people as possible.  Avoid these!

HireMyMom.com prides itself on providing legitimate work from home jobs from reputable companies and individuals.  Many jobs sites feature work from home jobs that are simply scams, multi-level marketing opportunities, or other types of illegitimate work that isn’t what most of us are searching for.  When you’re specifically seeking a work from home position, choose a site that’s known for this type of work! You’re far, far less likely to encounter spam and actually find a profitable work from home position.

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4 Tips to Recharge and Destress

In any job, there comes a time when you face burnout, long hours, or just find yourself in need of a break.  While working long hours is great for productivity, it’s not the best for your mental outlook.  If you don’t give yourself time to relax, destress, and unplug once in awhile, life can quickly become all about work.

Read along for some best practices for recharging after a stressful period of work or time of strenuous hours.


Sometimes you just need to unplug for the entire night, weekend, or even a few days. Even if you can’t unplug for a full day, it’s important that you’re unplugging every day to avoid burnout.  Do your best to avoid marathon work sessions that leave your eyes, body, and mind stressed.  The key to this step is to first listen to your body and signals of overstress, then be willing to take some time off.

While you unplug, it’s important to frequently get some quiet time to yourself.  This can be challenging with family, kids and pets, and other obligations, but it’s important to give your brain and body a break.

Schedule something special

Put something relaxing on the calendar! Whether your idea of something special is scheduling a massage or manicure, spending an afternoon shopping, or simply curling up in a quiet corner with a good book, be sure that nothing interrupts this appointment! Barring any true emergency, show up for yourself and give yourself that much needed chance to recharge your batteries.

Look at your schedule

It’s time to take an honest look at your time and commitments.  Where can you cut back? This isn’t always possible, but if you’re truly stressing and need a break, there are often small things you can cut back on.

Is there a weekly commitment that doesn’t bring you a lot of joy anymore? A small side freelance job that no longer serves you? Take stock of what’s most important to you and prioritize accordingly.

Make it a daily habit

Recharging and reducing stress takes practice for most of us, as work can be time-consuming and a large part of our lives.  Self care starts with you, so it has to be put into practice by you as well.  Make it a daily habit to take a few moments for yourself, which might include things such as meditation, baths, yoga, hiking in nature, or meetups with friends.  It’s not selfish to take personal time, as it’s often the key to bigger breakthroughs and more stability in your life.  Coming back to everything with a fresh attitude is never a bad idea!

Taking the time to destress and come back more refreshed is not only great for you and your career, it’s great for your family and friends.  When you’re happier, healthier, and feeling more connected to what you truly need, you’re able to bring your best self into your everyday life.

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4 Ways to Stay Connected When Working from Home

When you work from home, it can be difficult to integrate social interaction into your day.  While your kids may be home with you, it’s still important to maintain a social life – digitally and in person.  Staying connected to co-workers and employers is very important, as is maintaining your social life as a work from home employee.

Stay in touch during the day

Skype is an excellent tool for a call or chat during the day, which is useful for friends or co-workers and employers.  It almost gives you an office feel to be able to chat with your co-workers “face to face” for a few moments, and it’s also more personal than a typical call.  The chat feature makes it easy to talk to co-workers, employers, or tech support employees in other countries without the back and forth of email.

If you’re feeling disconnected from your team, see if you can integrate weekly calls to stay on track and maintain contact.  When you and your team stay connected, less items slip through the cracks, and a more solid connection is able to be formed through frequent contact.


Networking online via Facebook and LinkedIn Groups is great, but getting out is even better!

Utilize sites such as Meetup.com to find social and professional groups of interest to you, or join your local chamber for casual and high profile events that can boost your personal and professional circle.  Not only does networking get you out and about, but it allows you to bolster your professional relationships with other working people, all while getting to learn more about your community in business.

Work outside

This goes for outside the home or physically outside!  A change of scenery is known to be very helpful by boosting productivity and giving your mind a mental break from the same old thing.

Go outside on a nice day and spend an hour working while breathing in the fresh air, or take the kids for a picnic during the day.  You can bring some work along to do after you eat and they play!

If it’s winter or the weather isn’t cooperating, simply get outside the house for a few hours per week.  Your local coffee or cafe shop is always a great option, and they almost always have wifi available.  Again, this is another way to change up your work scenery and come back refreshed.

Get out and meet

Make a point to get out of the house a few days per week.  Whether you meet up with a friend for lunch every Friday afternoon, or plan your grocery shopping over Tuesday’s lunch hour, it’s just great to get out and get some fresh air when you work from home.

It’s also important that some of your outside the house time is social – plan walks with friends, meet for lunch, work together at a park or find a new walking trail to check out on your lunch hour.

While working from home isn’t a traditionally social environment, you can stay in touch with friends, family, and co-workers and have a satisfying social life by taking a few extra steps to stay connected!

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5 Tips for Healthy Eating When You Work From Home

Even though working from home allows you to generally eat whatever you want anytime, sometimes that can make it a struggle to stay healthy! In a traditional work setting, the issues usually revolve around takeout and convenience foods, while working from home can create poor eating habits and all day snacking.  Read along for some tips to stay healthy as a home based worker.

Keep healthy food

Keep healthy food options in the house – and visible.  Buy a nice fruit bowl and keep fruit right at the kitchen entrance, or purchase pre-cut fruits and veggies for the week.  As long as you have healthy options available, it’s much easier to stay on track.

Avoid temptations

If you struggle with all day eating or simply snacking on the wrong foods, do your best to keep temptations out of the house during the week.  It doesn’t have to be painful! Think of what you can include in your diet – fresh fruits, veggies, whole grain crackers, protein – versus what you have to eliminate.  You can always have whatever you choose, it’s just better for health and productivity to make most of that food healthy.

Find something fun

Find something fun to look forward to! This doesn’t have to be food, but it certainly can be. Why not plan evening trips to a new park with your kids, or another healthy activity that teaches them good habits.  You can also meet a friend at a new healthy eatery – this is something to look forward to that fits your goals and allows you to socialize as well!

Structure it

Make a plan and stick to it! It’s much easier for your time and productivity levels to have meals planned out as well.  On Saturday or Sunday, make a plan for the week, create your grocery list, and head to the store.  You can do all of the cooking for the week in a few hours, and then everything is pre-packaged and ready to go.  When you make a plan with anything in life, your goals tend to get met and unexpected challenges that come up are much less likely.

Meal plans are also incredibly helpful for families, as your kids can also participate and give healthy meal ideas.  This also allows them to learn about cooking, clean eating, and fun snacks that are always available.

Remember your goals

Your goals do not need to have anything to do with weight loss, but feeling good while working from home is a noble one. When we eat better, we feel better! Shift your focus from “bad” foods and deprivation to really fueling your body for a productive, happy workday, and feel free to include treats whenever you choose.  This process is really about what you’ll do most of the time, and what will allow you to feel your best when it would be easier to simply avoid healthy eating in the home.

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4 Tips for Good Desk Posture

We all know that sitting at a desk all day is not ideal, but it’s a part of work.  According to DIYGenius.com, “Scientists believe that anyone sitting more than 6 hours a day is at a heightened risk of developers problems and this much sitting may be as bad as smoking a pack of cigarettes everyday.”  It’s very clear that sitting has long term health implications, including postural issues.

Since we’re prone to long days seated at a desk, here are some tips and tricks to improve health and posture during your workday.

Look into standing desks

A standing desk is just as it says – a desk that allows you to stand and work.  The benefits of a standing desk include less strain on your back from sitting, less time spent being sedentary, and approximately 50 more calories burned per hour.  

The desk is designed with your computer up much higher, so you don’t have to hunch over to stand and work.  While standing desks can be a great way to improve posture and avoid sitting all day, it’s still important to give yourself a break from time to time.

If you do go with a standing desk, look into establishing a schedule that combines periods of sitting with standing.

Stretch it out

Stretching is a great antidote to sitting all day! You don’t have to go into a full yoga routine, but some simple desk stretches can make a big difference in how you feel.

There are numerous back, neck, and leg stretches you can do directly at your desk, so there’s no excuse!

Click here for some simple desk stretches from BestHealthmag.ca.  

Sit properly

In this case, this has nothing to do with manners and everything to do with your health!  Sitting in an ergonomically proper way is key to feeling comfortable and eliminating long term damage at a desk job.

According to Mayoclinic.com, your monitor should be at arm’s length away, wrists should be straight, hands at or below elbow level, and your chair should be adjusted at a height so that your knees are about level with your hips.  Additionally, the top of your monitor’s screen should be at or slightly below eye level.

It’s also very important to sit back fully into your chair and sit up straight.  If you catch yourself hunching over, straighten back up and do a few stretches before resuming work.  Click here for more tips on office ergonomics.

Take breaks

Breaks are key to mental and physical health when you sit at a desk for your job.  Get up and walk around, stretch, take your dog around the block, or simply walk in place.  This is great for your posture – it gives you a moment to roll your shoulders back, shake off the stress, and start over.  Also, when you give your body a chance to really relax for a moment, you reduce the physical stress that you’re holding onto.

Take care of your body, set up your workstation correctly, and use correct postural tips to ensure that you stay healthy and safe while working!

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4 Top Tips for Work From Home Employees

Working from home presents a unique set of challenges and perks, but the common theme is that things are simply different as a home based employee.  From finances to taxes to workspace, these things must be considered by you in most cases, versus relying on an employer.

Read along for some best tips and practices to ensure that you’re ready to work from home successfully.

Stay financially savvy

It’s important to keep track of financial records, expenses, and tax items when you work from home.  Often times, you’ll be a 1099 Independent Contractor instead of an employee, which can come with unique tax structures and filings.

Look into some of these structures before beginning your home based career, and advise your spouse of the differences in filing. You can also set up a consultation with an accountant to ensure that you’re keeping tabs on the right items and have your employment set up correctly.

Create a space

As we’ve said time and time again, make sure that you have a specific space set up for work.  Not only can this be important if you have a business for expense purposes, but it’s key to staying mentally healthy and organized in a home based career.

Set aside a room or section of your dwelling that’s just for work – and keep it that way.  When work becomes everywhere, it can be very tough to turn it off at the end of the workday.

Turn it off

Stop working at some point in the day! Whether you choose to work at night or during the day, be sure that you’re logging a normal amount of hours on a consistent basis.  Of course as with any job, there may be stretches of overtime, but this can become more prevalent working from home.

Set office hours just as you would at a traditional job, and really be home when you choose to finish work for the day.

Use the right tools

The right tools are incredibly helpful in keeping you productive in a home based career.  While an office job typically has these tools built in, you have to set them up for yourself to ensure success.

Working from home typically requires more planning and thought than a typical job, but with the right tools, space, and forethought to ensure that everything is working smoothly, you can enjoy the vast benefits of productivity and flexibility that a home based career can provide!

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4 Tips for Work From Home Moms

Many people work from home, but not all of those people are parents.  While working from home affords a lot of flexibility and schedule changes most of the time, it can still be a challenge to juggle work as a work from home mom.

With some adjustments to your schedule and reaching out to others, you can still get work done while prioritizing family.

Use naptime

Utilize naptime to your advantage! If your children still take naps during the day, do your best to keep them on a schedule and plan to get your most challenging work done during this time.  While naps aren’t typically hours and hours in length, they can provide enough time for 100% focus.

Ask for help

Whether it’s family or friends, asking for help is a key tip.  If you don’t have family close by, you can look into children’s groups or babysitters available during the day.  In this day and age, there are even babysitters who come to your house for the day and can watch your kids in the comfort of their own home.

You don’t have to reach out for outside help every day, but if you can get a few hours or free days once in awhile, it can mean a lot to your productivity.

Keep your space

We’ve said it before, but keeping a separate space for work is key to staying on task with kids.  While you can’t always be without distraction, it’s easier to really focus on those uninterrupted hours in a designated space.

When you set up your office space for success, it’s much easier to access necessary materials and get work done in a neat, quiet, and personalized environment.  Keeping this separate from working at the counter or on the couch allows you to separate work from home, which also tells your family when you are working versus being wife and/or mom.

Set it up

You can look into educational or physical activities for children outside of the home.  Is there a local swim team?  Maybe there are discovery classes on various topics from karate to nature walks and education.  Not only does this allow your children to participate in activities outside of the home, it gives you more free time.  Do your best to set up these times in advance, so you’re able to know when you can be the most productive.

If there isn’t much going on outside the home, set up your kids with and educational toy or activity here and there to keep them engaged and enriched.

Working from home with kids can be a challenge but it’s not impossible.   All it takes is some tweaks of the schedule and planning ahead.  By creating a productivity plan that works best for you, you’re giving your children the opportunity to be entertained while maintaining your work balance.

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4 Easy Stretches To Do at Your Desk

We all know it’s important to move about our day and get up and stretch.  If we don’t, we risk suffering from back pain, weight gain, and various other health issues.  While working from home makes it easier to get up and stretch, sometimes it’s not ideal to get up and do so when needed.

Whether you’re on a call, just need a quick break, or want to stay seated, easy desk stretches are important in your daily work life.  We’ve compiled some of the best options below for increased mobility, blood flow, and energy throughout your day.

Fix Tight Hips

From FoxBusiness.com:

“How to Quickly Relieve Tension: Try doing a stretch to release tight hip flexors. Kneel on your left knee—like you are about to propose to someone—and place your right foot forward with your right knee bent at a 90-degree angle. Shift your pelvis forward, bend your front knee and tuck your butt under until you feel a deeper stretch in the left hip. Hold for 30 seconds. Switch legs.”

Stretch the Shoulders

From TheMuse.com:

PR workout F12 triceps

This a stretch you can do sitting down. Touch your opposite shoulder blade, and then gently grab your elbow, and pull it towards the opposite side.

Lift and Relax

From WebMD.com:

“Inhale deeply and shrug your shoulders, lifting them high up to your ears. Hold. Release and drop. Repeat three times.

Shake your head slowly, yes and no. You might as well amuse yourself while you do it to relax even further. Ask yourself silly questions: “Is your boss an idiot?” Move your head up and down, “Yes, yes, yes.” Side to side: “No. No. No.” (Shedding tension is as much mental as physical.)”

Release the Strain

From BestHealthMag.ca:

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“Sitting up straight, with your feet flat and shoulders back, grab onto the bottom of your chair with your right hand. Then slowly tilt your head sideways, bringing your left ear toward your left shoulder until you feel a gentle stretch along the right side of your neck and shoulder. Hold for 10 to 15 seconds; repeat on the opposite side. Do this stretch a few times a day to help prevent a strain from starting in the first place.”

Images Courtesy: health.usnews.com, Physiohub.com

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10 Benefits of HireMyMom.com

HireMyMom.com is a unique site that features only work from home job opportunities! It’s a great place for moms to find legitimate careers while keeping the flexibility and freedom of working from home.

We believe that HireMyMom.com is a fantastic site with numerous job opportunities – read along for some of the key features of our site.


HireMyMom.com prides itself on featuring legitimate, quality work from home job positions.  There are no scams or “start a business” type of postings on the site, making it ideal for those looking for a traditional job in a non-conventional workspace.


Since the jobs listed on HireMyMom.com are for home based positions, they give you much more flexibility! You’re able to apply for jobs and work them from anywhere; this is an especially ideal situation for moms with families, as you’re able to stay home with your kids while making an income.


The featured jobs are of high quality, with listings in the fields of graphic design, marketing, social media management, writing, legal assistance, and much more.  Not only are the jobs of higher quality, but applicants are as well.  Anyone who applies for membership on HireMyMom.com must have 1-2 years of experience in their given field, making them strong candidates for these positions.


HireMyMom.com is very affordable and is priced at just $29.95 per quarter or $99 per year.  Although this fee is very reasonable, you are not paying for a job. You are paying for a service to connect Mom Professionals with businesses seeking home-based contractors, employees and freelancers. Our business has grown leaps and bounds by word of mouth because businesses have been overjoyed at the quality of candidates found on HireMyMom.com, and Mom Professionals have been thrilled with the great opportunities that come through HireMyMom.com.


Once you apply for a job, you no longer need to work within the interface on HireMyMom.com.  You’ll contact and respond directly with the employer, and everything is handled between the two of you.  This allows you to manage your own job search and find the positions that are best fit for you.

No Direct Sales

HireMyMom.com does not allow job postings for any MLM or network marketing sites. Although these opportunities can be valid, we choose to outsource projects in the marketing, graphic design, writing, and other similar professional industries.


New jobs are posted very frequently, with some days receiving several posts.  Check back daily for updated posts in a variety of different fields.


HireMyMom.com checks out the company (if listed) with the BBB, RipOffReport.com, LinkedIn, and similar sites prior to approving any project. If they have an unsatisfactory record, the job is not approved. Or if the job is in any way offensive or objectionable, it is not approved.


You’re welcome to check out some sample job postings before deciding to join the site! Click here for a few sample work from home job positions.


We have wonderful feedback from Mom Professionals and businesses/employers:

“Thank you so much for this service. I posted my project late Sunday evening and by 10:00 am the next day, I had several very qualified candidates. It’s a load off of mind to know that I can find qualified professional female candidates for my firm. I will be posting for another position shortly and I know just where to come. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

Catina Downey-Stroble, CPA, LLC

“I’d been searching for a remote position for months using other online job boards with no luck when I read an article about HireMyMom.com in a respected blog. At first, I thought it was “too good to be true,” but I plunged ahead anyway, willing to take a chance because of the low fee and the endorsements I found all over the Internet. About three weeks into my membership, I found a perfect job! I applied, was interviewed, and have been enjoying my new role ever since. HireMyMom.com is the real deal.”

Laura S. Wharton

Click here for more Mom Professional and business/employer testimonials.


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3 Tips for Work From Home Health

You might think that a home based career would be better for your health, and it can be – if you do it correctly! It can actually be easier to eat less healthy foods and continue to work all the time when you work from home.  To avoid mental and physical burnout, focus on the tips below for your best health from home!

Stop on time

Mental health is just as important as physical health when you work from home! It’s important to stop working at a certain time most days, or rearrange your schedule so that you’re working a certain number of hours per day.  When your work is just your laptop, it can be tempting to continue work throughout your whole day and night, but that mental break is so important.

Separate work from home and keep yourself mentally strong and focused by shutting down your work each night.  Just as an employee in a traditional office would go home at the end of the day, you should do the same!

Establish a routine

Create a workout routine that is sustainable for you and your lifestyle. Often times, we start out with overly ambitious goals of working out at 4:30 AM, but if that doesn’t suit your body, family, or work schedule, this isn’t an option.

Whether you choose to leave the house for fitness classes or the gym, or simply a strong practice at home – keep at it! We stay healthy when we commit to a routine that’s enjoyable and doable.  Set aside time in your day, just as you would any important meeting, and make fitness a priority in your day.

Keep it healthy

When you work from home, it’s even more tempting to search the fridge every hour.  Just like you’ll be creating a fitness schedule, keep your eating on a semi-regular schedule as well.  If you find you’re an unhealthy snacker, only keep healthy foods in the house.  Set yourself up for success, and keep meal times and foods on a schedule that keeps you feel energized.  This also helps you avoid eating all day, which can lead to weight gain and low energy fairly quickly!

On the other side of the equation, be sure you’re eating enough to keep your energy up! Since oyu don’t have the bustling energy of an office or in-person employees and employers, it’s important to keep yourself going to stay motivated.

Create mental space in your day, establish a sustainable fitness routine, and plan to eat healthy when you work from home – these tips will ensure that you’re in your best shape mentally and physically in your home based career!

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