3 Ways to Maintain Your Schedule

As a work from home employee, your schedule is bound to be your biggest asset.  It can be easy to veer off track with all the distractions not present in a traditional workplace.  If you can stick to a schedule, you’ll be more productive, efficient, and able to stay focused on tasks.

We’ve compiled some best tips and practices to ensure that scheduling comes easy in your home based career!

Use a scheduling tool

Scheduling tools are extremely useful and eliminate a lot of the back and forth required to schedule a call or interview.  These tools work by keeping track of your calendar and noting when you’re free.  This way, scheduling a call is as easy as sending over a link, having the other person select a time that works for them, then following through with the meeting.

This also works to keep you on schedule because it forces you to track everything, and also keeps you from losing a lot of time in setting up these appointments.  Some tools that work for this include Calendly, Doodle, and Pick.

Track your time

To stay on schedule and keep moving through your to do list, tracking your time is a must!  Whether you use an Internet based calendar or a basic to do list, this is a crucial practice to begin and enforce daily.

Use some type of to do list with all of your items, including personal items.  This is helpful as a home based employee since some of your time might be used to be with family, friends, and completing any necessary errands and housework.  Of course this isn’t the case for all work from home employees, but it’s part of the benefits of a flexible job.

When you’re able to make time for everything in your schedule, in writing, you’re more likely to do it and more likely to keep pressing forward to get to everything on your list.  Even though these are incredibly helpful, do note that it’s important to make your lists as realistic as possible to prioritize and get what needs to be done.

Limit interruptions

Kids, pets, calls and people at the house – all things that can bring work to a screeching halt.  If you know you’re going into a very important call or interview, set up childcare (or pet care!) ahead of time.  You can also leave notes on your door for mail carriers to simply leave packages, as well as limiting calls to certain times of the day.

Keeping yourself on schedule is all about managing your time and using tools to keep that time flowing productively.  Do your best to schedule your days, manage distractions, and work towards as much efficiency as possible!

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4 Keys to a Strong Job Application

It’s the time of year that we reflect and reevaluate our goals, and that often includes our careers.  If you’re feeling stuck, or you know it’s time to move on, your job application will be a valuable tool in the upcoming months.

While you may have a solid cover letter and resume complete, read along to ensure that you’re well-prepared and ready to take on the job market.

Reference ready

Do you have references ready to go?  You will likely want to note this in your resume and cover letter, as it shows that you are ready and willing for employers to speak to those who will vouch for you.

Be sure to set up your references ahead of time, so that these people have adequate time to prepare their notes and/or a letter of recommendation.  It’s a good idea to have 2-3 solid references on file, both in writing and available by phone or email for contact.  Ensure that these are people that you’ve worked for or spoken with in the not-so-distant future, so they’re able to speak to your current work and characteristics.

Strong but brief letter

Your cover letter should be thorough – but also brief.  This is the challenge of a great cover letter! Begin by conveying your interest in the specific position and company, followed by demonstrating why you’re the best person for the job.

From here, it’s best to include relevant positions and skills that are a match to the position, which is best presented with bullet points.  No one likes to be faced with huge walls of text, so bullets are a welcome break, and employers are able to digest your information in bite-sized bits.  This is a huge help to them, which helps your chances and makes your information appear more deliberate and efficient.

Resume without errors

Don’t go through all the trouble of writing a cover letter and resume without considering grammatical errors! From spelling to spacing to grammar issues, nothing is worse than discovering that you’ve made an easily-avoided error.  It’s better to take the time to fix them before they’re sent in, which can be accomplished with a keen eye and some help from family and friends.  Send your job materials to as many people as possible, and be open to feedback and revisions.

In addition to a resume without errors, it should also be concise.  Keep your resume to a maximum of two pages, and be sure to only include relevant information.  This is more labor-intensive, but it makes a huge difference to employers.

Confidence in your abilities

The number one tool you can bring to your job application is confidence in your abilities – and in yourself.  While you can have pages full of experience and accomplishments, if you lack the confidence to back it up, you will look less prepared to take on the job.  Job skills are incredibly important, but soft skills like communication and confidence are also key.

When you have confidence in your ability to do the job well, your potential employer will sense this, giving them more confidence in you.  Since an employer doesn’t yet know you at this point, it’s a great time to speak to them with authority and expertise with what you know you are capable of accomplishing!

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4 Tips to Start the New Year with Success

“New Year—a new chapter, new verse, or just the same old story? Ultimately we write it. The choice is ours.” – Alex Morritt

Happy New Year! As we embark on this fresh start, it’s clear that everyone has planning, goals and success on the brain.  Whether you’re seeking to find business success, lose weight, face fears, or simply get organized, now is the time to begin a new year successfully.

Set manageable goals now

Use the momentum of this time of year to set goals.  This doesn’t mean you have to (or should) set very daunting goals, but those that are manageable.  It’s typically easier and more effective to select 6-10+ smaller goals and break them into several weeks or months.  It’s much more difficult to focus on a goal that is over a year away, and momentum can be lost almost instantly.

Where do you want to be in your personal life?  Your career?  Your family life?  In your faith or spiritual life?  Think about all areas of your life and set goals in intervals that are likely to be achieved.

Reflect on your accomplishments

We tend to skimp on giving ourselves enough credit for our achievements.  Take out a pen and a piece of paper and really think about the good that you’ve done this year.  Have you been more present in your family time?  Did you earn a raise in your freelance position? Land a client that has been truly enjoyable?  Give yourself these wins, as it’s very encouraging as you start into a new year.

Do an audit

While we already discussed looking at your accomplishments, this it the time to audit all areas of your life from the previous year.  What worked and what didn’t in all areas? How can you improve?  Do you plan to stay in your  job(s)?  This is also a good time to analyze your rates and financial situation as well, and a prime time to consider tax and other filing items.

Refresh your materials

With a new year comes reflection, which can often mean changing of jobs and career paths.  Are you ready to put your best foot forward?  Especially if you’re considering a career change, or simply want to pick up some more freelance work, it’s a great time of year to update your job search materials.  Ensure that your resume and cover letter are updated and edited.  Review your references on file and make contact or select new ones to be sure that you have the best people in your corner.

Moving into the new year successfully is all about reflecting on what worked and didn’t work in the past, as well as a clear, thoughtful plan for the future.  Take stock in what has already happened, praise yourself for where you’ve shined, and set goals that challenge and move you forward in this promising new year!

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5 Questions to Find Your Home Office Style

If you work from home, you’ll be spending a lot of time in your home office. While we’ve discussed style options and functionality in the past, it can be helpful to start with some solid questions to help determine what will work best for you.

Answer the following questions to begin a home office design that best fits your function and style!

How does the room function?

You can change room functionality, but it’s not always feasible or budget-friendly. Most of the time, we’re going to be using what we have already available.  Does the room have good lighting?  If not, that’s something you need to consider.

Are you too close to a window?  Too far from any natural light?  These are all considerations.  Additionally, is the room too small and is there another spare room available? You’ll need to make note of everything you intend to put in the room, so space is another crucial element to your design.

Which colors?

What speaks to you as far as color? Bright red is beautiful and popular, but it might not calm you as far as a workspace.  What colors are serene and calming to you?  Blue and green are known for these qualities, so they can be a good place to start.

On the other hand, if bright colors inspire your creativity and passion, they can certainly have a place in your office design.  Think of a colorful, bright or 3-D accent wall that might add some unexpected fun to your workspace.

What kind of furniture?

Your desk, chair, bookshelves, and so on – all important parts of an office.  While most will likely have all of these items included in their home office, some may need more or less support or ergonomic furniture.  Another popular item to consider is the standing desk and if it makes sense for you.  These are all decisions that will impact the look, budget, and functionality of your space.

Are you going more for style or function?  These days, you can basically have both depending on budgetary restrictions.  Once you choose your function and color, furniture is a great next step.  Choose what you need, match for color or functionality, and begin choosing these larger statement pieces.

How do you organize?

Everyone needs a system of organization, whether basic or extensive.  Now that you’ll be thinking of your furniture needs, it’s important to factor filing and organizational systems into this.  Do you want a filing cabinet?  Do you do better with mostly online filing?

There are tools and programs that allow you to file all receipts and papers digitally, as well as traditional filing systems that are available at all office stores. Choose a system from the beginning, as this will integrate more seamlessly into your design.

What’s your style?

Do you need a beautiful space to work or does functional matter most to you? Some people will be very content with a very basic office without much color – but a lot of functionality.  These offices can still have several systems and items in place that work best for the worker.  If style is important to you – since you will be spending a lot of time here – take the time to truly make the space your own.

It can be fun to include your child’s artwork, fun books, small decor items that match your style, and much more.  When someone walks into your office, they should still get a sense of your style and how you like to design and work.

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4 Tips to Avoid Holiday Stress

The holidays are officially here and they will only intensify as Christmas gets closer.  The holidays are full of cheer, friends and family, but they can also bring about stress: financially, emotionally, and with work.  Especially in the work from home world, work often needs to be completed despite traditional office closings.  Since home based careers often revolve around a laptop, we still need to find time to get the work done.

Work ahead

It can be tough to work ahead for those days off, but it’s worth it to be able to truly relax with friends and family members. Create a specific to do list for the days that still need to be covered over break and go from there.  It can be helpful to color code the things that need done, are already done, and can wait until the end of the break.  While working ahead can be a bit stressful ahead of time, you’ll know that your clients and employers are set while you’re relaxing.

Avoid the last minute

Whether it’s shopping, working ahead, or planning activities with family – start now!  Don’t ignore the current holiday cheer, but in the time between holidays, begin to get things done.  If you start early enough, there won’t be a big rush at the last minute.  Staying stress-free is all about doing things over time versus waiting until you’re stressed, tired, and down to the wire.

Reign it in

Reign in the spending, amp up the thoughtfulness! This is a key phrase that will help you through the holiday season.  We often get stressed out trying to find the most extravagant, expensive gifts, but that’s truly not what matters.  Begin by focusing on the person you’re buying for, then go for experiences first and foremost.  You can still do thoughtful gifts for your loved ones, all while focusing on what matters most this time of year.

Focus on what matters

Family, friends, faith, and being together is what is truly important right now.  The gifts, business stress, and other obligations can wait.  When you’re trying to do it all this hectic time of year, pause and remember this.  With a little bit of prep and forethought, you can enjoy the holidays more than ever, all while maintaining your obligations and work schedule.

Enjoy this magical, warm time of year with all those you love!

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Hire My Mom Success Story: Amanda Long

What’s your success story with HireMyMom?

I’ve been a member for 3 months, and I just love the quality of clients there… It was about two-weeks before I found the perfect fit. I’m very picky about who I work with so that was probably me. I made four contacts that became clients and/or leads for another time in their business.

What’s your educational and experiential background?

I’m a hair dresser, and have taken Virtual Assistant training from a VA Coach {Alyssa Avant}. As well as several blogging courses and hands on experience from running my own business and blog!

What is your top tip for landing a gig on HireMyMom.com?

Be yourself. When you connect with a client you are more likely to land a job with them as well as keep a lasting relationship. When I first got on HireMyMom, I was trying to be cookie cutter {maybe another reason it took two-weeks}, but when I started personalizing each cover letter more people were interested. These businesses and blogs are looking for the right person to work with, if they weren’t, they would be at UpWork or somewhere like that. So get your know, like and trust words out and use them. 🙂

What’s your favorite thing about HireMyMom.com?

It’s very easy to use, and I really like that they don’t require you to communicate with the client on the site.  These people actually become people you can talk to on the phone, email and plant into your business for a long time to come. They know me and I know them. They’ve referred more clients to me, and I’ve helped them succeed in business. Everyone is very happy!!

What’s one fun fact about you?

I married my high school sweetheart!! We’ve been together for 15 years, married for 11!!


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4 Tips to Achieve Ambitious Goals

Achieving goals is a prominent concept in business, life and self-development, and it’s for good reason.  When we set goals, we’re more likely to get where we want to be in life.  Although establishing these goals is a lofty and admirable practice, there are ways we can go about them that will ensure that they’re much more achievable!

Write it out

We often forget things if we don’t write them down.  Think about going to the grocery store without a list – we often end up forgetting several things.  The same can be said for to-do lists and other means of writing down reminders.  First of all, by writing down your goals, you’re more easily able to remember them on a daily basis.  Additionally, writing down your goals makes them that much more real.

Visualization is another large part of goal-setting, so if your goals are time-oriented, purchase a wall or refrigerator calendar so you may see your goal date, daily steps, or time passage appropriately.  When you can actually see something in front of you, it’s a more constant reminder of what you’re trying to achieve.

Every day, every week

Do one thing every day or every week to work towards accomplishing your goals.  It can be as simple as reaching out to someone, making a contact, networking, completing a document, or anything small that will help you on your way to success.

Choose an interval that works best for you.  If you know that daily practice isn’t possible, stick to weekly.  When you keep this momentum going, no matter daily, weekly or monthly, you’re more focused and able to come back to what’s important.

Be realistic

Goals must be realistic to be obtained, and what’s realistic for you may not be the same for your friends, partner, or family members.  You know what you’re able to accomplish, and you also know that goals require you to push a bit.  We feel much more accomplished when we’ve strived for a goal and made it happen, so ensure that “realistic” does not mean “easy.”

With that in mind, set goals that are able to be accomplished in a set amount of time.  By keeping time ambiguous, you’re less likely to commit.  Set a specific goal, with a time frame, that is possible within the scope of your lifestyle and willingness to accomplish it.

Move forward

If you’ve reached a goal, go a step further or establish a new, more bold goal that is similar.  You can also choose another step forward that will complement your prior achievement.  Setting, achieving, and moving on from goals is all part of self-improvement; we can stretch ourselves and work to improve and grow.

Goals don’t need to be scary or unobtainable dreams – they can be a real part of your life that allows you to strive for more and gain a true sense of accomplishment.  Reach for your goals, whether they are personal, business-related, or simply related to improving yourself.

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Top Resume Tips from HireMyMom.com Employers

Your resume is likely the most important document in your job search! We’ve compiled tips from HireMyMom.com employers to help you create your best resume.  Read along for tips and advice to make your resume stand out and land the job.

Hook with a Benefit to the Person Hiring!

Business owners are so busy and often get 30 – 100 resumes. The resumes that get read are the ones with something that HOOKS the CEO fast!  Something like:  Let me Take More Off Your Plate!

Don’t be afraid to BOLD

Resumes are boring to read and most business owners have some level of ADD.  They are visionary’s so ADD serves them but doesn’t get your resume read through.  BOLD important items that highlight your strengths and experience!

PS Your Attitude

There are many applicants in today’s market.  It’s not hard to find people to plug hole in a company but it is hard to find GOOD people.  Business owners are looking for a GO GETTER.. The P.S. is the most read part of ANY email or letter.  PS Your Go Getter Attitude so that you stand out

– Shanda Sumpter at HeartcoreBusiness.com

Be Careful

Proofread your resume carefully.  As an employer, I don’t know how many times I’ve received resumes with spelling errors, punctuation errors, etc.

Put yourself out there

Don’t shortchange yourself in talking about your skills, however be succinct and to the point.

Be honest

Be clear on your level of expertise with technology.  For example, if you have used Google Drive once or twice, then say that you’ve had minimal experience.

– Nancy Hoopes, Onboarding Consultant at ProfitFactory.com


Thank you to our wonderful employees for their expert advice!


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HireMyMom Success Story: Beth Rodgers

What’s your success story with HireMyMom.com?

I had been looking for legitimate opportunities for me to be able to work and still be home with my kids.  I wasn’t impressed with what I had been finding on my own.  I heard about hiremymom.com and went back and forth on whether or not to pay for a membership.  After checking out the reviews on the hire my mom website I decided to give it a try.  I hadn’t been a member long when I came across a listing that I knew would be perfect for me!  Me and the Mouse Travel was looking for a vacation planner specializing in Disney travel!  I had a series of telephone interviews with the companies owner and was offered a position!  I have been with Me and the Mouse Travel for 3 years now!

What’s your educational and experiential background?

As soon as I seen the listing from Me and the Mouse Travel I became so excited! I had worked for Walt Disney World and studied tourism in college I knew that I would be perfect for this job!  I graduated in 2003 from Central Michigan University with a bachelors degree in business management with a concentration in Human Resources and Travel and Tourism.

Check the site daily new listings get posted daily.  Brush up on your phone and facetime interview skills as most of the time you won’t meet your employer face to face.  Also, make sure to follow up on resume’s and applications you send!

What’s your favorite thing about HireMyMom.com?

My favorite thing about having a membership with HireMyMom.com is that they did the leg work weeding out any job opportunities that I wouldn’t have considered legitimate, professional job opportunities.

What’s one fun fact about you?

I LOVE my job!  Just like HireMyMom helps you to find a perfect job to fit your life circumstances I help families plan magical vacations to fit their desires!  My planning services are free to use!  For more information about my Disney vacation planning services please visit  http://meandthemouse.com/vacations/beth-rodgers/ or email me at beth@meandthemouse.com.

If you’d like to be featured as one of our Success Stories, please contact us!

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5 Tips for Successful Work From Home Meetings

Even though home based employees don’t work in a traditional office, they typically still have meetings just like everyone else.  Whether meeting with co-workers or your boss, clients or potential customers, meetings will still be a key component to your days or weeks.

Working from home can present challenges that aren’t present in a normal office, so read along for some best practices for work from home meetings.

Eliminate distractions

When working from home, there can be noise from kids, dogs, or people knocking on your door, just to name a few.  While these things happen and most people understand, it’s important to do your best to eliminate these distractions.

Can you set up a playdate for your kids during an important meeting?  Is it possible to give your dog a treat outside or in the crate while you chat?  It’s crucial to have some time and space carved out for a quiet, productive meeting when the time comes.

Check technology

There’s nothing worse than a meeting ruined by technology!  While sometimes there’s absolutely nothing you can do with a chosen software service, do your best to access the technology ahead of time.

If you’re going to be using a webinar or conference phone line or software package, try it beforehand and make sure everything has been installed correctly.  This way, you’re able to join the meeting on time and without errors.  If you’re unsure if you’ve been hooked up correctly, ask a friend or coworker to test it out with you.

Have an agenda

Agendas are important for all meetings, not just home based ones.  Especially if you’re the one in charge of the meeting, make it a point to map out a brief agenda of topics to cover.  The typical opinion of meetings can be that they’re a waste of time; don’t let this happen to you!  Ensure that your meetings are productive, to the point, and involve a schedule that can be easily navigated.

Not only will your other meeting attendants be grateful for something to keep them on track, you’ll get out of the meeting much quicker than you would if you went into it blindly.

Take notes

Notes are key to remembering what went on and who is assigned to what tasks.  Whether you’re the note-taker or designate someone else to do so, make sure this is in place before the meeting begins.  When deciding on who should take the notes, it can be helpful to choose the person who might be in more of an assistant role, or someone who doesn’t need to be 100% focused on the conversation at hand.

Treat it normally

Working from home can be an excuse to fall into lazy work habits, but that’s not productive or professional to your employers or coworkers. Treat every single home based meeting just as you would in an office; it might even help to dress up if it’s a very important one.

Set your office for success, eliminate distractions, have everything in place ahead of time, and your meeting will be productive and efficient – the hallmark of a great meeting!

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