4 Summer Activities for Kids

Summer is coming up quickly! It’s getting warmer and pretty soon, the kids will be home for summer break.  While it’s obvious that the pool, having friends over, and local sports are great activities for this time of year, what else can your kids do during their time off?

We’ve compiled a few ideas that can be inexpensive fun for your kids this summer!

Get creative

You don’t have to do crafts to be creative! The summer months are often spent outside, but once in a while, you’ll encounter a rainy or just “too hot” day.  This is a great time to get creative!

Look up some new recipes and bake or cook something fun with your kid, like their own pizza dough for individual pizzas! You can also bake play items such as homemade play dough and slime.  Other crafts can include painting pottery and creating jewelry. Exercise their minds by planning creative activities that get them thinking and participating!

Another option is to make a stand, such as a lemonade, Kool-Aid or popsicle stand.  This can be a fun craft that takes a few days or weeks to complete, and also teaches your kids about money and sales.  Teach them how to run the stand, create it, and what they need to be successful. It’s not only a good way to spend time, but also includes teachable moments.

Get in nature

This is the time to be outside! Barring those really hot and rainy days, kids benefit from a lot of time in nature.  While the local pool is a great option beyond the iPad, being in true nature is also something to strive for this summer.

There’s everything from camping, the local trails, swimming at the beach (if it’s nearby), and much more.  Let your kids explore and get dirty! Look up local paths and trails that lead to hidden places in your area.

Another great way to expose your kids to the more natural life is to garden.  Have them participate in the planting of trees, veggies, or flowers. Most kids love to get involved in this type of activity!

Free local activities

Local websites will often list free activities! During the summer, local attractions like museums, zoos, art galleries, splash pads, and small amusement parks will have free days, afternoons, or discounted days.

This is a great way to save money while still indulging in the fun! Look into these options a few weeks in advance and make plans to meet up.

Learn something new

Just because school is out doesn’t mean that your kids can’t be learning! Whether you want to teach your young child to read over the summer, or teach your 10-year-old how to throw a football, this is a great time to introduce new skills.

Additionally, there are beginner language courses via phone, TV or computer, or you can teach them yourself, if you have the time! Create flashcards and make it a fun, family-friendly immersive experience to learn a new language over the summer.

Summer doesn’t need to become a second school year, but you can foster new skills and interests during the break.  This way, they’ll go back to school having expanded their knowledge and used their brain!

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5 Tips to Avoid Work Burnout

Work burnout is a real thing! According to MayoClinic.org, it is defined as “a state of physical, emotional or mental exhaustion combined with doubts about your competence and the value of your work.”  It can cause mental, physical, and psychological stress, and there are many signs of it.

According to Forbes.com, if you’re experiencing burnout, you might have: exhaustion, lack of motivation, frustration and cynicism, cognitive problems, problems at work and home, lack of care for yourself, and more.  These are clearly issues that need to be addressed, and working to avoid burnout is the first step.

Stick to office hours

Since we have our phones and computers constantly at our fingertips, it can be tempting to answer emails and requests at all hours.  While this is possible, it shouldn’t be the case most of the time! Sure, there might be a late night every once in a while, but it should be the exception – not the rule.  Make time for yourself and stick to your office hours.

You can set office hours by figuring out how much time it takes you to do your work on a daily basis, and then you should only be emailing, texting, and answering calls for work during this time. Work will only sleep if you let it, so make a boundary here to keep your own sanity.

Make time for fun

Fun is important! It’s crucial to have things to look forward to, and it’s up to you to make those plans sometimes. Set up social events with friends or family, schedule a fun night with girlfriends, or make a standing walking date with a local mom who also works from home.

When you’re scheduling fun into your everyday life (not just vacations!), you can come back to work refreshed.  Bonus points if your “fun” activities include relaxation, such as a spa treatment, yoga class, or meditation group.

Say no

We get it – it’s hard to say no.  We want to do it all and we don’t want to miss out on anything.  While saying “no” can be difficult in the moment, it’s truly important to keep space in your life for the things you want to do, as well as space for simple rest.  We are all very “busy” these days, which makes us productive, but much more prone to burnout.

Say “no” when you can, and don’t feel guilty about it.  There are plenty of other opportunities to say “yes,” and it’s important to be discerning about where your time and energy goes.

Take a step back

Vacations are another way to put something to look forward to into your life! But while a full blown vacation isn’t always a possibility, taking breaks is equally important.

Schedule your breaks like you would schedule anything else in your day.  Take 10 minutes for a walk in the late morning, a 10 minute sweeping break in early afternoon, and 30 minutes to pick up your kids in the late afternoon.  Breaking up your day can make work feel more refreshing when you come back. Just stepping away for a bit – whether 5 minutes or 1 week – can really make a difference in your attitude.

Take a tech break

We already discussed that having all of this technology in our faces all day can be a challenge.  We’re productive, but are we happy? Or are we burning out? It’s not always possible to shut off your phone or computer, but you can put it down for a few hours in the evening.

When you break from technology, you’re breaking from seeing things that are work related. This gives your brain a chance to disconnect from the phone and internet, making it easier to connect in the morning.  You might even find that you come back much more eager to work when you haven’t spent your evening staring at a screen too!

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5 Tips to Prepare for Spring

Spring is just around the corner! With warmer temperatures starting to become more and more frequent, it’s only a matter of time before spring is here.  We associate spring with new beginnings and a fresh start, so it’s the perfect time to implement some of the ideas below for a great start to the new season.

Get outside

Fresh air equals a fresh mood! Get outside as much as you can during this time of year.  Start looking for local outdoor events and festivals. Go see a sporting event, attend an outdoor concert, or simply make time for a daily walk around the block.

Nature gives us positive energy and an energy boost, so it’s only fitting that it would be a perfect start to the warmer season.

Clean it up

It’s a great time to get that old dirt and dust out! From your living room to your office and pantry, use this time to get it all into shape.  Do a fresh coat of paint in your office, bring in some organic plants, or simply do a thorough cleaning.

You can also air out your house when it’s nice enough! Get the dust out. Start fresh for spring. Clean out clutter and donate, sell, or give away items that no longer serve you. This is great for your own energy and gets you into the feeling of a lighter season.

Refresh your resume

Homes aren’t the only thing that you can clean up this time of year.  Take a few hours to refresh your resume and hiring materials if you’re seeking employment.  Warmer weather tends to give us a more positive perspective, so use that vibe to restructure, edit, or redo your materials.

If you already have a job or business, you can update your website, order new business cards, or simply revise your business plan.

Lighten it up

While you’re lightening your burden in your home, be sure to do the same for your body! Get more exercise in the fresh air and choose lighter foods.  Our bodies typically crave lighter foods this time of year anyway, so fill it with hydrating, nourishing options.

It’s an ideal time of year for fresh fruit, healthy smoothies, and cooking nutritious meats and veggies on the grill.  Use seasonal produce for even more health and nutrition!

Take note of your schedule

How was your winter schedule? Did you cram too much in, or did you have a lot of extra time? Before spring comes, take a few minutes to examine your schedule.  Cna you better allocate your time over the next several months? You might need to fill some work space, or you might need to unload some work.

If you’re seeking a freelance, part-time or full-time work from home job, take a look around HireMyMom.com for some options that will fit into your schedule!

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4 Tips to Stay Healthy This Winter

The holidays are over and we’ve been back into our healthy grooves for a while now.  However, it’s that time of year that a lot of sickness is going around! Watch or read the news and you’ll hear that the flu season is running rampant.  It’s important to do your best to stay healthy and keep your immunity high this winter.

Read along for some of our best tips to stay happy and healthy!

Keep it clean

It goes without saying that cleaning is a crucial component in staying well.  Wash your hands as soon as you come home, remove shoes inside the house, and wipe your phone.  It’s been said that phones are as germy as public bathrooms!

Other important tasks involve being mindful of coughing and covering your mouth, disposing of tissues immediately, and generally avoiding passing your germs if you’re already rundown or ill.

Natural options

Medication isn’t the only way to get and stay well! There are plenty of holistic options that will be more beneficial for your body – and keep up your immunity to colds and the flu:

  • Hot tea

  • Bone broth

  • Apple cider vinegar

  • Raw honey

  • Green juices

  • Vitamin C supplements

  • Plenty of water

  • 5+ servings of fruits and vegetables daily

  • Natural immune supplements such as Wellness Formula, that includes several immune-boosting ingredients


Get your rest

Rest is so crucial to your immune system. You know that when you start feeling rundown, it’s only a matter of time before illness takes hold. Exercise and being active is so important, but you don’t need to take it to extremes! Be kind to yourself – take breaks and don’t cram in a ton of things without down time, especially this time of year.

Make it a priority to get 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Take time to wind down in the evenings – relax and give your immune system a boost.

Cancel it

If a friend or someone’s kids are sick, do your best to cancel plans. It’s not fun or always convenient, but this helps to eliminate the spread of sickness. Illnesses can stay active for 24 hours to weeks after exposure – on surfaces and inside the body.

Click here for a helpful resource for parents that will tell you when your children are safe to return to school and activities.

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5 Ways to Achieve Success

Success looks different for everyone, but it’s something we all strive for.  Whether success is a career goal, or a certain way of flexible living for you and your family, you can take specific steps to get there.  With a clear plan and a few tips, you can achieve the success you’re seeking.

Define it

What does success look like to you? Just because someone you know feels successful in their life, doesn’t mean you ought to achieve the same things just because.  This can lead you down a path of striving for things that truly don’t mean much to you.

How do you enjoy spending your time?  What would a successful life look like to you? Take some time to write these thoughts down.  Once you know what you’re striving for, it makes it easier to prioritize and eliminate those things that don’t fit on your path to success.

Set goals

Goals are always very important and very motivating! Start by breaking down your vision of success into achievable goals.  For example, if one of your definitions of success is more flexibility in your workday, you might strive to work from home.  Goal #1 would be finding work from home sites, Goal #2 could be applying to at least 3 jobs per week, and so on.

Work on yourself

Working on yourself first is the best way to gain momentum and improve your outlook.  A positive outlook is always conducive to greater success! Start by doing what you really want to be doing, as much as possible, even if it’s on the side at first.  For example, you could start a side job or business, or paint or do another hobby on the side.

Another way to work on yourself and make yourself happy first is to work on self improvement, if that’s your thing.  This can look like a spiritual practice, getting deeper in your faith, meditation, etc.

Make time for social

According to Time.com, “socially isolated people are more than twice as likely to die from heart disease as those with a solid social circle.”  Despite your outlook on what success means, maintaining a healthy social life is key.

When you’re focusing heavily on your goals and successes – career or personal – you can start to neglect your social world.  It’s a really important part of health and life, and may even be another key to success.  Socializing is another part of networking as well, which can lead to job opportunities, business ventures, and so on.

Always keep learning

The smartest, most successful people are lifelong learners.  You can start a book habit – one new book per week (or month), depending on what works in your schedule.

Take time to read news or pursue an interesting hobby on a daily basis.  Take interest in new things.  Subscribe to information magazines and publications.  Take a local course.  Always work to grow your knowledge base! You never know what will strike a cord, change your path, or simply boost your perspective on your way to success.

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3 Ways to Set Expectations in a Home Based Career

Working from home affords a lot of flexibility and often improves quality of life, but it brings into focus the question of work life balance.  If you’re always in your “office,” does work ever stop?

One way to ensure that working from home is, in fact, working from home, it’s important to set expectations – and boundaries. You can still be there for friends and family on a more flexible basis while still having time to complete your tasks.

Set office hours and a schedule

Even though you aren’t going to an office, it’s still important to have fairly consistent office hours.  Not only does this set an expectation for friends and family, it keeps you on a schedule.  We typically get more done when we’re on a daily schedule, so it’s a great method for productivity.

Just because you set office hours doesn’t mean they have to be 9 AM to 5 PM.  If it works better for your family to start earlier or later, go for it.  It might be helpful to carve out an hour or two for kids’ obligations, car pool, or anything else that you typically need to get done.

Create a family calendar and fill it in.  You can create a schedule around this, giving yourself time off, extra days of work, and so on.

Have a conversation

If you work from home, you might find that more of the house work and kid responsibilities are your job. This can be a great benefit of working from home, but it can also become overwhelming.

If you feel that the home obligations are out of balance, or you aren’t able to complete your work, it’s time to have a conversation.  Delegate some tasks to a babysitter or family member, and simply make it known that you’re only available at certain times.

Make it a real job

Working from home is still working, and it should be treated as such.  Create an office space that you enjoy, keep housework to breaks only, and work as you would in a traditional office.

The benefits of working from home include flexibility and comfort, but it’s easier to take it seriously and work successfully as an independent employee when you work in a more traditional way.  When you, as well as others, see your job as more “real,” the balance of work and the boundaries of time are more likely to be adhered to.

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3 Ways to Make Your Resume Stand Out

Resumes are crucial parts of our application process.  We typically can’t get a job without one!  While they’re very important, they can also be tedious and frustrating for your potential employers. In addition to that, they often have an enormous amount of resumes to sift through.  Whether it’s too much text, ancient job positions, or any combination of both, it’s important to stand out among these resumes.

When you stand out, you become memorable to the employer or hiring manager. When a job position is popular, it can hundreds – or even thousands – of positions. Check out our tips to make sure you’re standing out among the crowd!

Change the look

Boring is out! The standard black text on white paper can be tiresome and even hard to read after so many resumes. If you have some design experience, take a stab at a unique layout.  Or, you could experiment with fun colors.

Although standing out is important, your resume still must be readable and professional.  You can inject personality and uniqueness while still staying true to yourself, the job position, and the work environment.

Keep it short and sweet

Long resumes are often the least fun part of a hiring manager’s job.  Make it easy on them! Keep your resume to one page if possible, two at the absolute max.  Remove any old information, fluff words, and information that isn’t pertinent to the exact job positions you’re applying for.

Get very specific with your qualifications, achievements, and job positions.  Keep only the most important information in your resume, and leave any lengthy job descriptions for interview questions.

Pack it with the good stuff

Remove as much general information as you can.  For example, “I produced $30,000 of additional revenue for the charity event,” not “i.e. I successfully planned a local event.”

Hiring managers and employers want to know, as specifically as possible, what you’ve accomplished.  Data and numbers really stand out more than “fluff” terms, and they help you to get noticed.  It’s very impressive that you increased attendance, saved money, made more money for a charity event, and so on.  It’s not as impressive that you created “outstanding marketing pieces,” since that information cannot be qualified or verified.

Creating a stand out resume removes unnecessary information, making it easy on those who are potentially hiring you.  A great resume is one that was given time and attention, making it unique and fun to look at.  Spend some time making the resume reflect you – in a professional way.

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5 Time Tracking Options for Virtual Professionals

When you work remotely or hire virtual professionals, you need a reliable way to track hours. Small businesses want to see how their virtual contractors or off-site employees are spending their time.  And contractors need a professional and reliable way to track their hours and bill their clients.

We’ve complied a list of some of the most popular time-tracking websites below. Many of these tools also integrate with other team and client management software which can be very helpful.


Toggl makes it easy for you.  “Logging time with Toggl is as easy as it can possibly be. Just click a button to start the timer, and stop it once you’re done with your tasks. Simple as that, on any device.”

Toggl also allows you to log time anywhere on the web, so you don’t have to login to Toggl every time.  You can also discover what’s taking up your time via their visual reports option, so you’re able to visually see how long each task takes, as well as the time spent by your team members.

Pricing begins at $9.00 per month for the Starter level, and goes up to $49.00 per month for larger organizations and those who want additional features.


Not only can you track your own time on Harvest, but you can see where your team’s time is going as well.  “Harvest collates this raw timesheet data into a visual summary of where your team’s time is going,” according to their website.

You’re also encouraged to keep track of Projects, so things never slip through the cracks.  According to their features, you can “Keep your projects on track (and make sure your business is going strong) with answers to key questions, courtesy of intuitive visual reports pulled right from your timesheets.”

Pricing is free for one person and 2 projects, and goes up to $12.00 per person, per month if you purchase for a team.


Timely offers great features that allow you to “Let your timesheet create itself. All you need to do is to confirm.”

The site allows you to create an automatic timeline based on tasks, from your calendar, which you’ve completed in an easy to see and use format.  This was created because “People forget what they worked on, and they don’t want to spend time tracking time. So they avoid it, and you have to chase them down. That’s where Memory comes in: A radical new way to track time,” according to the Timely website.

Pricing begins at $7.00 per month and goes up to $59.00 per month for larger teams and more in depth features.


MyHours allows you to “Start or stop timer with a single click, switch timings between tasks in seconds or, just as important, pause for a coffee break.”

MyHours also has the capability to set variable hourly rates, report work to your clients in style and detail, and do this via PDF and Excel reports.  They also offer a graphic breakdown of your work, so you’re able to see how your time is spent, how tasks are going, and what your team members are up to.

Pricing begins for free, and goes to $6.00 per user, per month for more capabilities, such as budgeting, billing, additional team members, and more.


Paydirt offers Smart Time Tracking, which means you can “Use the built in tracker to start a timer for any client in one click. Tracking time is a pain, but Paydirt takes the sting out,” according to their website.

It also integrates with Basecamp, Trello, Redbooth, Google Chrome and Zapier. Pricing begins at $8.00 per month for a single user, and up to $149.00 per month for a large agency of 20 team members.  “Smart Reminders” allow you to “determine who you’re working for automatically, and adds a link to start a timer right there on the page.”  It’s a very simplified option that keeps you on task.




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3 Ways to Secure Work From Home Jobs

Working from home is a noble goal for many moms, parents and people who are seeking more flexibility in their lives.

Between long commutes, wasted time in an office, and the lack of freedom to attend important things, it’s no wonder that more and more people are looking for a job that gives them something more.  As a work from home job site, we have some tips and advice to secure a work from home job that will work for you and your family.

Tune into the application process

You can’t get a job if you’re never applying! Just like applying for a traditional office job, you have to apply often, thoroughly, and carefully.

Businesses seeking home based employees are no longer just scammy companies who will take anyone; they’re seeking highly qualified, experienced, and professional workers.

Do your best to apply to as many jobs as possible that truly fit your skill set.  Don’t waste your time with the rest! It’s not ideal to apply for positions just to work from home.  Eventually, this will not be fulfilling.  Find the good ones and go to town with making those applications the absolute best you can.

Use the right sites

As you’ve probably noticed, there are tons of job search sites out there.  Some of these traditional sites will even feature work from home jobs once in a while, and you can find a job there!

While this is true, it’s like finding a needle in a haystack.  Even if you see work from home jobs, they’re often scams, sales-only jobs, or other questionable positions that aren’t legitimate for home based work.

Sites like HireMyMom.com are created for the sole purpose of work from home jobs.  Utilize these sites as your first points of searching, and you’ll have far more luck.  It’s as if everyone rounded up the “legitimate” jobs from those other sites and put them into one place!  Use the right resources, and the right job will likely come to you.

Watch your presence

Make sure your materials and online presence are top notch. Resumes are just as important online as offline!  Between your online resume, cover letter, and other application materials, make sure that these are in good shape online.  We often submit these materials to several application sites, which can sometimes be searched via Google.

Additionally, it’s important to watch your social media presence.  This is true for every job, but especially work from home jobs.  You employers are likely to be a bit more tech savvy, and it’s easy for them to check you out.  These days, many employers even ask for your social media URLs in the job application itself!

Do your best to keep things professional, and present yourself as if your employer is watching.

Working from home is a great way to do more in life while still earning an income.  It’s not as simple as logging into a basic job search site and pressing a few buttons, but with the right tools, sites, and attitude, you can find a job that fits you and your family’s lifestyle.

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4 Tips for a Successful Facebook Business Page

Facebook business pages are almost a necessity if you own any type of business.  If you’re not super social media savvy, you might have a lot of questions.  What should I be posting? How often? Should I just constantly push my products and services?

There are many ways to be successful online, but there are some things you can do to create a valuable presence on your Facebook business page.

Be consistent

If you’re going to have a Facebook business page, you need to be consistent in posting! It doesn’t mean you have to post daily, but it means you have to stay on a normal posting schedule.

If you know you can’t post daily, don’t post daily; this isn’t necessary. If you know you can commit to 2-3 times per week, go for it.  It’s whatever you can do to provide quality content on a consistent basis that matters.

Don’t sell

This might be counterintuitive, but you should refrain from selling most of the time.  Your Facebook business page should be a place where you show your expert status and provide valuable and inspiring information.

While it’s fine to mention your products and services once in awhile, it shouldn’t be the main focus of your posts.

Show your human side

Your business page should be kept professional, but not always business related.  Which means, it’s fun to show some behind the scenes items and share a bit about yourself.

Obviously, this depends on the type of business you’re in, but especially if you’re a small business, people want to know YOU.  People do business with those they know, like and trust, so it’s fine to share some personal details or the behind the scenes parts of your business.

Be valuable

After all of this, what should you be posting?  Anything valuable! What does your audience want to know about? Establish yourself as the expert.  Share fun information, helpful information, tips and advice that can be actionable for your readers.

When you provide value, stay away from selling most of the time, and develop a consistent presence, your page will begin to grow, leading to greater exposure for your business.

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