3 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Working From Home

When a home-based worker tells someone that they work from home, they are instantly envious. They imagine days spent laying on the couch and working whenever it’s convenient. While working from home certainly has some excellent perks (flexibility, casual clothing and more time with family, to name a few), it is still work!

Read along and ask yourself the following three working from home questions before obtaining home-based work. It’s important that you understand and realize the changes that are about to take place before committing to a work from home position.

  1. Why Do I Want to Work From Home? It’s a misconception that working from home involves laying around in your pajamas and watching TV. Yes, you could do that, but you would get very little accomplished! Working from home is still work, and establishing why you want to do so is important. A home-based career can change your life in wonderful ways, but it can also be a shock if you aren’t prepared for the changes. Are you pursuing home-based work to have more time with your family? This is a great reason and one that will give you the motivation needed to succeed.
  2. Are My Skills Applicable To a Home-Based Position? If you’re a lab scientist, it might be tough to find a work from home job. It’s not impossible, and you can lend your skills to tutoring, technical writing, project-based work, and so on, but it’s not as easy as finding social media or editing work. Consider your background and industry before applying for home-based work, since jobs that often require you to be on site will not always translate into many work from home options.
  3. How Will This Change My Lifestyle? Working from home is a change! You will be home each day, which is both wonderful and challenging. You will be in your house, so it’s tough not to notice the things out of place or the rug that needs swept. When you work outside the home, those things are put aside till later. You will also notice that the errands and chores may fall more to you, and sometimes that is easier since you’re at home during the day. It’s important to know that home-based work provides a lot of flexibility, but it can also bring more work to your day. This can make scheduling a bigger challenge, and you’ll have to be extra diligent with your time.

Take these working from home questions to heart. While it’s a great experience, it’s also a major lifestyle adjustment that’s not for everyone.

Check out these other great articles about home-based business as a work from home professional. Also check out our home-based job descriptions and current job postings for mom professionals.

(Image courtesy of Master isolated images at FreeDigitalPhotos.net)

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4 Tips to Spring Clean Your Job

Spring is here and it’s time to change out the old for the new! Spring cleaning your job is a lot like spring cleaning your life. We spend many hours at work, so it’s important that we renew there as well. While we often see cleaning as tedious and something we have to do, it can actually be refreshing and a great way to move into spring and summer.

With this spring cleaning job list and tips, you can get a fresh restart. With the first of the year out of sight, some of us have fallen back into old routines. While routine is great for productivity, we often let the little housekeeping things slide. When we take some time to get these items in place, we feel so much better! As Spring is now among us, it’s time to clear out the old and establish fresh habits.

Dust Off Your Desk

This is an actual cleaning tip! Do more than just dust – do a good deep clean of your work area. Cleaning may never be fun, but we all work better when our workspace is clean and functional. Use products that smell good and create a sense of wellbeing. If you’re really feeling like you need a change in your office, consider investing in a nice, new chair or another supportive office tool or device.

Start a New Notebook

Who doesn’t love the fresh pages of a new notebook? Start a new paper, notepad, or online document where you can keep track of your daily list(s). Keep one for home and one for business. Starting fresh means prioritizing, keeping things separated and organized, and preparing for upcoming tasks and events.

File Away

We get in the habit of keeping stacks of papers and important information on our desks and in random cabinets. When you get into your job spring cleaning, don’t forget to file! Filing is important, and it keeps all of our paperwork organized. Whether you file actual papers or online copies, file everything. If you aren’t one to file, or you simply don’t have a system in place yet, now is the time. Create a filing and organizational system that will work for you, and one that you will actually do on a daily or weekly basis. If you file and organize as you go, it’s much less overwhelming than starting with a huge stack of papers every single time.

Decide for the Future

With spring cleaning comes a sense of renewal and starting over. What do you want to accomplish in the upcoming year? If that’s too broad of a question, focus your wants and desires on your job and organizational tasks. How could you be more organized? What systems make sense to me? Should I look into a professional organizer or online program that might help me to be more functional? Working smarter is key to eliminate having to work harder. Give yourself that gift this spring – an organized, smarter, and more productive work life!

Check out these other great articles about home-based jobs as a work from home professional. Also check out our home-based job descriptions and current job postings for mom professionals.

(Image courtesy of twobee at freedigitalphotos.net)

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3 Job Tips to Working from Home Online

Working from home online and telecommute type positions can be hard to find if you don’t know where or how to look. Fortunately though, searching for and locating work from home jobs doesn’t have to be impossible! With a few working from home online tips and tricks, you’ll be able to find legitimate home-based work in a short period of time. Here are a few great tips:

1. Use LinkedIn: LinkedIn is great for home-based work for a variety of reasons. First of all, it’s a great place to put in your profile that you are wanting to work from home online. Second, virtual jobs are often listed in the jobs section of LinkedIn. Third, there are numerous groups that feature telecommute jobs and opportunities. Simply search “telecommute” or “work from home” in groups, and you’ll be surprised to find a wide variety of jobs and group listings. It’s a great place to get connected with employers and others looking for home-based work. As always, it’s another positive way to use LinkedIn to build connections and find legitimate work.

2. Use the Right Words: When searching for work from home careers, people often assume that the positions will simply be hiding among the usual jobs; this is not always the case. You need to search with the right words! Use words such as “telecommute,” “virtual,” “from home,” “home office,” “remote,” or “home-based” after your industry of choice. For example, “social media telecommute” will give you more of what you’re looking for in terms of virtual work. When you use the right terms and do a little bit of digging, you’ll typically find numerous opportunities that may not be listed on other job sites.

3. Use HireMyMom.com: HireMyMom.com is the perfect place to search if you’re looking for work from home job and freelance opportunities. This is the point of the site, and we strongly value home-based careers. You’ll find hundreds of listings from reliable, legitimate organizations looking for virtual workers, and it’s easy to apply. Simply register at HireMyMom.com and begin your search! And you don’t have to be a mom to apply. The jobs are available for anyone with experience looking for a work from home job, which affords you more flexibility and freedom in your life.
As you can see working from home online doesn’t have to be a dream. You can start today finding that perfect home-based job you’ve always dreamed of!

Check out these other great articles about home-based jobs as a work from home professional. Also check out our home-based job descriptions and current job postings for mom professionals.

(Image courtesy of Naypong at freedigitalphotos.net)

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4 Secrets of the Most Successful Home-Based Workers

Whether you work from home or know someone who does, we all know home based workers who makes it look seamless! Success in a work from home position can be easier said than done, but with a few organizational and logistical shifts, you can create calm and productivity in your home-based career.

  • Focus: Focus is always #1 for a reason! Have a “to do” list, utilize a program such as Trello or Basecamp for task organization and checklists, and put everything into a daily calendar or schedule. Set your alarm for each task, and give each task a set period of time. To improve focus, take frequent stretching, exercise or snack breaks to keep yourself mentally sharp. When successful home-based workers are able to accomplish so much in a day, it’s because they give a lot of thought to their focus and how to eliminate the unnecessary.
  • Minimize Distractions: It can be tough to do in a home environment, but it’s entirely possible! When you work from home, not only do you have the computer and other work distractions, you have the distractions of home, family, pets, and so on. Set yourself up for success by creating a separate workspace or eliminating noise and distractions in your main living spaces. If you’re able to, get out of the house a few times per week to get away from home distractions. If you find that distractions are coming between you and your work, adjust your schedule around them to avoid losing time. You can truly accomplish so much in a home-based position, as you don’t have the typical office job distractions; you just have to prepare for it!
  • Prioritize: Successful home-based workers know how to prioritize everything in their lives. When you look at your list, it can be overwhelming to look at your day on paper, but it’s also incredibly helpful. Number your tasks by order of importance in order to complete the most crucial tasks first. Prioritizing your day can really make a difference in your productivity level, and successful work-from-home moms are incredibly productive!
  • Keep it Real: Treat working from home like a real, normal job with set hours and a professional set up. The most successful home-based workers don’t see their jobs as less important or less effective than a typical office job, so you shouldn’t either. While you have the advantage of working from the comfort of your home, treat your work assignments and daily work life as you would in a corporate office.

These four secrets of successful home based workers will make you become the envy of all your friends and family. Start applying these tips today.

Check out these other great articles about home-based business as a work from home professional. Also check out our home-based job descriptions and current job postings for mom professionals.

(Image courtesy of David Costillo Dominici at freedigitalphotos.net)

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How to Work From Home in the New Year

It’s the time for resolutions, new goals, and aspirations for the upcoming year. It’s the perfect time to take strides in achieving our dreams and goals. For moms, it’s time to create a new year resolution to work from home. For many people, working from home seems like a far away dream that will never truly happen. This doesn’t have to be the case, and you can work your way into a profitable, flexible home-based position!

With a few simple tips, you can be well on your way to working from home, and it doesn’t have to take months and months. By going about it strategically and getting your mind in the right place, you can find a job that fits your lifestyle, skills and expertise.

  • Search in the Right Places: There are numerous sites out there offering home-based positions. Many of them are legitimate and can truly help you find your ideal work from home job. Be sure to do your research on the sites you’re using, and always consider the source of the employers and positions on the site. At HireMyMom.com, employers are individually reviewed and vetted, making the jobs and companies far more legitimate.
  • Change Your Mindset: It’s a common belief that finding legitimate home-based work is challenging and time-consuming. While this is partially true because any job search can be tedious, it does not mean it’s impossible. Go into your work from home job search with a positive, open attitude and watch what happens! When you align your actions with a positive mindset, the opportunities are endless. Check out our current work from home job posts on HireMyMom.com. 
  • Set Aside Your Time: Create time and space in your life to dedicate to the home-based job search. If it’s truly your goal to work from home, it has to become part of your routine for a while. When you have specified time each day to conduct your search, it’s easier to stay organized and proactive about finding the right positions. Put down 30 minutes in your calendar each day to revise your resume, search for jobs, and apply for the right ones.
  • Highlight It: Your resume can be a big asset in your ability to find home-based work! If you’re coming from an office job, highlight the aspects of your past jobs and experiences that would lend themselves well to a home-based position. For example, if you often interview or chat with clients over Skype or conference call, mention those things. Anything that would be a common task in your home-based job is something that needs to be mentioned in your resume and a later interview.
  • Don’t Give Up: Make a new year resolution to work from home in 2015! A resolution can be tough to stick with, but it’s worth it for the results and opportunities. Any job search takes time, but working from home is truly worth it, if it’s one of your goals. Take the time to make your search count, and be sure you’re sending high quality materials (resumes, cover letters, etc.) to represent the best version of yourself. Add a positive mindset to your past experiences, continue to search, and be open to new possibilities for home-based work!

Check out these other great articles about home-based jobs as a work from home professional. Also check out our current job postings for mom professionals.

(Image courtesy of gubgib at FreeDigitalPhotos.net)

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Not Landing an Interview? 4 Things Costing You That Dream Job

You’ve polished up your resume and spent hours finessing your cover letter. You feel great about it and press send, confident that you’ll be getting a response ASAP. But 24 hours turn into a week and then a month, and still no call comes your way. You were feeling pretty confident in knowing how to land a job interview. What went wrong? Such a devastating scenario is not uncommon. If the interview for the career of your dreams is continuing to elude you, you might be falling prey to four mistakes job seekers frequently make. Here’s a look at each error, and what you can do to make sure none of them stand in the way of you and that corner office.

You have Skills, But Not the Right Ones

While reading the job posting in-depth, you probably cross-referenced your own résumé. Experience with marketing automation? Check. Familiarity with integrating CRM and marketing automation systems? Check. But wait. Hold your horses, eager one. Maybe the company you’re applying to uses Marketo and Salesforce.com, but your experience has only been with Eloqua and Microsoft Dynamics CRM. You might not see a difference, but the hiring manager will.

Failing to specify your exact experience, or having similar, but not exact experience to what is required can cause an employer to pass you over. The hiring company’s goal is to spend as little time training you as possible, so be sure to be explicit about your skills. If you notice a trend in specific skills you’re lacking, try to see if Coursera has a course on the subject, and get busy learning. If you come into the interview, you want your acumen to clearly back up what’s on your CV.

Background Checks Not Checking Out

Not all companies perform background checks on prospective hires, but many do. And seemingly insignificant things you’ve forgotten about can negatively impact such a check. Even though you’ve forgotten it, the hiring manager will see a big red flag and move on to the next candidate. Scour your memory for anything that could taint a background check. Did you have credit card fraud from identify theft years ago? It’s likely that hasn’t been cleared up. It’s advisable to look into a company like Lifelock for an identify theft protection service that’ll protect your reputation and even give you a one-million dollar guarantee.

Another form of background check, albeit more informal, is a look at your social media profiles. Be sure any of your pages that are public present your most professional image. Many a job seeker has been shunned thanks to a poorly worded tweet or an inappropriate Facebook photo.

Timidity and Fear

In life and your job search, you really can be your own worst enemy. People sabotage themselves in a variety of ways without even knowing it when going after a new career. A lack of confidence can prevent you from even submitting your application. Anxiety over being told no can keep you from asking the people in your network for a personal recommendation. A fear of public speaking can hold you back from completing the presentation portion of your interview process.

The best advice for surmounting these self-created obstacles? The old adage, “fake it until you make it.” Force yourself to send in your resume. Remind yourself that some people may reject your request for a recommendation, but that others will be happy to help you. And if public speaking is an issue, there’s never a better time than the present to brush up on this very valuable skill. Look into a Dale Carnegie course or a program like Toastmasters to improve your communication and your confidence.

You’re Barking up the Wrong Tree

Finally, you may have all the rest of the ingredients right, but are just going to the wrong place. When applying for a job, it’s best to go through the channels prescribed on the company’s website. Does it say to submit a Web form? Submit a Web form. You may think you’re being clever and unforgettable by showing up in person and asking to see the CEO, but you probably won’t get past the receptionist, and may cause a lot of annoyance too.

Remember that job applications often go through several layers of people, sometimes starting with a secretary or office manager. You never know who is responsible for the initial sifting of applications, so be courteous to everybody. And if you don’t hear anything back, it’s okay to be persistent but never be pushy.

So, there you have it. Investigate this “How to Land a Job Interview” tips. If there’s a position out there that is calling your name, it’s probably worth pursuing with everything you have. Don’t let avoidable gaffes obstruct your vision for your life. Make sure you have the skills needed, and are precise about communicating them. Keep your background checks sparkly clean by getting identity theft protection, and keep your social media profiles just as immaculate since you never know who’s looking at them. Push yourself to overcome any obstacles you’ve put in your way, and be sure you’re applying to the right person in the proper way. With this approach, you’ll be unstoppable. And that dream job will be inching closer and closer to your fingertips.

Check out these other great articles about interviewing tips as a work from home professional. Also check out our current job postings for mom professionals.

(Photo courtesy of Shutterstock.)

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5 Tips for Work-from-Home Success

Working from home provides numerous benefits for you, your family, and your free time! It’s certainly an ideal work situation, but it doesn’t come without its own challenges.

When done correctly, you can begin working from home seamlessly. By setting the stage for success in a home-based job, you’ll reap the benefits of this unique work environment while producing effective, efficient work for your employer. Read along for some work from home skills you will need to learn as a foundation for your success.

1) Know Your Schedule: And your family’s schedule! Home-based jobs are structured around a variety of schedules, so be sure that you’re looking into and choosing those that fit your home life. Working from home provides a lot of freedom, but not if you’re working at the wrong times for your family. Be selective in accepting positions that fit into your life.

2) Read Job Descriptions Closely: Try not to accept a work-from-home position just to get out of the office. It’s tempting, but will only lead to more discontentment. Working from home is still work, and it’s very important to choose a job that suits you. Pay attention to job descriptions and only interview for jobs that you would truly be happy to receive.

3) Create a Separate Space: The most common fear of home-based working is lack of focus. By creating a separate space or office to do your work, you’re already on the road to success. You don’t have to be exclusively confined to this space, but it will ground you as your “home base” for work, allowing you to block out distractions, noises, and other tasks that need to be done around the house.

4) Make a List: Have a plan in place! “To do” lists are even more important when you work from home, since you’ll find yourself doing the work around the house, taking kids and pets to appointments, and running errands as well. It can be tough to keep it all straight, especially when you’re also working, so don’t be afraid to jot it down. It’s always fun and satisfying to cross something off of a list!

5) Schedule Your Days: Working from home actually requires more structure than a traditional office job! You’re essentially “free” to do as you please, as long as you complete your work. Unfortunately, this can lead to a lot of rushing around to finish tasks if you weren’t focused all day. If you’re scheduling, just as you would at a 9-5 in an office, you’ll be sure to prioritize correctly.

These work from home skills are foundational to the success of your home-based job or business. Practice these before you leave the corporate world to give structure to your new endeavor.

Check out these other great articles about productivity / time management as a work from home professional. Also check out our current job postings for mom professionals.

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Keys to Getting a Virtual Call Center Job

Many people have asked me how they can get a virtual call center job from home.  Others have advised they were not hired though their skills matched those requested.  Unlike a call center building, virtual centers have an unlimited area in which to recruit meaning there are 100s seeking the same position as you.  The odds of getting a job change from 1 out of 2 at a center to 1 out of 50 for virtual call center.  Below are seven keys to getting a call center job as a virtual agent.

  • Be professional and smile when you speak with the recruiter.  Although it seems silly, the truth is your voice is friendlier while smiling.  This is very important when the recruiter is sitting 500 miles away and only “knows” you through the phone.  Note the recruiter has 100s of applications to fill very few spots.  You want to shine above the rest.  The recruiter is not your friend and is choosing people who will make her/him look good.  Your professionalism is important.
  • Practice, practice, practice answering questions on the phone with a friend.  Be sure the friend is articulate and honest.  You will need to answer with authority, at the correct sound level, and again, with a SMILE.  It isn’t as easy as it seems, so don’t be afraid to practice.
  • Know your computer.   You will be expected to know how to open several browsers at one time and easily search the internet for answers while speaking with the interviewer.  Remember, this is an interview for speaking with the companies callers, and everything you do should reflect capability, understanding, and quality.
  • Be compassionate and empathize with the caller. “I’m sorry you are having this problem.”  “I’m sorry you had to call for an answer.”  “I’m sorry for ___”  This is the number one reason people do NOT get a virtual call job.  You must show you will be empathetic with the caller.  It does not matter who is at fault, who doesn’t understand, or who performed the negative issue.  Your job is to tell the customer you are sorry for the problem and immediately advise you will be “happy to help them”.  There will be several recruiting questions that are tied to the above, so practice this with your friend.  Make it automatic.  Many potential agents think they didn’t cause the problem so why should they say sorry.  Because that is YOUR job, so be prepared to do it

Caller … I dropped my computer on the floor and it does not work.

Agent … I am sorry you are having this problem.  I will be glad to help you.

Caller … I have called several times and the issue is not resolved.

Agent … I am sorry you are having this problem.  I will be happy to help you.

Caller … My dog ate the owner’s manual.

Agent … I am sorry this happened to you.  I will be happy to help you.

Get it? Do it!

  • Answer questions honestly and succinctly.   A good answer is complete but does not need to be long.  Plan on every question taking no more than 2 sentences to answer.  When an answer becomes longer, it wanders off topic and brings up questions in the recruiter’s mind.  You want to answer the question and then stop.  Silence is your friend.  If the recruiter needs more information (Can you give me an example?) then give a short example.
  • Prepare for the trick questions:  Why do you want to work for us? And tell me your worst personality trait (or something like that).  The first answer should refer to how much you enjoy working with and helping people.  The second question is a trick, so never fall for it.  You need to answer this with a positive trait like … My worst quality is that I love to work many hours and have a hard time saying ‘No’ when asked to work more.  Or, “I have a personality of a fixer because I always want to solve people’s problems.”
  • Always have a question available at the end.  The interview will end with the recruiter asking if you have any questions.  This is your chance to ask pertinent questions ie “Will I be able to work additional hours?”  “I am interested in this company as a career, will there be chances for advancement?”  These types of questions are very positive in the recruiter’s eyes because they refer to areas that help the company.  Never ask about vacation, benefits, or money.  These items can be discussed once you get the position.

Good luck.  Be positive, professional, most of all smile during the interview. If you follow these instructions, you will stand out among applications and be able to secure a virtual call center job while working from home.


Backus and Associates provides consulting services for companies who are investigating or launching virtual call centers.  Our 10 years of experience managing within the virtual setting enables Backus and Associates to bring the needed expertise for planning and initiating a virtual culture including: executive planning sessions; management training; agent surveys/meetings; and Operations, IT, Recruiting, and Training preparation.  Backus and Associates partners with management to design a virtualization plan and follow through with the implementation processes.  Backus and Associates also assists companies who currently have virtual programs with the goal of increasing quality and agent performance while removing areas that reduce program success.  Contact is … bill@backusandassociates.com.  Visit the website at … www.backusandassociates.com

Check out these other great articles about home-based jobs as a work from home professional. Also check out our home-based job descriptions and current job postings for mom professionals.

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The Working Stay-At-Home Mom: Turning Passions Into Paying Positions

Compared to the societal ideals of 50 years ago, women today can choose independence by choosing at home professions. Women are no longer cast into the roles of housewife or stay-at-home mom. Modern day independence provides women with opportunity, whether they choose motherhood, a career or both.

In 2011, working mothers served as breadwinners for 40 percent of family households, according to 2013 Pew Research Social & Demographic Trends analysis. Breadwinner moms were comprised of married mothers who earn a higher income than their husbands (37 percent) as well as single mothers (63 percent). The trend of breadwinning mothers has understandably been linked to an increasing presence of mothers in the workforce. Nearly half of the U.S. labor force is made up of women, and the employment rate of married mothers has increased by 43 percent between 1968 and 2011.

Even so, stay-at-home moms and working moms typically remain polarized. In motherhood, you’re either pro stay-at-home mom or pro working mom—never both. The discord fosters resentment, judgment, envy and guilt from both groups. With all of these harbored negative feelings, why do women have to choose either/or? Here are four ways stay-at-home moms can not only participate in the workforce, but nurture their passions by choosing at home professions—an even greater reward.

Etiquette Consultant

For a mother raising her children to be upstanding members of society, teaching manners and morals are invaluable lessons. Take your family lessons on decorum and start an etiquette consulting business. Etiquette expert Catherine Holloway teaches professionals, adults and children how to create opportunity by acting with diplomacy and civility in social situations. Jacqueline Whitmore coaches professionals on business etiquette and protocol designed to spur business growth. Fine-tune first impressions, conversation skills and even body language. Etiquette services can also include advice on proper thanks yous and gift-giving customs, from writing traditional thank you cards to ordering flower delivery for professional settings.

Health Entrepreneurvegetables

If you love to color your refrigerator with greens and stay active with the family, delve into a business dedicated to health and wellness. Not only can you make a difference in your family’s lives, you can change the lives of others. Brand and build a website that features your family’s nutritious recipes and inspirations for staying healthy. Other business outlets for a health-passionate advocate include establishing an online retail store for T-shirts and tanks crafted with unique wellness-related designs. Or perhaps you have an idea for a marketable nutritional product or supplement. Entrepreneur Joyce Emily fueled her passion for nutrition by creating the superfood drink Basic Greens. The juice drink became Emily’s brand, empowering people to live a healthy lifestyle.

Professional Organizer

You may as well call yourself an organization pro. You constantly return misplaced toys to bins and rearrange cupboards to fit an influx of plastic cups and bowls. You’ve developed the problem-solving skills to declutter, downsize and maximize space. Why not earn some cash with your craft of expert organization? Sara Pedersen offers hands-on organization assistance and simplification services through her business Time To Organize. She cites U.S. News and World Report and states professional organizing as one of 20 hot jobs for the future workforce. On Pederson’s Career FAQs, you can learn how to enter the professional organizing industry, including how much you can make and required certifications and training.

Wardrobe Stylist

Inundated with motherhood and homemaking demands, a woman can lose her sense of style. Perhaps you’ve been in her (worn out) shoes before. Ya know, when heels are inconceivable and sneakers have even replaced cute ballet flats. By starting a styling business venture, you can offer sensible fashion advice and inspiration for real women who are just like you. Urban Darling provides in-person and virtual styling services, as well as online lookbooks for an “elegant young professional” and many other types of women. Help the fashion-impaired with closet audits, personal shopping and event styling. If you have the look and eye to be a professional fashion stylist, check out Complex Style’s list of tips on how to make it happen.

Now, it’s your turn. Choose one of these at home professions or select from the countless others available to you as a stay-at-home mom. You’ll find so much reward and satisfaction.

Check out these other great articles about home-based jobs as a work from home professional. Also check out our home-based job descriptions and current job postings for mom professionals.


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Challenging Times Call for Creative Hiring Solutions

In today’s economy, many businesses are having to downsize and cut back expenses every place possible in order to survive. This includes letting valued employees go – often times with much regret. And unfortunately some believe our economy will not improve for a couple of years. So what are businesses to do? How do you support and grow a business if your employee pool is or will be dwindling? Are there creative hiring solutions?

Outsourcing is a Creative Hiring Solution

The good news is that many businesses are finding a perfect solution in outsourcing to independent professionals. These professionals offer the same skills and experience as an on-site employee yet they work as an independent, not requiring employee benefits or office space. One of the largest pools of independent professionals is mom professionals who have left the workforce voluntarily or involuntarily.

Many of them are looking for ways especially now to help supplement their families’ income. And in some cases support their family altogether if their spouse has been laid off. These professionals are experienced and educated but are seeking the freedom and flexibility to work hours that are more conducive to having a family. Some of them work part time and some work full time. Some of them work on an hourly basis and others work on a salary or by the project. What’s great for them and for the company is that studies have proven that a person’s productivity actually goes up when working from a home office. This is at least partly due to the fact that independent workers want to prove themselves and go above and beyond expectations to ensure the work keeps flowing to them.

A Win-Win Solutions

The beauty of it is that these creative hiring solutions is a win-win for the company and the professional. In the majority of cases the company saves on payroll and employee benefits and the professional is pleased to have flexible work and puts forth his or her best effort to make sure the work keeps coming in. For more information on hiring at home professionals, visit www.HireMyMom.com.


Lesley Pyle is the founder and president of HBWM.com Inc. which includes the national association of Home-Based Working Moms helping moms network, learn and grow in their role as a Home-Based Working Mom and HireMyMom.com connecting at-home Mom Professionals with home-based jobs and projects in virtually every career field.  Pyle has been featured in numerous publications including Forbes, Entrepreneur, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Home Office Computing, and many others.  Twitter @lesleypyle and @hiremymom

Check out these other great articles about tips for mom as a work from home professional.Also check out our current job postings for mom professionals.

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