Remote Job Options for Moms Returning to Work


For moms returning to work after taking time off to raise children, the job search can be daunting. Balancing the demands of parenthood while trying to re-enter the workforce can feel overwhelming. However, we provide an easy way to search for jobs! Learn more about the types of jobs available on our website, and get started on your job search today:

Embracing the Flexibility of Remote Sales Positions

In remote sales, you can leverage your communication skills and persuasive nature to excel, regardless of your previous experience in sales. Many organizations value the unique perspectives and life skills that moms bring to the table, often providing comprehensive training programs to help you get started. Engaging in remote sales allows you to connect with clients and team members virtually, utilizing technology to bridge the gap. This role is perfect for those who are self-motivated and thrive in a goal-oriented environment.

When applying for a sales position, highlight your experience in communication. If it’s been awhile since you’ve been in the workforce, you can use examples within your day to day life with your family. For example, you can share a story about how you persuaded a friend to buy a certain product using your sales communication skills. 

Accounting from Home: A Steady Path for Detail-Oriented Moms

Remote accounting roles present an ideal opportunity for detail-oriented moms keen on rejoining the workforce without sacrificing family time. In these positions, your affinity for numbers and analytical skills can truly shine, offering the chance to contribute significantly to a company’s financial health from the serenity of your own space. The digital transformation in the accounting sector has paved the way for numerous cloud-based platforms and software, facilitating seamless collaboration with teams and clients alike, irrespective of physical location. This role is especially suited for those who appreciate structure and organization but require the flexibility to work around their family’s needs. 

Share your experience in balancing the books, budgeting, etc. Be sure to list any software you have worked with or certifications you might have that apply to an accounting position.

Marketing Your Way to Success from Any Location

For those with a knack for storytelling, content marketing positions allow you to craft compelling narratives that resonate with target demographics. Social media savvy moms can dive into roles focused on building and nurturing online communities, leveraging platforms to increase brand visibility and customer engagement. Additionally, digital marketing roles encompass search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns, where analytical skills are key to driving website traffic and conversions.

Highlight what social channels you are most familiar with, and mention what you have done with those platforms: have you posted content? Edited videos? Respond to comments? Detail everything to show companies your comfort level. You can also send in your personal profiles to share how you have grown those.

The Rising Demand for Virtual Assistants

Virtual assistants perform a wide array of tasks, from managing emails and scheduling appointments to more specialized responsibilities like social media management or event planning. What makes being a virtual assistant especially appealing for moms is the ability to tailor their workload to fit their individual schedules and family commitments.

The beauty of VA work lies in its variety; you might find yourself supporting a busy executive one day and helping a small startup streamline their processes the next. This diversity not only keeps the work interesting but also allows for the development of a broad skill set. For moms keen on re-entering the workforce, becoming a virtual assistant can be a rewarding way to leverage their organizational skills and attention to detail into a viable career. With the right tools and a proactive approach, it’s possible to build a fulfilling, flexible career as a virtual assistant.

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moms returning to work, remote work, Work From Home