HireMyMom Success Story: Jill Rhea
Tell us about you and your experience finding work on HireMyMom.
I initially signed up for the Silver Trial package to see what HireMyMom was all about. After a week passed, I realized I liked what I saw, so I decided to sign up for the Gold Package option. During that time, there were always jobs being added every day. While some were not a fit for me, I liked knowing that there was work being done on their end to to continually add employers. I also liked knowing that the employers KNEW we were moms in the workforce previously and may be looking for different types of opportunities to get back into the corporate world.
What are your top tips for landing a job or jobs on HireMyMom.com?
READ the job posting. Many job postings give very detailed instructions on how to apply – whether it’s including a certain word in the cover letter or email subject line or applying a different way. It’s very important to make yourself stand out to the employers when there may be many applying. I would take the time up front to peek at the company to see if it’s even a good fit. I would read the posting, see if it’s something I’m even able to do, and then find their website before I proceeded to apply. Also do not apply to jobs that don’t match your skill set.
What piece of advice do you wish someone had given you at the start of your work from home journey?
Be okay with not having it all. There are sacrifices you must make but it’s worth it even if you don’t have the newest and greatest thing that everyone else has. You are in control of your life.
What do you see as your greatest success in life?
Taking a leap of faith and leaving the corporate world even if it meant a drastic pay cut. I got to be home and experience the work from home lifestyle. Crazy at times but wouldn’t change it for the world to get to be there to pick up my daughter from school and take her to/from activities.
What is something about you that many people don’t know?
Since I’m mostly behind the screen these days and do thrive on making videos and going live, people don’t realize I’m very much an introvert and very shy.
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