5 Ways to Start Prepping for Back to School

As we get closer and closer to the end of summer, we’re starting to think about back to school and fall routines. While there’s still plenty of time for summer fun, it’s important to begin thinking about the transition into the school year. Read along for some tips to be prepared – mentally and physically – to get back into the groove!
Shop early
By shopping for back to school items earlier than most, you can typically get in on the best sales. Better yet, you and your kids will have your pick of supplies. If you wait until late into August or after school begins, there’s usually not much to choose from. School supply lists can be long and specific, so be sure to pick things up early.
Start a routine
Summer is known for more relaxation and flexibility! Whether you’ve been more loosely scheduled with your work, or your kids are simply in “summer mode,” it’s a great time to prepare for the more strict school year.
You can start by setting earlier bedtimes, doing baths earlier in the evening, and so on. It’s important (and much more pleasant) to ease your kids back into their year, and this starts with their routine. You can start small: 10-30 minutes earlier every week until you’re back on school time. This will make mornings and bedtimes much easier when school begins!
Create a schedule
Take a look at the upcoming year before it even gets started. As we’ve mentioned, things tend to change from flexible to more structured during the year, so it’s important to be ready. With activities, sports, and other programs being added into your schedule, you may have to rearrange some work or set up a carpool.
Start with a basic outline of your family’s days and go from there. If you need to shift work, add work, or find childcare, now is the time to begin thinking about it seriously.
Set some goals
While you’re setting up your schedule, also take some time to set some goals – for your family, career, fitness goals, and so on. This can even be a fun activity to do with your kids! Do they want to make a certain team? Try a specific class? Goals can help us get excited about the future, as well as motivate us for a great year ahead. Set some goals for the upcoming year, and check in with them as the weeks go on.
Soak up summer
As summer winds down, soak up the final days of summer! Plan something fun or just enjoy having the kids home. Take some time for yourself if your work schedule allows, and take comfort in the fact that you’ve started planning for the upcoming school year.