Insights, Inspiration, and Empowerment

Stay Ahead Of The Curve In The Ever-Evolving Remote Work  Jobs And Gain Valuable Insights From Industry Experts.

4 Ways to Prepare for Summer Break

As the school year winds down, we’re all starting to prepare for one of the best times of the year – summer break! While this is a great opportunity to spend more time with family, it also takes a bit more juggling.  As work from home moms, we have the

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4 Types of Content to Post on Social Media

We all know how important it is to have an online presence – especially on social media.  It’s a place where we can share information, tell others about our businesses, and hopefully make some sales. Unfortunately, a lot of business owners utilize their pages incorrectly, and don’t post content that

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5 Tips for Hiring for the First Time

Hiring can often come with a lot of pressure – managing the job posting, interviewing, and hiring the right person can be a daunting experience. Although many managers and employers are pros at this, what if you’re hiring for the first time?  Read along for some best practices in hiring

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HireMyMom Success Story: Anza Goodbar

What’s your success story with HireMyMom? Hire My Mom has been a wonderful tool for me to find clients over the years.  I have been an active member off and for more than 6 years.  Every client I have found on this site has been wonderful to work with and flexible

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5 Tips for Better Work-Life Balance

We all hear about the elusive “work-life balance” concept.  It’s the place where our careers and personal lives become balanced.  We don’t feel overworked, we have enough time for friends and family, and so on.  While this is a great concept in theory, and one we should strive for, it

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4 Ways to Manage Home Based Employees

Working from home provides a lot of opportunity for flexibility and work-life balance, but it also presents unique challenges.  One of the main obstacles can arise in managing employees, as there’s not quite the amount of accountability that occurs in a traditional work environment. Although management of employees can be

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4 Ways to Plan Relaxation

Sometimes we assume that since we work from home, relaxation and time off shouldn’t be a priority, but this couldn’t be further from the truth! Whether we work from home or in an office, it’s important to practice self-care and take time for ourselves.  According to, ”there are studies

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5 Things You Need to Know About Hiring Virtual Help

According to Recuriterbox, over 53 million people are currently freelancing and by 2020, over 40% of the workforce is expected to be independent contractors. It is a growing trend that many businesses are seeing the rewards of. Before you jump in, here are 5 things to know about hiring virtual

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6 Signs of a Great Website

In this day and age, everyone has an online presence.  Especially if you have a business, you know the importance of a quality website.  It’s a known fact that every business has (or should have) a website, but do you know what makes one better than another? Although you can

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