7 Tips to Rock Your Remote Job Interview

Whether you already work from home or you’re seeking your first remote job, an online interview is likely part of that process. Believe it or not, many of the interview tips for a traditional office job still apply to work from home jobs.  Here is our advice for your interview success!

Dress Appropriately

Treat this interview as if you were meeting face to face in an office. Wear appropriate casual work attire. Not only will you look professional but dressing the part will help you feel more prepared and put you in the right mind set. Take those few extra minutes to prepare to look your best, as it will help your confidence and help you come across as a true professional!


Check Your Background

Make sure there is no clutter, distractions, people walking around behind you, dogs barking or children making loud noises. Plan your interview for a time when you have child care if needed so that you can focus and the interviewer does not have to wonder if that’s the environment you’d be working in if he or she hired you. An employer is going to want someone completely focused on the job. If kids are there, it will lead them to believe you will not be completely focused on their job. Also check the lighting and make sure it’s bright for a clear picture for a video interview.


Be Prepared and On Time

It should go without saying, but be on time. Being punctual is still important in the remote world. If your interview is at 2pm, then sign on at 1:55pm. Don’t wait until the interview start time to download the app or go to the chosen platform to see how it works. Get to know the platform you will be interviewing on. If it’s Zoom, take some time practice and get familiar with it.  Same with Skype, GoTo Meeting or whichever platform they are using.

Be prepared — you will impress the employer if you know something about the company you’re interviewing to work for.  Take some time before the interview to visit their website, social media and blogs. Look for things you can talk about in the interview to let them know that you’ve done your research. In addition to learning about the company itself, know something about the industry.  You don’t need to do an in depth dive, but having some knowledge is key, and allows you to answer questions with more clarity and understanding.

And just like a face-to-face interview, eye contact is important. Be sure to look at the person as if you were speaking directly in person.

Lastly, make sure you read the job description again before the interview. Have a good understanding of what the job entails, as well as the skills, experience and personality needed to succeed.

Ask Questions

In any interview, it’s likely that the employer or hiring person will ask if you have any questions.  This is a prime time for you to show interest and gain more insight into the employer. Spend some time coming up with a few questions ahead of time, but here are a few to get you started:

  • What traits do you most value in someone in this role?
  • How will we communicate as a team?
  • How do you measure success for this position?
  • What are the day-to-day responsibilities for this job position (if not specified in the job posting)?
  • What are some of the qualities of successful people in this position or company?
  • What is the timeline for hiring for this position?

Have it Memorized

Make sure you know your resume inside and out! Interviewers will often have your resume in front of them during your interview, and they might pick out older job positions or positions that aren’t super fresh in your mind.

Take some time to review your resume ahead of time, and be ready to discuss every piece on it.  For bonus points, do this with an eye for what’s the most “stand out” and applicable about each resume item for the position you’re interviewing for.

Sell Yourself Confidently

This is your time to shine and tell them why you are a great fit for this role. Share the traits, skills and experience that you feel make you a great fit for the job.  Along with that, it’s important for a company to know that you really want this job!  Express that when you’re talking.

Say Thank You

Common courtesy goes a long way! Before the interview, begin drafting a standard thank you email.  After the interview has been completed, fill it in with details about your conversation. There’s no need to make this more than 3-4 sentences, but personalizing it can make a great impression.

Thank the interviewer for their time, mention a point of conversation from the interview, and continue to express your interest.  From there, be sure to follow up within a few days to a week – being proactive is key! Unless the interviewer gave you a specific time frame for a decision, there’s no harm in checking in.

For additional help with your resume, cover letter or interview skills, check out our Job Seeker 101 Course and our One-on-One Consulting Services.

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5 Tips for Better Work-Life Balance

We all hear about the elusive “work-life balance” concept.  It’s the place where our careers and personal lives become balanced.  We don’t feel overworked, we have enough time for friends and family, and so on.  While this is a great concept in theory, and one we should strive for, it can be quite difficult to make it happen.

Since reducing stress and making more time for those things that are important to you is truly crucial, read along for some of our best tips in increasing your work-life balance, and hopefully, your quality of life.

Declare your priorities

When you figure out what’s most important in your life, it becomes easier to figure out where to place your time.  If you’re working very hard to advance your career, perhaps that’s your priority for the next six months.  On the other hand, if you’ve been pulling 60 hour weeks and your priority is family time, you may have to re-evaluate a bit.  Everyone will have different priorities, and they will often change depending on the season of your life.

To start to create that feeling of satisfaction and balance in your life, start by examining priorities and place more of your time there.

Take time for yourself

It’s important to unplug when you aren’t in “work” mode! And it should be noted that work mode should not be 24/7.  This can be difficult as work from home moms, but it’s a necessity in gaining balance.

Take time for yourself: schedule something exciting, keep weekends for friends, family, errands, and fun, and generally create space for the good things in life.  Yes, work is important and a huge part of our lives, but if that’s all you do, you’ll quickly feel out of balance.  Don’t feel guilty about making yourself a priority; you’ll be a better mom, friend, and employee for it!

Manage your time

Are you spending more time than you thought on work tasks?  Keep track of your time for a while – both business and personal.  Once you see some patterns forming, create a solid schedule.  This will allow you to keep things in order and allow you to see where your free time is.  WHen you know where you’re spending too much (or not enough) time, you can readjust.

A lot of the work of establishing a solid work-life balance is in seeing where your time is going.  If you don’t keep track for a while, how will you know?  Put in some of the effort in the beginning and you can truly see where your time is being spent.

Make time for fun

For most people, a large part of work-life balance will include relaxation, family and friends.  You still have to have fun, even if your current priority is work or career advancement. It’s crucial to stay social, especially if you work from home.  Keep those social appointments and work them into your busy schedule whenever possible!

Take breaks

It’s important to stick to your guns regarding vacations, time off, and breaks.   Vacations and breaks don’t need to be elaborate, but there needs to be a definitive break from work on a consistent basis.

In our current culture, it’s easy to put these things off because so much needs to be done.  Fortunately, these things will still be there when you return! This isn’t to say that a great work ethic isn’t a wonderful thing, but too much of anything isn’t useful.

Work towards a balanced sense of work and life by following the tips above.  When you see where your time is going, focus on your priorities, and stay committed to what’s best for you, you’ll find these things are much more balanced in your life.

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HireMyMom Success Story: Katty Flores

What’s your success story with HireMyMom.com?

I tried HireMyMom for the first time this year. It took a little less than a month to find my first job! I applied to several positions, I’d say 12 different postings, being careful to not only apply through the HireyMyMom site but also to email these employers/businesses directly. I had 3 interviews, the last being the one that made me an offer. I was elated to finally have the chance to work from home while still being a mom and wife, first!

What is your top tip for landing a gig on HireMyMom.com?

1) Make sure your resume is clean, short and sweet. I know that we want to draw attention to ALL of our experiences, however, I read that you should keep your resume to one page.

2) Some employers will have links to their applications. Treat these like you would any other important, paper application. Fill them out completely and thoroughly. Even if you uploaded your resume, make sure you fill in job by job. Otherwise, it resembles laziness.

3) Use complete sentences and proper grammar when typing up explanations.

4) Email the employer with a quick greeting and inform them you’ve just applied to their position (if applicable) and briefly introduce yourself.

5) After 3 days or so, send another follow up email regarding your application. The idea is that if your goal is to get a job, your actions should demonstrate it.

What’s your favorite thing about HireMyMom.com?

My favorite thing about HireMyMom is that the business or individual posting their job on the site is well aware the applicants are family centered first. They are knowingly giving moms the opportunity to feel worthy of their intelligence and skills, while allowing them to be sensitive toward their family.

What’s one fun fact about you?

A fun fact about me is that humor is my most used ingredient when brewing perspective for life’s expected and unexpected challenges.


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4 Tips for Holiday Break Productivity

Today begins holiday break for a lot of families, and it’s important to take the time to refresh and rejuvenate before the start of the new year.

Although most of your household will likely be home from school and work, a home based worker is never truly “away” from work.  It’s very important to take time for yourself this time of year while still completing your work.  Read along for some best practices in keeping up with productivity while enjoying the season.

Create schedules and lists

At this time of year, many of us are juggling numerous events and schedules! It can help to create short lists and schedules for work, Christmas, New Year’s, and anything else that’s taking place during this busy holiday season.

Before you go on break, take a few minutes to figure out what needs to be done and when.  There’s still time to lay everything out and prioritize based on available days.

Use spare time

When there are activities taking place that don’t involve the whole family, take this time to stay back.  Of course you don’t want to miss anything truly special or important, but simple errands can be skipped if there’s another family member who can handle them.

You can also utilize early bedtimes and nap time to get ahead with work.  Although everyone is typically home for the holidays, there can still be time when your kids are with friends or spending time with other family members.

Work ahead

As with all productivity tips, working ahead is a great way to stay on top of things.  Most of us will still have to put in some working hours over the next couple weeks, but if you work from home, you can likely work when you have the time.

Even though home based work never really goes away, we have the benefit of being able to work at any time.  Utilize this to your advantage! Spend a few nights or early mornings before holidays working ahead a bit.  This not only ensures that you’re completing the work that needs done – it allows you to come into the new year without a mad rush of work.

Enjoy the season

Work will still be there after holiday break! We all have work, family, and home obligations, but this is truly the time of year to enjoy your family.  Yes, work is still important and must be completed, but find a way to work it into your holiday schedule without missing those truly magical moments with your friends and family.

Take this time to relax, refresh, work as needed, and come into the new year with a clear head and sense of calm.

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5 Tips for a Perfect Gift

There are only a few shopping days left until Christmas, and it’s likely that many readers still have gifts to give! Whether you’re still waiting to buy for family and friends or had some surprise gifts pop up, it can be tough to find that perfect present.

While there’s no “ideal” gift out there, you can do your best to ensure a pleasant reaction by following the tips below.


Beyond everything else, your gift should be thoughtful.  Most people don’t just want to collect more “stuff,” so it’s important that your gift is well thought out.  If your mother in law doesn’t like candles, it might not be the best idea to re-gift her one.

But does she like wine tastings?  Kayaking?  These are all experiences that can also make great gifts.  Although gift cards and certificates can be seen as “impersonal,” they are also very appreciated when they are also thoughtful.  Consider taking someone on an experience versus a gift that will take up space.


Gifts should be personal and something that you can’t just give to anyone.  Of course, if your grandma loves scarves (and you deem one to be the perfect gift), you can still get her one.  Personal gifts mean that you really hone in on what the person would like versus just fulfilling a specific amount or obligation.

What does this person like to do?  Do they collect anything?  What’s something they would love but would never buy for themselves? These are often the perfect types of gifts!


You don’t have to be a DIY person to create a homemade gift! For the less personal gifts on your list, try baking, soap-making, or creating small items that can be made at home.  This not only saves money, but it’s a creative, fun and personal way to show you care.


Usefulness is big in today’s world, but sometimes the best gifts just aren’t useful – they’re unique!  Maybe the gift you need is for someone with which you have a lot of fun, or inside jokes, or sarcastic jokes that can make their way into gifts.  Maybe you’re both fans of a certain TV show and there’s a fun gift to go along with that.

Unique doesn’t have to simply mean that it’s tough to buy in a store; it can also mean that it’s something that just wouldn’t fit with anyone else.   These are the best kind of gifts, as they very specifically have the other person think of you and your relationship.

About Them

Make sure that the gift you’re giving is about the recipient.  It can be easy to find something that we would like and think that others would too, but that’s not always the case.  Go into your purchasing with this in mind, and you’ll be surprised at how many items jump out at you.  If you need a bit more guidance, try writing down the qualities, likes and dislikes of this person; it can help to see this all on paper.

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4 Tips to Avoid Holiday Stress

The holidays are officially here and they will only intensify as Christmas gets closer.  The holidays are full of cheer, friends and family, but they can also bring about stress: financially, emotionally, and with work.  Especially in the work from home world, work often needs to be completed despite traditional office closings.  Since home based careers often revolve around a laptop, we still need to find time to get the work done.

Work ahead

It can be tough to work ahead for those days off, but it’s worth it to be able to truly relax with friends and family members. Create a specific to do list for the days that still need to be covered over break and go from there.  It can be helpful to color code the things that need done, are already done, and can wait until the end of the break.  While working ahead can be a bit stressful ahead of time, you’ll know that your clients and employers are set while you’re relaxing.

Avoid the last minute

Whether it’s shopping, working ahead, or planning activities with family – start now!  Don’t ignore the current holiday cheer, but in the time between holidays, begin to get things done.  If you start early enough, there won’t be a big rush at the last minute.  Staying stress-free is all about doing things over time versus waiting until you’re stressed, tired, and down to the wire.

Reign it in

Reign in the spending, amp up the thoughtfulness! This is a key phrase that will help you through the holiday season.  We often get stressed out trying to find the most extravagant, expensive gifts, but that’s truly not what matters.  Begin by focusing on the person you’re buying for, then go for experiences first and foremost.  You can still do thoughtful gifts for your loved ones, all while focusing on what matters most this time of year.

Focus on what matters

Family, friends, faith, and being together is what is truly important right now.  The gifts, business stress, and other obligations can wait.  When you’re trying to do it all this hectic time of year, pause and remember this.  With a little bit of prep and forethought, you can enjoy the holidays more than ever, all while maintaining your obligations and work schedule.

Enjoy this magical, warm time of year with all those you love!

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Hire My Mom Success Story: Amanda Long

What’s your success story with HireMyMom?

I’ve been a member for 3 months, and I just love the quality of clients there… It was about two-weeks before I found the perfect fit. I’m very picky about who I work with so that was probably me. I made four contacts that became clients and/or leads for another time in their business.

What’s your educational and experiential background?

I’m a hair dresser, and have taken Virtual Assistant training from a VA Coach {Alyssa Avant}. As well as several blogging courses and hands on experience from running my own business and blog!

What is your top tip for landing a gig on HireMyMom.com?

Be yourself. When you connect with a client you are more likely to land a job with them as well as keep a lasting relationship. When I first got on HireMyMom, I was trying to be cookie cutter {maybe another reason it took two-weeks}, but when I started personalizing each cover letter more people were interested. These businesses and blogs are looking for the right person to work with, if they weren’t, they would be at UpWork or somewhere like that. So get your know, like and trust words out and use them. 🙂

What’s your favorite thing about HireMyMom.com?

It’s very easy to use, and I really like that they don’t require you to communicate with the client on the site.  These people actually become people you can talk to on the phone, email and plant into your business for a long time to come. They know me and I know them. They’ve referred more clients to me, and I’ve helped them succeed in business. Everyone is very happy!!

What’s one fun fact about you?

I married my high school sweetheart!! We’ve been together for 15 years, married for 11!!


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HireMyMom Success Story: Beth Rodgers

What’s your success story with HireMyMom.com?

I had been looking for legitimate opportunities for me to be able to work and still be home with my kids.  I wasn’t impressed with what I had been finding on my own.  I heard about hiremymom.com and went back and forth on whether or not to pay for a membership.  After checking out the reviews on the hire my mom website I decided to give it a try.  I hadn’t been a member long when I came across a listing that I knew would be perfect for me!  Me and the Mouse Travel was looking for a vacation planner specializing in Disney travel!  I had a series of telephone interviews with the companies owner and was offered a position!  I have been with Me and the Mouse Travel for 3 years now!

What’s your educational and experiential background?

As soon as I seen the listing from Me and the Mouse Travel I became so excited! I had worked for Walt Disney World and studied tourism in college I knew that I would be perfect for this job!  I graduated in 2003 from Central Michigan University with a bachelors degree in business management with a concentration in Human Resources and Travel and Tourism.

Check the site daily new listings get posted daily.  Brush up on your phone and facetime interview skills as most of the time you won’t meet your employer face to face.  Also, make sure to follow up on resume’s and applications you send!

What’s your favorite thing about HireMyMom.com?

My favorite thing about having a membership with HireMyMom.com is that they did the leg work weeding out any job opportunities that I wouldn’t have considered legitimate, professional job opportunities.

What’s one fun fact about you?

I LOVE my job!  Just like HireMyMom helps you to find a perfect job to fit your life circumstances I help families plan magical vacations to fit their desires!  My planning services are free to use!  For more information about my Disney vacation planning services please visit  http://meandthemouse.com/vacations/beth-rodgers/ or email me at beth@meandthemouse.com.

If you’d like to be featured as one of our Success Stories, please contact us!

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4 Tips to Recharge and Destress

In any job, there comes a time when you face burnout, long hours, or just find yourself in need of a break.  While working long hours is great for productivity, it’s not the best for your mental outlook.  If you don’t give yourself time to relax, destress, and unplug once in awhile, life can quickly become all about work.

Read along for some best practices for recharging after a stressful period of work or time of strenuous hours.


Sometimes you just need to unplug for the entire night, weekend, or even a few days. Even if you can’t unplug for a full day, it’s important that you’re unplugging every day to avoid burnout.  Do your best to avoid marathon work sessions that leave your eyes, body, and mind stressed.  The key to this step is to first listen to your body and signals of overstress, then be willing to take some time off.

While you unplug, it’s important to frequently get some quiet time to yourself.  This can be challenging with family, kids and pets, and other obligations, but it’s important to give your brain and body a break.

Schedule something special

Put something relaxing on the calendar! Whether your idea of something special is scheduling a massage or manicure, spending an afternoon shopping, or simply curling up in a quiet corner with a good book, be sure that nothing interrupts this appointment! Barring any true emergency, show up for yourself and give yourself that much needed chance to recharge your batteries.

Look at your schedule

It’s time to take an honest look at your time and commitments.  Where can you cut back? This isn’t always possible, but if you’re truly stressing and need a break, there are often small things you can cut back on.

Is there a weekly commitment that doesn’t bring you a lot of joy anymore? A small side freelance job that no longer serves you? Take stock of what’s most important to you and prioritize accordingly.

Make it a daily habit

Recharging and reducing stress takes practice for most of us, as work can be time-consuming and a large part of our lives.  Self care starts with you, so it has to be put into practice by you as well.  Make it a daily habit to take a few moments for yourself, which might include things such as meditation, baths, yoga, hiking in nature, or meetups with friends.  It’s not selfish to take personal time, as it’s often the key to bigger breakthroughs and more stability in your life.  Coming back to everything with a fresh attitude is never a bad idea!

Taking the time to destress and come back more refreshed is not only great for you and your career, it’s great for your family and friends.  When you’re happier, healthier, and feeling more connected to what you truly need, you’re able to bring your best self into your everyday life.

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10 Benefits of HireMyMom.com

HireMyMom.com is a unique site that features only work from home job opportunities! It’s a great place for moms to find legitimate careers while keeping the flexibility and freedom of working from home.

We believe that HireMyMom.com is a fantastic site with numerous job opportunities – read along for some of the key features of our site.


HireMyMom.com prides itself on featuring legitimate, quality work from home job positions.  There are no scams or “start a business” type of postings on the site, making it ideal for those looking for a traditional job in a non-conventional workspace.


Since the jobs listed on HireMyMom.com are for home based positions, they give you much more flexibility! You’re able to apply for jobs and work them from anywhere; this is an especially ideal situation for moms with families, as you’re able to stay home with your kids while making an income.


The featured jobs are of high quality, with listings in the fields of graphic design, marketing, social media management, writing, legal assistance, and much more.  Not only are the jobs of higher quality, but applicants are as well.  Anyone who applies for membership on HireMyMom.com must have 1-2 years of experience in their given field, making them strong candidates for these positions.


HireMyMom.com is very affordable and is priced at just $29.95 per quarter or $99 per year.  Although this fee is very reasonable, you are not paying for a job. You are paying for a service to connect Mom Professionals with businesses seeking home-based contractors, employees and freelancers. Our business has grown leaps and bounds by word of mouth because businesses have been overjoyed at the quality of candidates found on HireMyMom.com, and Mom Professionals have been thrilled with the great opportunities that come through HireMyMom.com.


Once you apply for a job, you no longer need to work within the interface on HireMyMom.com.  You’ll contact and respond directly with the employer, and everything is handled between the two of you.  This allows you to manage your own job search and find the positions that are best fit for you.

No Direct Sales

HireMyMom.com does not allow job postings for any MLM or network marketing sites. Although these opportunities can be valid, we choose to outsource projects in the marketing, graphic design, writing, and other similar professional industries.


New jobs are posted very frequently, with some days receiving several posts.  Check back daily for updated posts in a variety of different fields.


HireMyMom.com checks out the company (if listed) with the BBB, RipOffReport.com, LinkedIn, and similar sites prior to approving any project. If they have an unsatisfactory record, the job is not approved. Or if the job is in any way offensive or objectionable, it is not approved.


You’re welcome to check out some sample job postings before deciding to join the site! Click here for a few sample work from home job positions.


We have wonderful feedback from Mom Professionals and businesses/employers:

“Thank you so much for this service. I posted my project late Sunday evening and by 10:00 am the next day, I had several very qualified candidates. It’s a load off of mind to know that I can find qualified professional female candidates for my firm. I will be posting for another position shortly and I know just where to come. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

Catina Downey-Stroble, CPA, LLC

“I’d been searching for a remote position for months using other online job boards with no luck when I read an article about HireMyMom.com in a respected blog. At first, I thought it was “too good to be true,” but I plunged ahead anyway, willing to take a chance because of the low fee and the endorsements I found all over the Internet. About three weeks into my membership, I found a perfect job! I applied, was interviewed, and have been enjoying my new role ever since. HireMyMom.com is the real deal.”

Laura S. Wharton

Click here for more Mom Professional and business/employer testimonials.


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