5 Practical Tips To Leverage Instagram As A Freelancing Mompreneur

I don’t know about you but Instagram has been one of the most challenging social media platforms to navigate as a mompreneur and like most platforms, it’s constantly evolving and changing. I find that just about the time I find a good rhythm and create a strategy that works for the HireMyMom Instagram account, it all changes.  

Well, you know what they say, you either have to beat them or join them, right?

As a freelancing mompreneur Instagram can be a great tool in reaching potential clients but it requires consistency and having a strategic social media marketing plan.

In this post we are going to break down 5 practical tips you can implement today to help you get more out of your Instagram marketing. Before we dive in, I want to offer you some encouragement: any social media platform takes time to grow and that is especially true for Instagram.

You aren’t going to post to Instagram for a week and have thousands of new followers. It will take showing up daily even when you don’t feel like it. It will require consistency even when you don’t feel like you have a clue about what you are doing and you will have to keep showing up even when it feels like no one cares or is even listening.

Give yourself some grace while you are learning, everyone starts out a beginner. Even the accounts you drool over with 30K+ followers at one time started with that first post and only 5 followers. Try to focus on having fun with the journey while letting go of the outcome or you will drive yourself straight to the bottom of the pit of comparison.

So take a deep breath and focus on taking this one day at a time remembering that Martha Stewart did not build an empire in one day.



When potential clients land on your Instagram account, what are they going to see first? Your bio, right. It’s that first impression when someone steps into your online space. Take the time to create a bio that really showcases your personality.

Instagram bios have a 150 character limit so make your words clear, powerful and compelling to convey what you do and the problem you solve. Be creative and use emojis if that fits your personality but stick to the few that best represent your brand. Too many emojis can look messy and be more distracting than helpful.

Ensure you have a good profile photo. If you are leading with your personal brand use a clear crisp fun photo of yourself or if you are leading with a business brand, a good clean logo or graphic is crucial.

You can have one clickable link in your profile so it’s important to leverage it wisely. If you have multiple places you want to drive your Instagram traffic to you can use Linktree to do that. It’s a pretty awesome tool.


Instagram is a platform driven by photography and imagery so it’s important to use photos that are creative, high quality, cohesive and aligned with your brand and personality style. If you are more extroverted and don’t mind being in front of the camera, you can use that to your advantage just ensure you stay on message visually.

If you are more introverted, don’t fret. It doesn’t mean Instagram is not for you, it just means you have to think outside the box and find a strategy that works for your business. You can curate photos from free accounts like Unplash or from other Instagram accounts BUT I want to stress the importance of always giving photo credit to the sources you are using. Don’t be the person who tries to pass off someone else’s work as your own. It’s icky and won’t earn the trust of your followers.  

Here is an example of how you can properly credit photos you curate from another account. We gave credit to @lemons.for.days for this cute photo and you will find that when you market properly, the accounts you credit will often comment on your post thanking you and even follow your account as a result.

If you love photography and can take your own photos, that’s awesome. Ensure that your Instagram feed has a theme to keep it consistent and cohesive. Think of your Instagram feed like a magazine. The photos should all work together and compliment one another.

The HireMyMom brand has an orange and turquoise color scheme so therefore I look for photos that compliment this theme to create a visually interesting feed.

This may take you some practice to get a theme down for your account and that’s okay. Practice makes perfect when you strive for progress over perfection. You can use apps like Snapseed to help you edit your photos and brighten them up so each photo has the same look and feel to it.



Instagram is no different than any other platform in how you use it will determine the kind of results you get. If you are going to throw something up just to post with little thought or you use every post to try to sell something you won’t attract many followers so you have to not only think about the image you are posting (will it work with the image you posted before it?) but you have to take the time to think about how you will use the image to give or share something of value.

There is nothing worse than an Instagram post that has nothing but hashtags in the caption. Your followers are on your account for them, not you so it’s important to choose quality over quantity and give your reader a reason to keep following along.

Pair a how-to tip with your image, share a story that will lead to a conversation with your followers and give your followers an insight into what you believe. Instagram has quickly become a very conversational platform so take the time to think about what and how you will share. Marketing requires intentionality.



Are you participating in Friday Introductions? It’s a great way to connect with others and build community. Every Friday the #FridayIntroductions hashtag is trending and here are some tips to make the most of it:

  1. Post a picture of yourself. I know if you are introverted this is hard to do, I get it. I cringe at the thought of taking a selfie much less posting one.
  2. Use #FridayIntroductions in your post so you will pull up in that hashtag feed.
  3. Share a story about yourself, a fun fact, the why behind what you to do, etc. Focus on sharing something personal so your followers can learn more about you. The more they feel like they know you the more they will want to stick around.
  4. Share, Don’t Sell. This is an opportunity to share and connect with others without an agenda so if you want to make the most out of this let go of the need to try to sell anything or drive traffic to your website when participating in #FridayIntroductions.
  5. Follow the #FridayIntroductions feed and connect with others. Take the time to follow accounts that really speak to you. Like and spend time leaving genuine comments on their posts.
  6. Make this a part of your weekly social media plan, I promise the consistency will pay off.


Instagram stories are seen 10x more than regular posts so they are pretty important to your marketing strategy. They are perfect for those less than polished photos and behind the scenes type of content that aren’t appropriate for your regular feed.

You can let your followers know about a new post you have and why they should care, a new blog post that you have up on your website, a product sneak peek you are working on to build excitement and share a word of encouragement.

And here is an awesome bonus tip: use popular hashtag that is relevant to your business when you share to give them a boost. For example, you can use #mompreneur, #graphicdesign, #ontheblog, #fashionblogger, etc.

Spend some time researching popular hashtags that your target audience would be following for stories and test them out. Stick to 1-2 hashtags for stories and try to minimize them so they don’t overpower the other info you are trying to share. You can make the text small and place them in the upper corners or cover them with a sticker.

Here is an example of how to let your followers know through an Instagram story to check out a recent post. You can see the #mompreneur hashtag at the top. By using hashtags in stories, people following the hashtags you use have a good chance of seeing your content even if they aren’t following you because they are following that hashtag.

I hope you found these tips and examples helpful in getting started with Instagram as a freelancing mompreneur. There will be a learning curve with it like anything new. Give yourself permission to be okay with being a beginner knowing you will have it mastered in no time with patience and consistency.

Looking for more social media tips, training and support? Why not check out more of what HireMyMom has to offer! We have been supporting mompreneurs like you since 2007. Click HERE to learn more.



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HireMyMom Success Story: Andrea Corpening

Tell us a little about you and your experience finding work on HireMyMom.

After I had my first child in 2016, my husband and I agreed that I could stay home at least for the first year. During that time, I completed a Talent Development Certification, while balancing the challenges of being a new mom.

I often studied for the exam during my daughter’s naptime.  In January 2018, I started my own training and consulting business and was hired for several contract jobs through HireMyMom.  It was a great way to generate income and build my confidence as a new entrepreneur.  As of April 2019, my business has grown to the point where I needed to hire my first part-time Virtual Assistant. I found great Virtual Assistants to help me in my business through HireMymom.

What did you do previously?

I was a corporate bank trainer for many years.  Then I worked as a training manager before I was promoted to a bank Director – all before I became a wife and a mom.

What is your top tip for landing a gig on HireMyMom.com?

I recommend applicants have a resume that is tailored for each job before applying. You only have a few seconds to capture the employer’s attention and market your skills. It is very important to personalize your cover letter because it is your first impression and your opportunity to explain why you’re the best person for the job. Also, I also recommend having samples of your work that you can submit as needed.

What’s your favorite thing about HireMyMom.com?

Since at one time I was a job seeker and now I’m an employer, my favorite thing about Hiremymom is they always have legit opportunities.  I have never experienced any scams.  As a job seeker, I always experienced quality gigs.  Now, as a business owner looking to hire, I have found several great candidates that are qualified and passionate about what they do.

What’s a fun or interesting fact about you?

I am a certified DISC Behavioral Styles Practitioner, which is a globally recognized behavior/personality assessment, similar to Myers Briggs but easier to use and implement.  DISC helps you to understand yourself, why other people do the things they do and how to communicate effectively with different types of people.  I help my clients use the benefits of DISC in their personal and professional life.



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Top 10 Productivity Hacks Every Mompreneur Needs For Her At Home Business

Figuring out how to get “all the things” done might just be the biggest achilles’ heel as a mompreneur.

It’s easy to look at our never ending list of to-dos and feel anxious and overwhelmed at the thought of how we will ever get it all done. Along the way, as a mompreneur, I have learned a few tricks and hacks to getting more done so I can be more productive and move my business forward.

Let me share with you a little secret about doing “all the things” right up front before we even dive into these productivity hacks.

You will never get it all done.

I know, I know. Not what you wanted to hear.

The truth is, your list will never be completely wiped clean and you will never feel all the way done for the day. It’s just the reality of being a mompreneur and business owner.

But what I will tell you is that even though you won’t ever really get it all done, you can implement these 10 productivity strategies that will help you not only get more accomplished during your work day but also focus on the most important tasks that will help to make your business profitable and successful.



Most of the time, overwhelm simply means that your brain is a jumbled mess of thoughts, ideas and tasks. The best strategy that I have learned to calm the chaos is to dump it all out on paper (or Evernote or OneNote if you are more of an electronic app kind of person).

There’s no right or wrong way to do this. Just dump every task, to-do, strategy and creative thought that is bouncing around in your head.

I always end my work day with a brain dump of what I want to get done the next day (or even for the upcoming week on a Sunday night). I immediately feel better once my cluttered thoughts are down on paper. I can see things more clearly and can make an informed decision about what gets my attention and what has to wait for a later time.



Now that you have dumped everything that feels like a chaotic, unorganized thought onto paper, it’s time to decide what to tackle and in what order.

This “eat that frog” process is based on Brian Tracy’s wildly popular book Eat That Frog. This strategy will help you take all those things off your brain dump and put them into an ordered list that makes sense for your business.

The key to “eat that frog” is to focus on tackling the hardest, most important tasks first. These are the tasks that are the easiest to procrastinate about because they are usually the ones that push us outside our comfort zone. But they are almost always the tasks that will move us forward in our business and are the most important.

From your brain dump, place an A, B, C, D, or E next to each item on your list.

  • An “A” item is something that is very important, something you must do to move your business ahead
  • A “B” item is a task that you should do, but it only has mild consequences either way. Reviewing email would probably be considered a B task, depending on your business.
  • A “C” item is something that would be nice to do but there are no consequences to your business success if they they get done or not. Calling or meeting a friend for coffee would fall under the C category.
  • A “D” task is something you can delegate to someone else. The rule here is to delegate everything that someone else can do so that you can free up more time for the A tasks that only you can do.
  • An “E” task is defined as something you can eliminate all together and it won’t make any real difference. These may be tasks that you should have gotten rid of a long time ago but because of habit haven’t done so yet.

Now that you have labeled every task on your brain dump, it’s time to get to work immediately.

The key to making this method work is for you to discipline yourself to start immediately on your A tasks and then stay on each task until it is complete, not moving on to another task before hand. And…most definitely, not moving on to a B task until all of your A tasks are complete.

In essence, you have “eaten that frog”. You have done the hardest, yet most important tasks first. Look at how productive you are!



Batching your work simply means that you are clumping together all of the similar tasks and tackling them at the same time. Here are a few examples of business related items that can be batched together.

  • Blog writing
  • Writing email newsletters and sales funnels
  • Social media posts
  • Sending out invoices
  • Checking email
  • Creating products that you sell

Look at your list of tasks and decide what items can be batched together.

For example, instead of checking email each time a notification pops up, set aside a chunk of time in your day twice a day, like morning and late afternoon for example, to focus on reading, responding and organizing your emails. This is key! Otherwise, so much time can be wasted switching your brain back and forth between tasks!



Knowing when you are the most creative and have the most energy is crucial to hacking into your productivity as a mompreneur. Plan your day around your highest energy levels. When are you the most creative? When are you the most focused and less distracted? When does your energy start to lag?

Knock out your “A” tasks during your highest energy times and leave your “B” level tasks (checking email and returning phone calls) for those times when your energy starts to lag.



Now that you have identified your highest energy times of the day, make it a point to work during those hours. My most productive work time is from 9-12 each morning so those times are blocked out on my calendar as “focused work time”.

During these high energy hours I am focused on knocking out my “A” level tasks. I also know that after lunch, I am less focused and my energy starts to lessen. That’s when I focus on responding to email and other tasks that don’t require as much focus.

My best hack for sticking with your designated work hours is to put them on your calendar as a non-negotiable. Because you run your own small business, it can be easy to schedule doctor’s appointments or lunch dates during your most effective work times. Consider blocking out Monday-Thursday for work and saving Friday afternoons for errands and appointments.

The key to this strategy is to schedule work time and schedule it during your most energetic and creative times of the day and week.



Interruptions and a lack of focus can be the biggest downfalls of controlling our time spent working on our business. What would it mean for your productivity if you have one day a week that you keep free of meetings and appointments?

My designated day of the week is Monday. I try my very best to protect Monday and keep it free of meetings and appointments. It is my day to crank out a ton of work projects and set myself up for success for the rest of the week. I know that if I am able to crush it on Monday and mark a ton of tasks off my list on this first day of the week, I feel more accomplished and energized to tackle the rest of the week.



Because you run your own business and are your own boss, it can be easy to let obligations and commitments sneak into your work time. If we aren’t careful, we can say yes to too many things and find ourselves bogged down with commitments and our available focused work time is cut in half (or more).

White space is the available space on your calendar or schedule where you don’t have other obligations. If you feel overwhelmed just by looking at your calendar, take some time to reflect on how you are spending your time, what you have said yes to that is adding overwhelm and stress to your life, and how much focused time you have saved to work on your business.

It might be time to say no to some things so you can say yes to your business more often.



One of the biggest challenges for mompreneurs is distractions. There is a misconception that as moms who run a business, we should be great at multitasking.

Think about the last time you sat down to tackle an important task for your business. Usually, like I talked about earlier, the hardest tasks are often the most important and the ones that we can want to put off until later.

Did you find yourself checking Facebook, email and watching a stream of Instagram stories while you were “working” on that important business task?

In order to be the most productive and tackle the most important tasks in your business, it is important to head off the temptation to procrastinate by eliminating distractions.

Shut down Facebook, turn off email and put your cell phone in “do not disturb” mode. Whatever is distracting you the most and allowing you to procrastinate, shut it off for the duration of the project you are working on.

A popular method to getting disciplined and focused work time is the Pomodoro Technique. This method allows for some break time and helps you stay focused on the task at hand, with a little bit of down (reward) time throughout.



Where you work is as important to your productivity as all the other hacks I have shared so far. Your workspace should be designed to help you get work done. It should be a place that you are drawn to, a place you find inspiration and enjoy being in.

The environment in which you work is as important as the space itself. Choose colors, furniture, and decor that speak to your soul. I actually painted my home office to match my fun branding colors, and I love it! You may also want to consider adding a house plant or two to bring life to your office. Your productivity will thank you!



As a Mompreneur, your health is usually the last thing on your to-do list. But the right foods and exercise are key to your productivity. You might think otherwise, that you don’t have time for a run or taking your favorite Zumba class at the gym, but even going for a brisk walk can make a huge difference in your mindset, energy level and overall productivity.

The key to this hack is to actually value the time you spend with your own self care.

What helps you recharge, gives you energy and keeps you healthy?
Exercise, eating your fruits and veggies, reading a good book, etc.?

Whatever it is for you, make it a priority.


What are some productivity hacks that you use to up your game and get more done as a mompreneur? Will you implement some of these productivity strategies to help you better tackle your to-do list?

Contact us and let us know. Would love to hear from you!


Are you a Mompreneur looking for more freelancing opportunities and client work to build your home based business? Check out more of what HireMyMom.com has to offer!


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Behind the Scenes with HireMyMom Founder Lesley Pyle

Why did you become an entrepreneur?

I sometimes call myself an accidental entrepreneur because it was not in my original plans. However after having my first child, I desperately wanted to be at home with her. I had just finished my Master’s degree and had always dreamed of climbing the corporate ladder. But after having her, I wanted nothing more than to work from home and be able to be an integral part of her life. The most appealing part to me at the time was having freedom and flexibility in my day and that’s still a huge benefit all these years later!


What changes did you have to make start your entrepreneurial path?

When I first started out, I made the difficult decision to quit my full-time job which meant we needed to cut our living expenses significantly until I could get my freelance business going. We sold one car, got rid of cable TV and cut out every other bill we could. We ate more ramen noodles (hello cheap!) than I care to remember. It was rough getting started, but it gave me such drive to make sure I was successful. I knew if I wasn’t, then I would be forced to look for a job.


What has been the toughest aspect of being an Entrepreneur?

Going at it alone has been difficult at times. When you work for yourself, there’s no team members to turn to or bosses to teach you things you don’t know how to do. You are responsible for learning new skills, staying on top of new technologies, hiring the right people, and knowing when you may need to hire a coach to help you through some of the areas you are lacking in.


What advice would you give to someone who was thinking about transitioning into the entrepreneur life?

I would recommend really taking the time to discover what you are passionate about and what you are good at. Don’t just do something because you think you will make money. The honeymoon will be over on that before you know it. I believe you’ll have much more success doing what you love. Because then, it doesn’t feel like work, right?  I love what I do and I look forward to sitting down at my desk every day. Instead of looking at the clock 20 times a day wondering if its 5:00 yet, I look at it and think “oh no, I only have x more hours to work today”. That’s when you know you love what you do!


What do you enjoy most about being an entrepreneur?

I love being creative and being in charge of my time and my future. I love setting new goals for myself and growing by learning new things. And let’s face it, who doesn’t love being able to pack a bag anytime you want and take your work on the road for as long as you want! Last year, my husband and I were able to take off for 10 days to Hawaii where one of our daughters was playing her last collegiate volleyball games of her career and we got to be there for those and to celebrate her on Senior Night! Priceless memories, and I probably would not have been able to do that if I worked a traditional job.


What book are you currently reading?

I’m currently reading “The Compound Effect” by Darren Hardy because I need reminders that small choices day by day make huge differences in the future. So far, I’m loving it!


What does your daily routine look like?

I get up around 6am and have my coffee, prayer and Bible study time for about an hour to get myself focused in the right direction. Then I get my youngest up and ready for school. From there, I often work out for an hour, then head to my home office where I work until around 4pm when our youngest gets home from school. My work day includes writing, creating content, responding to customers, engaging with my community and working on daily goals.


What is something most people don’t know about you?

I am a first generation college student. I put myself through college with the help of loans, grants and the work study program. Upon graduation, I had a hard time getting my first job so I decided to look at scholarships for graduate school. I found the biggest one and figured I’d start with it. It was a full scholarship to study abroad in any country from Rotary International. To my surprise, I won the scholarship and attended the University of Stirling in Scotland where I received my Master’s in Marketing and Public Relations! That taught me that when God closes one door, there’s usually a bigger, better door waiting for you!


Have questions or want more information on HireMyMom? Contact us!






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7 Strategic Ways To Grow Your Mompreneur Business

If you are a mompreneur who has been working your business for a while, there comes a pivotal point when you seek to take your business to the next level. Whether it’s to increase your income goals, elevate client experience, streamline your processes or all of the above, growing your business will require some high-level strategies.

As a full-time mompreneur myself in business since 1996, it can be easy to get overwhelmed with the details but the best place to start, even when growing your business is to focus on drilling down what has worked best for you so far. And it’s important to keep in mind, that there is no substitute for keeping it simple.

So here are our 7 strategic ways to take your business to the next level right away.


1. Reevaluate Current Expenses

Before you dive into all the new ideas you have for your small business, it’s always a good idea to evaluate where you are right now. Make a list of your current business expenses and ensure you are not spending time and money in areas that you aren’t using. Those $15-$20 monthly subscriptions can really add up.


2. Juicy Offer

If you have been building an email list with an opt-in through your website great job! Building an email list is one of the best things you can do for your business. With social media platforms changing daily and algorithm’s decreasing the organic reach of content, having a clear and consistent email marketing strategy is a must. When you email your list, you don’t have to worry about how much reach it will get.

Maybe you have a freebie on your website that has been working and now it’s time to create some additional free resources so you have multiple offers to share and market. Consider creating a “Resource Library” on your website where your visitors can sort through the best offer(s) for them. Create pinnable graphics for each offer through a Pinterest Canva template and pin to a free resources board on Pinterest. This will help you capture more leads for your business where you can build a deeper relationship with through email.

Don’t have a freebie offer on your website? Now is the time to create one! Come up with a high value resource that can help your ideal client solve an immediate problem and position you as an expert.


3. Email Marketing 

As you build an email list, it’s important to communicate on a regular basis with that list in order to take your business to that next level. Send out a weekly newsletter to share something of value, your latest blog post, tool, video training, helpful hack or resource.

When it comes to email marketing, it’s definitely quality over quantity. The goal is to provide high-level value that can help your ideal client while positioning you as an expert. The goal is not to pitch your audience to buy something (this is a strategy that is okay every so often but 90% of your emails should be high quality value). Pitching your email list with offers constantly will only land you with lots of unsubscribes.

When crafting emails focus more on letting your personality shine through and less on perfecting polished sales copy. Tell a story through your emails and talk to your audience like you are sitting down with them for coffee.

At the end of the email include a photo of you with a bio, a subtle call to action and link to learn more about how they can work with you.


4. On Boarding Process

Maybe you’ve built your business doing discovery type calls and while it’s worked, you are wanting to take back control of your time so you can focus on only working with exactly the type of clients your skill sets are best suited for.

Having an on-boarding process for new clients can definitely grow your business by helping to weed out people who are not 100% your ideal client. Create a Google doc that you can direct people to through your website. You can set up this document to email you the responses once it’s filled out.

Ask important questions that can help you determine if a phone call is the next step or if responding with an email to let them know they are not the right fit for you at this time. You can direct them to paid resources or courses you offer, (we will talk about this more below)or refer them to someone who is a better fit.

Having a process to properly vet clients can save you hours of precious time each week so you can spend that time on other revenue generating activities, working with the right clients and spending more time with your family.


5. Passive Income Resources

Marketing a business takes a lot of hard consistent work, and you want to leverage the leads that come into your business as much as possible. While not everyone who lands on your website will be a good fit to work with, that doesn’t mean you don’t have value to offer them.

Put together digital products or courses that can generate passive income so you can focus on investing time to work with higher-paying clients. If you are a graphic designer who designs logos for example, you could put together an eBook training of how to create a simple logo for a new website and charge say $27. Those who may not be the right fit for you to work on a larger scale can take a DIY approach allowing you to still earn revenue for your expertise without doing any extra work.

Passive income resources like this are a great way to grow your business since it’s a product you’ve already created that you can sell over and over again.


6. Streamline Processes With Templates

Create templates for every aspect of your business for tasks such as onboarding clients, emails, proposals and invoices. Tools like Freshbooks are great for this as they not only manage invoices and expenses, but also client and project notes.

Use apps to track expenses to save you hours at tax time and create folders for client emails so you aren’t spending hours searching for them. Spending time up front to stay organized can greatly increase your productivity and take your business to the next level.


7. Batch Your Time

There is nothing worse than feeling like you are going in circles not being productive. In order to grow your business, you need to use your time wisely and batch your recurring tasks.

For example, instead of trying to figure out every day what to post on your Facebook business page, batch that task and work on it each Monday from 9am-10am and plan out the whole week. You may not even need a full hour as you will find that as you create content focusing on one platform, your creativity and momentum will flow more easily.

Now think of other recurring tasks and batch those. For instance, schedule an hour each Tuesday to create pinnable graphics for your blog posts and quote cards in Canva and upload them to your Pinterest boards.

Batching your time will drive up your productivity while creating a higher level of consistency.

There are your 7 strategic tips to grow your mompreneur business. Implement even half of these and your business is sure to flourish!

Looking for more training, networking, support or ideas? We’d love to have you join our HireMyMom community today!




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10 Action Steps To Go From Corporate Job To Working From Home

So you’ve made the decision to transition out of that corporate job into working from home. Let us be the first to congratulate and celebrate with you! As a mom who made that same decision for her life and family and as a business woman working with mom professionals for over 20 years, I know full well what a huge stepping stone this is for you.


While this is an exciting time of change and looking forward to a bright future of following your passions and doing things your way, it can also be a scary time full of uncertainty and unique challenges that you did not face with a corporate career.


Here are 10 actions steps based on my own personal experiences, advice from mentors and networking with other moms who have successfully transitioned from a corporate job to working from home to help you navigate this new territory.


1.  Fire Your Fears

You fired your boss and now you will have to learn how to fire your fears. Fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of not having all the answers, fear of doubt, fear of comparison and yes even the fear of success and the responsibility that comes with it. While a corporate job is not perfect there is a certain level of assurances like knowing where your next paycheck will come from.


Doubt will creep in at times so embracing that as a new normal, one that everyone goes through, will help you work through those moments a lot easier. You know yourself best and what works so make a plan of how you will feel the fear and push forward any way (prayer, meditation, exercise, etc.)


2. Create A Schedule

There is something to be said for having a routine. Most humans thrive with one and for us moms, a schedule is a necessity. With a corporate job you surely had a time you needed to be up and a time the kids needed to be dressed in order to make it out the door on time or your day most likely got thrown out of whack.


While having an at home business has the advantages of flexibility to work when you want, how you want and where you want at the same time without a schedule your day will feel like a free for all and your productivity will be minimal. It will probably take some tweaking to figure out what works but having a daily schedule will be crucial to your success.


Some tips of the trade include batching your work on certain days like for phone calls, computer work and for running errands. Sure, there will be hiccups along the way but a schedule ensures you can quickly get back on track. Communicate with your family so they know what to expect; time you have set aside for work and time for family.


3. Develop A Network

Working from home can be a huge blessing, without a doubt, but it can also feel isolating. Relationships you had through your corporate job may even fade away as others don’t understand or unfortunately feel jealousy about your new path. Having a network of like minded moms who understand the struggles of mompreneurship can be a priceless asset for you to tap into.


4. Consult An Accountant

Being your own boss comes with it’s perks like business expenses and tax write offs but it’s important to know up front how to run your business legally and professionally so there are no surprises down the road. Depending on your state, you could be required to create an LLC or DBA and file for a federal tax ID number in order to do business. Find out these requirements up front and put a system into place for tracking your business expenses. Tools like FreshBooks and QuickBooks are great resources to help keep you organized.


5. Create A Vision Of What You Want

Setting goals is a measurable way of tracking your home business ambitions. Take some time to create a clear vision of:

  • How much income you want/need on a monthly basis

  • The number of clients you need each month to reach that goal

  • What a life of having a full time business doing what you love looks like

  • How you want to feel as your own boss

  • How you will use your business to serve and give back to others


6. Stand Confidently In Who You Are

You will soon find the world of business ownership to be a very noisy one. There is no shortage of “experts” out there trying to tell others the best way to run a business. While mentoring and coaching can be beneficial it’s also important that you stay out of the advice rabbit hole and stand firmly in who you are and what you want for your life and business. This will require putting on a filter and using discernment to sort through the make $10K your first month sales pitches, fear of missing out marketing tactics and gurus selling programs.


7. Get Up And Running

While it’s okay to plan out your business and approach it in an organized fashion, you will also have to let go of things like perfectionism and having all the answers before taking action. This journey will require taking leaps of faith and being okay with building your wings on the way down. You will make mistakes but you will also learn from them in order to do it better next time. If you sit around trying to create the perfect website, perfect business cards, perfect marketing strategy before taking action you will be sitting stagnant and definitely not making progress to reach your goals.

Focus on the most important pieces of your business that you need to get up and running and go find your first client.


8. Hire A Coach

Running a home based business will come with it’s unique challenges and require you to tap into yourself in a way that you may never have before. Hiring a business coach can be a great asset in helping you navigate this transition more smoothly so you aren’t figuring it all out on your own (saving you time and money). This may or may not be in the budget. If it is, do your due diligence and find a coach that specializes in the areas you need most.

If hiring a coach is not in the budget right now, seek out business coaches and learn as much as you can from them through their free tools like blog posts, email newsletters, etc. until you can afford more one on one coaching.


9. Have A Creative Outlet

While there is a lot of marketing out there referring a home based business to things like “the dream lifestyle you can do from your laptop while sitting at the beach” it’s far from being that glamorous especially for someone just starting out. It’s not a path free from stress, actually quite the contrary so while you need to have a plan for how you will run your business it’s equally important to have a plan of how you will decompress.


Having a home based business means you can make more time for the things you love to do so do them. Read more books, go for more walks, do more painting, play your piano more. As you make plans for how you will work, don’t forget to also make plans for how you will play and enjoy life.


10. Get Frugal

Transitioning from corporate job and stable income into a home based business with fluctuating revenue means you will have to rethink your spending habits. Adopt a budget and get more frugal to guard yourself from financial stresses. Running a business and navigating these new waters will be hard enough without adding money problems to it.

Shop more thrift stores, clip more coupons, go through your expenses and see where you can trim some fat. There is no shame in being frugal, it’s a smart savvy way to live especially while starting up a new business.


I hope these action steps have inspired you as you transition from corporate woman to CEO Mom Professional! I believe in you and I pray you know God does too.


If you found these tips helpful be sure to pin it to a Pinterest board so you can easily find it later. Are you looking for more support as a mom professional transitioning out of the corporate arena to running a full time business from home? Join our community of mom professionals and check out our latest job postings.







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5 Keys to Success as a Mompreneur

Being a mom and running your own business is no easy feat. You have one hand on raising the next generation and the other slaying your day as a mom boss. So how do you do it? We’ve got 5 keys to success to help you. 

Be Passionate

First of all, Be PASSIONATE about what you do. If you love what you do, working and making an income are met with enthusiasm and eagerness. Not only will you enjoy it, your customers and clients will enjoy doing business with someone who truly loves what they do. If you do not enjoy your line of work, consider what other options you have. Do what you love and the money will follow.

Find Your Balance

BALANCE is KEY! You must make a conscious effort to give adequate time to each area of your life that is important to you. That includes your business, your health and wellness, your marriage, your family, your faith as well as recreation / relaxation. Periodically review where you are in your business and personal life and make adjustments as necessary to meet your goals and to keep your life in balance. Finding balance is one thing; keeping it is another. You’ll want to consciously keep tabs on where you need to make tweaks and adjustments to keep your life as balanced as you can.

Keep Learning

Be a CONTINUAL LEARNER and frequently seek ways to learn, grow and improve your business. New technology, apps and tools are continually being brought to the market. Make a point to regularly seek out new things to learn. Take online training. There are so many options out there. Ask for feedback and suggestions from those you trust — this includes your customers, friends, family, networking colleagues, etc. Don’t let your business get stale.

Make New Connections

NETWORK! Look for ways to network with other virtual professionals and small business owners both online and in person. Attend local networking meetings, join online groups, interact to serve and to learn. Be open to collaborating with other small businesses. You will not only gain business insight, you may make some great new friends and connections.

Remember the Golden Rule

Have awesome CUSTOMER SERVICE. Treat others the way you would want to be treated! Clients and customers are generally very loyal to a business that has wonderful customer service. Make every effort to make your clients feel valued and special. Go above and beyond when you can and let them know how much you appreciate their business. 

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Top 7 Virtual Jobs for Moms

Work at Home Jobs for Moms

Becoming a mom has a way of changing a woman’s outlook on her career path. I know it did for me. I had just finished my Master’s degree and started my first job when I got pregnant with our daughter. I had zero intentions of being a stay-at-home mom at the time. However, motherhood had a tremendous impact on me. I soon discovered, I wanted nothing to do with leaving my baby every day.

That’s when I began my work-at-home journey. Working from home provides a wonderful opportunity to create a more flexible schedule that many modern moms are looking for.

If that’s what you’ve been looking for, we’ve put together the top seven work at home jobs as well as common tasks associated with them. We’ve also included online training programs to help you enhance your skills in whichever category you are most interested in.


Virtual Assistant

The role of a Virtual Assistant (VA) varies quite a bit depending on the needs of each business. Some typical tasks VAs may perform include:

  • Respond to clients and customers by email, phone and online chat,
  • Perform routine administrative duties,
  • Book appointments or schedule travel,
  • Manage projects,
  • Research various topics or industries related to the business,
  • Create and maintain spreadsheets, databases or other documents,
  • Make simple edits or updates to website,
  • Monitor social media and respond to comments and questions,
  • Give feedback from customers and make suggestions for improvement.

The hourly rate for a Virtual Assistant typically ranges from $15-35 per hour. However this can vary depending on difficulty of duties, expertise of the VA and other factors. If you are looking for online training to become a VA, check out the Virtual Savvy’s Training Program or the Free Mama’s Training Program. Both of them have free options.  Find other training options here. 


Social Media Manager

A Social Media Manager works with the business to create engaging content that offers value to its audience and ultimately results in growth in followers as well as increased sales for the company. Some typical duties may include:

  • Create engaging content for social media channels,
  • Create images using Canva, WordSwag, Typorama or similar services,
  • Create ad campaigns for various social media channels,
  • Respond and interact with followers on social media,
  • Build relationships with influencers,
  • Create a content calendar and schedule content to be posted,
  • Share blog posts on social media platforms,
  • Cultivate leads and sales from social media posts.

The average hourly rate for a Social Media Manager ranges from $15-25 per hour. However this can vary depending on level of experience, job duties and other factors. A great training program to help you become more of an expert on social media and stand out to businesses seeking social media help is: The Complete Digital Marketing Course.


Copywriter / Writer / Blogger

A Copywriter writes and edit articles, blogs or copy for a variety of purposes such as:

  • Website copy,
  • Marketing materials,
  • Email marketing,
  • Blogs articles for specific audiences or industries,
  • Ghostwriting articles for business owners.

The hourly rate for a Copywriter can range from $20-40 per hour depending on the level of expertise required, the experience of the writer as well as other factors. Here are a couple of online training program if you want to take your writing skills to the next level: Content is King: How to Write Killer Content for the Web or Content Marketing Masterclass – Create Content that Sells.


Accountant / Bookkeeper 

With Cloud-based accounting programs available (such as FreshBooks), a virtual bookkeeper or accountant can access the company’s records remotely to perform duties for the company. An accountant or bookkeeper may perform duties such:

  • Record transactions,
  • Balance bank accounts,
  • Prepare and send invoices,
  • Reconcile invoices and bank accounts,
  • Maintain financial records,
    • Produce balance sheets, income statements and other financial documents,
    • Prepare payroll and tax reports.

The average hourly rate for a bookkeeper ranges from $20-25 per hour. However the pay rate can vary depending on tasks asked to perform, experience required and other factors. Check out this training program if you want to learn the basics of bookkeeping: Bookkeeping Course for Stay-at-Home Parents.


Business Development Specialist

A Business Development Specialist is someone who identifies and pursues new leads and looks for ways to help the business continually grow. Some typical duties include:

  • Research and make a list of potential industries and specific customers to approach,
  • Prepare marketing and communication materials such as outreach emails,
  • Connect with influencers, bloggers and brands to build relationships,
  • Develop and maintain client relationships,
  • Create and maintain a database of all contacts,
  • Develop and refine growth strategies for the business.

The average hourly rate for a Business Development Specialist is $25-40 per hour. However this can vary depending on difficulty of duties, expertise of candidates and other factors. Check out this online course: Business Development Blueprint – Accelerate Business Growth.


Project Manager 

A project manager coordinates and oversees all aspects of a project. Some typical tasks may include:


  • Oversee projects and coordinate team members,
  • Manage administrative duties of the project,
  • Monitor project performance and make needed adjustments,
  • Plan and schedule team member meetings,
  • Collaborate and communicate with team members,
  • Make recommendations as necessary for project success.


The average hourly rate for a Project Manager is $20-40 per hour. However this can vary depending on the level of difficulty of the project, candidate’s expertise and other factors. This course will teach you the basics of project management:  Beginning Project Management: Project Management Level One


Client Service Specialists / Customer Service

A Client Service Specialist (or Customer Service Rep) is the main point of contact for many small businesses. This person represents the company with professionalism and a friendly demeanor. Some businesses also hire Virtual Assistants to fulfill this job role. Some duties of this job may include:

  • Respond to clients and customers via phone, email or online,
  • Learn and be familiar with company, products and services to answer questions well,
  • Follow up with customers to ensure the product or service has met their expectations,
  • Offer friendly, helpful solutions when clients have an issue or problem,
  • Provide feedback from clients to the team and suggest ideas to improve client satisfaction.

The average hourly rate for a Client Service Specialists is $13-18/hour. However this can vary depending on difficulty of duties, expertise required and other factors. You can improve your skills and make yourself more marketable by taking an online course like: Customer Success Manager 101: Foundations to your CSM Career.

Other work-at-home jobs include: WordPress Experts, Facebook Ad Specialists, Researchers, LinkedIn Specialists, Medical Billing, Instagram & Pinterest Specialists, Sales, Graphic Designers, Web Designers, Coordinators, Public Relations, Transcriptionists, Tech Support, and others. If you are looking for training in any of those categories, check out other online courses offered here.

Whether you are creative, organized, detail-oriented or a numbers person, there’s an opportunity for you. Take some time to think about where your gifts, passions and talents are and take the leap to finding the perfect work-at-home job for you!

If you’d like to search the current job postings on HireMyMom.com, click here and see if your dream job is waiting for you!


Have questions about working from home? Check out our FAQ or contact us!


This article contains affiliate links to courses and resources. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links.



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5 Secrets to Landing that Dream Work From Home Job


Working from home is attractive to so many, especially moms. The freedom to set your own schedule and work around your family is such a wonderful benefit. However, landing that perfect job can be tricky if you are not prepared. So here are our 5 tips to landing your dream work from home job.

Resume Ready

Take a look at your resume. What does it say? Is it engaging? Does it stand out? Or is it just black and white letters on paper? Today’s resumes have gotten more creative and allow you to show some of your creative side and personality. Include a photo and some color! Click here to see some sample templates. Be sure too that your resume sells you to potential employers. A well-written resume is worth gold in your job search. If you need help in this area, consider getting check out our Resources here.

Take Initiative

As an applicant, take the initiative and show the employer you are not only qualified but sincerely interested in their job. Educate yourself on the their business by visiting their website. Read their “About Us” page and get to know about the company and their owner(s). They can tell if you’ve looked at their website and took some time to familiarize yourself with them. Bottom line is you will stand out if you show you are willing to go above and beyond what you are asked to do.

Be Detail Oriented

Read the job description thoroughly 2 or 3 times and make sure your application, resume and / or cover letter addresses everything they are seeking or requesting. If you leave key things out of your application, it tells the employer you may do the same thing in your work. In that case, your application may go straight to the virtual trash can.

Don’t Waste Your Time or Theirs

If you don’t have the experience the employer is asking for, don’t apply. You waste your time and their time and leave the impression that you didn’t read the job description very well. Many employers state how annoying this is for them to go through applicants who clearly do not have the skills or experience they are looking for. And if you are finding your skills and training lacking, consider some of the Training Resources we have.

Respond Quickly 

Many busy entrepreneurs are looking to hire now! They post a job and are ready to hire someone ASAP.  If you are not logging in daily to check for new jobs, you may miss out. Some jobs are taken down after 3-5 days or sooner because they have enough applicants.  Now you know, timing is of the essence.

So now, get that resume polished up and incorporate these tips. You may find your dream job just got a whole lot easier!

If you’re not currently a member of HireMyMom, click here to see how we can help you find that dream work at home job!


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4 Tips for Computer Organization

As a work from home employee, most (if not all) of your work is done on your computer.  This is great, since you can take your work with you, but it can also get cluttered – and fast! When downloading files, graphics and anything else you need for work, your computer can start to look stressful.

Keeping your computer organized not only helps your productivity, but it keeps your machine running efficiently.

Use folders

A clean computer isn’t just for looks! When you need to locate certain files, staying organized is number one. Folders are a great way to do this, and it can be a helpful system to stay on track.

Create large folders that are more general in nature, followed by sub folders that can narrow down your search.  This allows you to find everything so easily, upping productivity and eliminating frustration.

Delete quickly

Once you no longer need a file, delete it! We often keep files for days on our desktops.  This leads to clutter, stress, and simple disorganization.

Take 5-10 minutes at the end of your day to delete everything that’s no longer needed.  Once your folders and files are set up correctly, you can easily slide each file into the appropriate folder.  This allows you to start the next work day with a clean workspace!

Clean frequently

Make a schedule for computer organization.  Beyond the 5-10 minute daily cleanup, set aside some time each week to look into your folders and clear out any old files.  These take up valuable space on your computer, bogging it down and making it harder to run.

Additionally, you may want to change up your folder or file names, or simply label them in a different way that will work better for you.  Whatever you choose to do, make sure you’re setting aside some time to make these changes on a consistent basis, instead of becoming overwhelmed when it’s ignored for months.

Lastly, make it a habit of cleaning your computer.  There are several programs out there for Macs or PCs that will sweep away old files, or help you to find large file that you no longer need.  This will keep your computer running smoothly and free from clutter!

Label everything

Although we created all of those great folders in tip number one, it won’t be as helpful if your file names are still disorganized.

When you search your computer for a specific file, you need to be able to find it! Make sure you’re taking the time to label your files everyday, and label them in a way that you will remember.  It can help to include the client name, task name, the date, and/or the purpose of the file.

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