HireMyMom Success Story: Roxanne Doche

What’s your success story with HireMyMom?

I first started with HireMyMom as a recommendation from a friend back in 2009. We were trying for our second child and I really didn’t want to commit to a 9-5. Especially in my field, Marketing, since most jobs require long hours and a lot of traveling. I landed my first two consulting jobs within the first week. As it turned out, I did accept another full-time position, so I stopped consulting. Three years later, my older daughter was diagnosed with kidney cancer so I was forced to quit my job. We also had our third baby that year. Now that everyone is healthy and the youngest just started preschool, I decided to subscribe to HMM just to see what’s out there. I’m always so impressed by the amazing quality of people that post here. By the end of that week, I had interviewed with two companies that I completely fell in love with (both run by talented and successful moms) and they both hired me on the spot. It’s been four months and I’m still working with both of them, and I have picked up two more from HMM! And those moms have referred me to their friends and colleagues and I am now at the point where I have to turn down work. Considering the money that I would need to spend for full-time daycare for three, HMM is actually helping me earn more than I could in any office position, and I’m able to volunteer in my kids’ classrooms and attend every school performance … all while running the dishwasher and doing laundry. I owe this “dream” lifestyle to HMM!

What’s your educational and experiential background?

I majored in Communications at Northeastern University in Boston. I spent 15 years in various Marketing roles, most recently as a Marketing Director. I worked in Technology, Real Estate and Nonprofit. My emphasis is in online marketing, social media and copywriting/content management. I am also proficient in graphic design.

What is your top tip for landing a gig on HireMyMom?

Honestly, just be yourself. I am so honest in my cover letters. I personalize every single one of them and I tell the employer what I think I can offer their company. I am also very selective with which jobs that I apply to. I research the company to get a feel of the dynamic and the CEO. If I get a good vibe, I apply. Also, if you’re applying to a creative position (or even an admin job), build a website. It’s so easy to make a free web template on sites like Wix and Weebly. It helps the employer connect to you if you have a photo and a more in-depth bio available, as well as samples of your work. For non-creatives, LinkedIn works too!

What’s your favorite thing about HireMyMom?

Everything. I love how easy it is to apply for jobs. It’s so affordable and has an amazing community of employers. Even though I’m completely full right now, I won’t cancel my subscription. It’s reassuring to know that if I end up losing a client or two, I can easily rebuild my pipeline with just one click!

What’s one fun fact about you?

Graphic design started off as a hobby. I loved to edit and play with photos when I worked in analytical marketing for a major commercial real estate company. Occasionally, they would ask me to assist the creative team by adding a filter to a cover photo or importing stock photos into their brochures. That was so fun for me, so I started editing all of my personal photos. And then, I took a class, and eventually a few more. Now, graphic design is where I make the most money and it’s my absolute favorite part of the job!

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3 Key Personality Traits in Home Based Workers

Working from home takes a special personality, as you aren’t working within the normal confines of a traditional workplace. Although anyone can learn and adjust their strategy to be successful, certain innate traits will make a home based career much simpler.


The traits below are most suited for working from home, so if you see yourself in them, rest assured that you will likely be successful working from home. If not, you’ll know what to work on if a home based career is your ultimate goal.


Independent Self Starter


The ideal work from home employee is highly independent and not afraid to be a self starter. They are used to working by themselves, save for some phone calls, video chats, and emails between employees and clients.


Since you aren’t in an office, you’ll have to motivate yourself, and sometimes, without someone giving you direct feedback and orders, it can be tough to stay focused.  Independent self starters are very capable of handling these long stretches of alone time, and they can get work done while they do.  They aren’t hesitant to start work and often work ahead to make sure they stay productive and on task.




Those who work from home must be very organized. Organization in an office environment is also incredibly useful, but for home based work, it is crucial. First of all, it’s highly likely that you’ll be working with a variety of employers and/or clients, so keeping them straight and tasks complete is first and foremost.


Organization can be as simple as task and to do lists, or as complex as employing a third party system to keep things in place. The ideal home based worker knows that they’ll need to be organized, and they’ll likely already be working this way in a traditional setting.


Time Manager


Time management comes along with organization, but it’s a separate component all its own. You can be organized without having a good concept of time management and working from home requires both.


Organization is the process of keeping everything in order and completed, while time management ensures that everything is done in a reasonable time frame that still leaves you time to lead your life.

When you work from home, it can be easy to get caught up in distractions and other items in your house.  The TV, radio, and so on are much more easily accessible in a home office.  Time management is one task that you can’t take too seriously.  If you make it a priority, you’ll be able to work the same amount of hours as an office job, while in the comfort of your own home.

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Redbook Magazine Features HireMyMom

Lesley Pyle Redbook Magazine Feature

Hot Mama – Netpreneur Lesley Spencer Pyle

Hiremymom.com is the kind of business idea that’s so timely and practical that, naturally, it took a mom to think it up. The site, which connects companies looking to outsource projects with work-from-home moms who are eager for part-time work, was launched last May by Lesley Spencer Pyle, a mother of four in Spring, TX.

“I got pregnant right after I started my first job doing PR for a golf school,” says Pyle. “I hated being away from my baby, but my employer wasn’t open to flextime, so I quit.” Since her family was dependent on Pyle’s income, she began scrambling for freelance work.

“I knew there were other moms out there in the same position – I thought we could really learn from each other,” Pyle says. In 1995, she founded the online community Home-Based Working Moms (hbwm.com) which has evolved into a mini-empire, including a home-based business directory, a start-your-own-business kit, and a newsletter. Pyle loved connecting with moms online and figured employers might want to access this vast pool of talent. Enter hiremymom.com. For a small fee, moms who do everything from graphic design to sales can get listings for hundreds of long- and short-term projects that can be completed from the comfort of their kitchen table – uh, we mean home office.



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