5 Job Search Tips to Get Hired During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Guest Contributor: McLean Mills

Winter is headed out! And unlike Game of Thrones, it’s not the night walkers that everyone’s afraid of – it’s the second coming of the coronavirus and how it’ll stiffen job opportunities in 2021.  With many employers taking their workforce virtual during this pandemic, so too has much of the hiring process. 

Many Employers have taken all of their hiring efforts virtual and the skills they value in employees have heavily shifted as well due to the pandemic. To really optimize your chances of finding a job this new year, you’ll need to adjust your game plan to account for this unique job search landscape. Here are 5 tips to keep in mind:


1. Prepare for the virtual interview marathon

Virtual interviews are the new normal. To truly optimize your hiring chances, it’s no longer good enough to simply have a laptop with a cam ready. With the likelihood of tons and tons of virtual interviews headed your way, you’re going to want to optimize your setup and use top of the line equipment. This means a quality webcam, clear microphone, and professional office background behind you.

Of course, getting the right equipment is just the first step, performing well during your virtual interview is where it gets tough. You’ll want to become an expert with all the popular video conferencing software employers typically used. Practice beforehand with a friend or family member so you’ll really have things under control. Also avoid typical pitfalls like:

  • Avoiding eye contact by mistakenly looking at your computer screen and not the webcam 
  • Accidentally sharing your screen instead of activating your webcam
  • Bad camera angle and focus
  • Messy background and poor background lighting
  • Poor connectivity and buffering issues

Though usually not necessary, you’ll also want to be prepared to share your screen. Depending on the situation, you never know if it may be beneficial for you to give employers a live performance of some of the projects and things you’ve worked on recently. In fact, it’s this type of showmanship and additional effort that can allow you to distinguish yourself from other candidates during the virtual interviewing process.


2. Already recovered from COVID? 

Afraid that talking about your experience with COVID-19 will scare away employers? Think again! In a recent survey conducted by Resume Writing Services, 154 hiring managers were surveyed to gain a better understanding of how they were adapting to the pandemic. In a question that asked if they’d be more or less inclined to hire job candidates who have already got and recovered from the coronavirus, 67% of them said they’d be more inclined to do so.  Why is this the case? Likely, it’s because COVID-19 survivors are far less likely to get the infectious disease again. 


3. Emphasize your telecommuting skills and remote experience

Don’t forget to update your resume and LinkedIn! With employers forced to go remote with their workforce, any experience you have with remote work is a plus. The top video conferencing software according to a survey by ResumeGo on job interviews found Zoom, Google Meets/Hangouts, and Skype to be the most used video conferencing software – so be sure to mention them on your resume if you have experience with them. 

Document sharing tools like Google Docs and Dropbox, as well as remote soft skills like time management, strong written communication skills, and ability to adapt are all more valued than ever due to the pandemic. If you forgone mentioning these skills on your resume in the past, it’s worth to do so now.


4. Seek out growing industries and expand your horizons

Everything is less than ideal during a pandemic. Finding your dream job in your designated field might not be a realistic option at this time. To really optimize your hiring chances, it’s important to expand your horizons into other industries that are still doing just fine or even surging during this pandemic. Industries such as delivery services, Ecommerce, digital content services, home fitness, and obviously healthcare have been thriving as a result of COVID. Keep in mind that temporary jobs and freelance opportunities are also avenues to pursue.


5. Develop your skills

If you’re finding yourself with more time than usual due to the pandemic, it’s always a good career move to develop new skills that are relevant in your industry. Whether it’s getting an online certification or learning new hard skills that you can brag about on your resume, these are all ways of increasing your personal stock in the eyes of recruiters and hiring managers. If you’re worried of an extended work gap as a result of the pandemic, taking this time to do something productive for your career is also a way of showing employers that you’re serious with your work.

Don’t stress out over not finding a job

Finding a job in the midst of a pandemic is tough – that’s just the reality of it. If you’re finding yourself struggling to secure interviews, that’s to be expected and not a cause for concern. Carve out time in the day for breaks and maintain a positive mindset. Things are bound to look up eventually.



McLean Mills is a career coach and blogger. He was also a career counselor for the University of Florida. When not on the work grind, you can catch him rereading Harry Potter for the billionth time.



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How to Be SMART — Even From a Distance

With the new year here, it’s time to set goals (if you haven’t already) –business, personal, and professional. The act of looking to the future and considering business possibilities is inherently optimistic and exciting. However, you may feel trepidation as you move forward with this process for 2021. This last year may have changed the way you view your business and the opportunities on the horizon. Your team may be larger or smaller, and rather than sitting together in the office, they may be scattered across the town, state, or country.

These changes mean that practical goal setting is even more critical than usual this year. Connecting with your people to discuss the business and plans for the coming year may look different; but, the elemental process is the same. With a few strategies, setting goals for remote employees can be every bit as smooth and successful as it is when you all sit together in the office. After years of working from home and leading a team, here are my best tips for success.

Take the Time to Talk Live

When employees are in the office, the discussion around goals often flows naturally. You see each other in the halls or grab an impromptu lunch, and talk of business, projects, and plans naturally flow.  You can create the same feeling with virtual team members by setting up virtual coffee dates or lunches via video conference to talk broadly about how things are going.

Consider Process Information

Set yourself up for success by considering the process you want to follow to set your team goals. Admittedly, the process discussion is less exciting than discussing the future and potential accomplishments. But, a few minutes of process-related thinking offers a big payoff in the end. 

  • Determine how formal a process to follow. Before you start the goal-setting conversation with your team, decide how you want to proceed after the call. Do you want to see a written action plan, or is a casual decision based on a few conversations the right approach? Past precedent can serve as a guide here but consider if other staffing changes may affect how well your past process works going forward. Be ready to share process information as part of your goal-setting conversations.
  • Establish deadlines for finalizing goals. Ideally, you have a day a week or two out where all goals are plans are completed, and you and your team are all working toward personal and business goals in short order.
  • Consider the progress check-in process. Based on the goals, you may want to check in weekly. In some cases, a monthly or even semi-annual check-in is in order. The important thing here is having a sense of the timeline and sharing it.

Once you’ve settled on the right process, send a general note to all team members that it’s time to start thinking about goals for 2021. Explain that you will be reaching out to them to talk. This step sets the table and lets people start thinking about their goals and prepare for your call. Then, send invitations out a few days before the meetings, so people have time set aside expressly for goal setting.


As you start your calls, keep the conversation light at first, much like you would if you were chatting around the copier. Then, segue into discussing the future and potential goals. To help the conversation flow naturally:

  • Outline the goals you have in mind for the business. Knowing what’s on your mind helps your team think more clearly about how they fit into the business and your goals for the next year. So, don’t be afraid to share what’s on your mind here.
  • Share your initial thoughts on the goals you have in mind for each role/person. Whether the goals are a continuation of prior goals or a fresh way of doing business, sharing some initial thoughts can help set the table for the direction of the discussion. Also, people feel appreciated when it’s clear that you’ve been thinking about them and how they fit into the team. Capitalize on this opportunity by sharing your vision. If you’ve recently completed performance reviews or shared performance feedback, that discussion can catalyze a broader conversation around goals and objectives.
  • Solicit feedback and employee thoughts on goals. Once you’ve shared some ideas, ask your team member what he/she is thinking about in terms of the next year. You may find that some people are hesitant to share their thoughts. You can combat this by pointing out that this is a safe space for brainstorming.

Remember the Basics

The basics of good goal-setting still apply. The long-standing business advice of setting SMART goals applies every bit as much now as it does when you work side-by-side in the office. When thinking about SMART goals for remote teams and employees, set goals that are: 

  • Specific– Be very clear on particular goal elements. Without face-to-face interaction, it’s tough to know if you and your virtual employees are all defining common goal terms like “execute with excellence” and “quick turn around” the same way.
  • Measurable-Know what success looks like in terms of metrics and share the metrics with your team so each member can track accordingly.
  • Actionable-Set goals that a virtual team member can efficiently act on. Take into account any access concerns that the two of you may have discussed—brainstorm ways to overcome any hurdles that appear on the horizon.
  • Relevant-Ensure that the goals you have in place for your virtual team members align with broader organizational goals and that your remote team knows those goals and why they matter. Understanding how specific work actions ladder up to overall goals brings more meaning to your staff’s day-to-day activities.
  • Timely- Specific time frames for success help all team members, but especially remote team members, stay on track. 

I’d love to hear how you set goals and how they lead you to success. Drop me a line to share your stories.

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Success Story: Nicole Blackwood

Tell us about you and your experience finding work on HireMyMom.

I had been looking for a job since June with no luck, I stumbled upon HireMyMom on Facebook, joined the FB page and after seeing some of the success stories decided to give the website a try. After a week and a half, and applying for 8 jobs on the site, I was contacted for an interview and was hired the next day!

What are your top tips for landing a job or jobs on HireMyMom.com?

Don’t get discouraged, apply to anything you know you have at least a few of the skills for, one person will never have every skill an employer is looking for. And look outside your comfort zone. I have never worked as a copywriter before, turns out I’m pretty good at it.

What piece of advice do you wish someone had given you at the start of your work from home journey?

“If it was meant for everyone, then everyone would do it”. I wasn’t sure how I would take working from home, I enjoy being out and around people, turns out working from home is a pretty good fit for me.

What do you see as your greatest success in life?

Being able to stay home with my kids when they were young. You will never get that time back, and I am so eternally grateful I had the precious time with them.

What is something about you that many people don’t know?

I love to binge watch cooking competitions and HGTV.

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