Success Story- Erika Sheets

Tell us about you and your experience finding work on HireMyMom.

HireMyMom was an upgraded experience from the start! I was impressed with the obviously curated collection of employers and opportunities, particularly compared with the grind of the standard job sites. I also noticed how much more responsive employers were, probably in part because they, too have a select audience. I am delighted to have found the perfect job at the perfect time thanks to HireMyMom!

What are your top tips for landing a job or jobs on

Concise resume, personal note with application, find, connect with & message the hiring manager on LinkedIn

What piece of advice do you wish someone had given you at the start of your work from home journey?

Successful remote work requires strong executive functioning skills, initiative and self-discipline.

What do you see as your greatest success in life?

Introducing other to Jesus Christ

What is something about you that many people don’t know?

I read and retain at a very accelerated level


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5 Tips for Applying to a Job Listing that Doesn’t Include the Pay Range

You find an interesting job listing…

The company sounds great…

Your experience matches the company’s required qualifications…

This job sounds great! There’s just one problem: the job doesn’t list the pay range. What does that mean? Should you apply, or should you find a different listing?

Why do companies not list the pay range?

There are several reasons as to why companies post listings without salaries. These reasons range from employers hoping to avoid potential questions from current employees to trying to avoid a wage war with competitors. However, the number one reason normally has to do with finding the most passionate job seekers: if a company does not list the pay range, they hope to attract job seekers that are more interested in the role itself than they are the money behind it.

This can be tricky for job seekers, though, as money is obviously a huge factor, and no one wants to waste their time going through the hiring process if salary expectations aren’t the same!

So, should I apply if a job listing doesn’t include the pay range?

In the end, it all comes down to your personal preference. If the job sounds like your dream job, then go for it (and use these tips to make sure your application stands out above the crowd). If the job doesn’t sound like an absolutely amazing fit and you’re on the fence about it, maybe see what else is out there. There’s no wrong answer here! But, if you do choose to apply to job listings without salaries…

Here are 5 tips for when you apply to a job that doesn’t mention wages:

#1. Research what other, similar positions are offering. The job title can help you figure out what the industry standard of pay is for that position. If it’s not quite what you’re hoping for, then figure out what job titles you should be searching for instead.

#2. Go ahead and apply! Take a chance and see what happens. This might just be the position of a lifetime! If not, it’s a great learning experience. Don’t let fear of the unknown hold you back from applying to a potentially great opportunity!

#3. Ask what the pay is! Communication is ALWAYS the key. Ask right away. Establish if this is a good fit for yourself and for the company.

#4. Plan to negotiate your salary. If no numbers are listed, this means the discussion about pay expectations is much more open than listings that include numbers.

#5. Be reasonable, but make sure this is a good fit for yourself. If you learn the pay range isn’t quite what you want, make sure to figure out if the position is truly a good fit beyond that. Consider time management, budget, experience, etc. Is this a position that will help you grow and achieve your career goals? If the answer is no, it’s probably time to apply to another listing.

As mentioned above, applying to a job with no pay range listed is completely a personal preference. We’ve worked with job seekers that did not like applying to those positions because they felt salary expectations were always less than they hoped for. On the other hand, we’ve worked with job seekers that have negotiated an amazing wage that they might not have received with a different job.

Money is a big factor when finding a job, but it’s not the only thing to think about! How does this job fit within your schedule? Does it give you the freedom to learn and grow? Does the company offer benefits that outweigh pay discrepancies?

Make sure you look at the job as a whole and not just the pay — and let us know: do you apply to listings that do NOT include the pay range, or do you pass them over?

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Tips for Creating An Attention-Getting Job Seeker Profile to Help You Get Hired!

One of the most popular questions we get asked is: How do I create a great online profile / resume that stands out to employers? So, we’ve put together some examples of what to do (and what not to do). This is a great guide for those just getting started, but it’s also a great reference for those who have their résumés posted that are not hearing back from employers.


It’s important to note that employers cannot see your online profile / resume unless, (1) you’ve applied for their specific job or (2) you are a Platinum member which comes with a rotating profile on the home page. 


Ok, so let’s start simple…


What Not To Do


Your profile is how employers learn more about you. They like to see a headshot so they can put a face to a name with your information. Most importantly, they like profiles that are detailed with LOTS of information.


The profile below is an example of what not to do. There is no picture, and there is no information. Employers use your profile first, and then they turn to your résumé. It’s also a good idea to update your profile on a regular basis. That way, employers know you’re serious about looking for work. Set a reminder to review and update your profile periodically such as quarterly or every six months. 


Make sure to complete your profile! It’s totally okay to set up a test profile like the one below to see how things will look, but don’t forget to go back in and fix it later. This profile has a photo (that we’ve hidden), which is great, but nothing at all for employers to reference!


This next profile is another step in the right direction, but it needs more information. The profile has a photo, which is great, and a description, which is also great. But, this doesn’t speak to specific experience for an employer to reference.


What To Do


You’re probably noticing a trend at this point: provide a photo, write a description, and provide specific employment information. We reached out to some of our past top performing profiles for permission to share. Check them out below!


Hannah checked all three boxes: she has a photo that clearly shows her face, she has a description, and she has detailed information about her work history. Plus, she made it even easier for employers to check out companies she has worked with by providing their URLs.


Hannah shares: 

I got my job with very quickly (within a week) after applying through HireMyMom! I believe the key was really that online resume and me emailing the company to stand out. I also mentioned their website and how much I loved what their business was about in that initial email. I believe anything to stand out like that is good…When I am looking for jobs my go to is ALWAYS I also tell ALL my friends about it because I believe HireMyMom makes it so easy for moms to stand out in the online/remote workforce.” 


Now, we understand that some people do not want to share their photo online, and that’s okay! We suggest providing further information to interest employers so they are blown away by your experience and skills, like Sara’s profile below; Sara also went the extra mile to provide how many years of experience she has for specific skills.


There you have it! A profile does act as a résumé, so you should fill it out accordingly, but it also gives you more space than a typical résumé so you can go into a little more detail.


If you have questions or need help with your own profile, reach out to the team at HireMyMom — we are more than happy to help! We have several opportunities to help you level up


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6 Signs It’s Time to Quit Your Job and How to Resign Gracefully

There comes a time in every working professional’s career when you’ll want to quit your job. Whether you’re unhappy at your current job or you feel like it’s time to move on for a new challenge, you’ll need to resign gracefully

While adversity can help you become more successful, here are six red flags to look out for in the workplace:

1. You aren’t being treated fairly by your boss or coworkers 

If you feel like you’re constantly being passed over for opportunities or are being asked to take on more work than your colleagues without getting recognition for it, it can make for an unpleasant work experience. If you have cause to believe you’re being unfairly treated and regularly pressured to say ‘yes’ in the workplace, then it may be time to move on.  

2. Your job no longer challenges you

If you feel like you are no longer making an impact with your work, or that the work itself is no longer interesting or exciting, it may be time to consider quitting your job. If you’ve done everything you could to find new challenging projects and asked your manager about taking on new responsibilities with no success, consider your exit strategy.

3. You feel like your skills aren’t recognized at work

You may start to realize that your skills aren’t being put to good use at your current job, or you aren’t being recognized for your hard work. If this is the case, then it may be time to look for new opportunities where you can develop résumé-worthy skills and grow as a professional.

4. You’ve lost passion and interest in your work

Are you no longer feeling inspired or excited by the projects at your job, or you aren’t seeing any potential for career growth even after discussing the situation with your manager? If this is the case, it may be time to consider quitting and moving on to another company where you can find fulfillment.

5. You don’t enjoy working with the people at the office, from your coworkers to your boss

Is your job negatively impacting your mental health or personal life despite setting professional boundaries? If you’re still dreading going to work even after you’ve changed positions internally or taken on other projects, this is a sign to quit. 

6. You feel disconnected from your company’s mission, goals, and values

If you don’t feel like your company is making a positive impact in the world or there seems to be a disconnect between your belief system and what your company stands for, then it may be time to quit. When considering new companies to work for, do your due diligence to find one that aligns better with your values, work ethic, and career goals. 

If you’ve already been working on the side, consider turning your side-hustle into your full-time career or starting your own business. Working with a business coach or mentor could provide you with the direction and the support you need to make the plunge.

The good news is, when something doesn’t work out, try seeing it as an opportunity to seize rather than a failure. Finding the right job can take time, so make sure you stay active to boost your morale while you job search.

Why should you write a resignation letter?

Writing a professional resignation letter is key to formally informing your company of your intentions to leave and smoothing out your leaving process. Doing this will also increase your chances of getting recommendation letters and positive reviews during reference checks future hiring managers may conduct. 

If you’ve already accepted a job offer while employed and now find yourself needing to inform your current employer that you’re quitting, be sure to respect your contract’s clause on giving advance notice. This could be as little as 2 weeks in advance but could also be a few months.

So before you change your LinkedIn profile to announce your new position, make sure your current employer has received your resignation letter either during a face-to-face meeting or by email (if you’re working remotely).  

How to write a graceful resignation letter

When it comes to writing a resignation letter, be sure it’s clear and concise and stick to one page or less. Here are three tips to write a professional resignation letter:

Use professional resignation letter formatting 

To ensure a professional formatting, follow these six steps: 

  1. Include your name and address at the top of your letter
  2. Left-align the date under your address (this date will officially start your resignation notice period)
  3. List the company address in full
  4. Address your letter to your manager by their formal title along with their last name (it’s acceptable to use their first name if you’re on a first-name basis)

Remember to write out the number of weeks’ notice in full words rather than numbers, like this: “two weeks’ notice”.

Be clear about your intentions

Open your letter clearly by stating your intent to resign as well as the exact date you plan on ending your time at the company. This helps your manager better prepare for the weeks leading up to your end date as well as after you leave.

In the body of your letter, you can provide reasons behind your resignation. Although this is optional, it can be useful and appreciated, especially if you’re on good terms with your boss.

End on a positive note

If you do decide to share your reasons for leaving, be sure to keep a positive attitude. If you’re leaving because you’re unhappy with the management or your coworkers, it’s best to selectively omit this from your letter, even if these are legitimate reasons for leaving your job.

You should always stay professional and thank your manager for the opportunities you’ve had at the company. Express gratitude for the opportunities you’ve had in the past to grow and develop yourself during your time there.


Dominique Vatin is a Staff Writer and Resident Career Expert at Resume Genius, where she writes about everything from how to make a resume to acing your next interview. When she isn’t helping job seekers find higher-paying, more fulfilling work opportunities, you can find her whipping up various cakes at home or planning her next hiking adventure.



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Homeschooling Your Children? Here’s What You Need to Know While Working Remotely

Are you considering homeschooling your children for the upcoming school year or are you currently homeschooling? Working from home and homeschooling can present some unique challenges, but it is also a great opportunity to ensure that your children receive a quality education while remaining under your care. To help you with homeschooling while working remotely, here is an overview of what you need to know.

How to Set Up a Schedule That Works for You

Start by evaluating your work schedule and family commitments, as well as the learning needs of each child. If you have multiple children, try to find a schedule that works best for them and is least disruptive to your daily routines. For example, if one of your children needs more guidance or has difficulty with certain subjects, then consider scheduling extra time for them during the day. You may also want to consider having different schedules for different days of the week. This can be helpful for parents who work on different days or have varying work hours. You can use this strategy to prioritize particular topics or activities on certain days.

Once you’ve determined the framework of your schedule, create a daily routine with designated times for schoolwork, playtime, meals, and other important activities. It’s important to also include breaks for both you and your children so everyone can recharge and relax throughout the day. Try to keep a consistent routine as much as possible. Establishing clear expectations and boundaries around school time can help to ensure that the entire family is on the same page. Additionally, you may want to designate specific “school hours” that you stick to each day, even if they look different from a traditional school day.

Finally, consider incorporating extracurricular activities into your homeschooling schedule. These activities can be anything from online classes, to arts and crafts, to physical education. Allowing your children to explore their interests outside of the core subjects can help break up the monotony of their day and give them something to look forward to. Additionally, this time can be used for you to get work done.

Tips for Successfully Homeschooling While Working Remotely

  1. Establish a routine and stick to it. Set clear expectations, designate specific times for each subject, and create a timeline for when tasks should be completed. Also set the routine for when you will be working and should not be disturbed.
  2. Set boundaries between work and school. It can be difficult to separate work and school when you’re in the same space, so make sure you create designated zones for each activity and provide your child with structure and supervision.
  3. Utilize online resources. Take advantage of online courses, videos, and educational apps to supplement your curriculum and keep your child engaged. Our own supportive Facebook group can be a wonderful place to ask your fellow moms for help in this area as well.
  4. Make time for breaks and physical activity. Make sure you build in time for movement and breaks throughout the day so that your child can stay focused and alert during lessons. These breaks are good for you too!
  5. Talk to your child about their feelings. Check-in regularly with your child to gauge their emotions and comfort levels regarding their homeschooling experience. If they are feeling overwhelmed, consider taking a break or exploring other learning activities. You can also do this with your own work, so that you can communicate any struggles you are facing while balancing work and school so that your employer can help.
  6. Stay organized. Staying organized is key when homeschooling while working from home. Use a planner or calendar to keep track of your child’s assignments, deadlines, and progress and how those fit into your work calendar.
  7. Utilize technology to connect with other homeschoolers. Online communities for homeschoolers are great for finding support, sharing ideas, and helping your child stay connected with peers who may be experiencing similar struggles.
  8. Take advantage of one-on-one time with your child. Working from home can create unique opportunities for quality time with your child. Make sure you take advantage of these moments to bond and engage in meaningful conversations with your child as they learn.

Do you homeschool your child? Tell us your favorite tips and tricks for balancing school with remote work!



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How to Manage a Remote Team Successfully as a Business Owner

As a business owner, managing a remote team can be a challenge. From establishing communication protocols to maintaining productivity, there are many elements to consider when working with a distributed team. If you’re looking for advice on how to get the most out of your remote team, then this blog post is for you. Here, we will discuss tips and strategies for how to effectively manage a remote team as a business owner, so that you can maximize the potential of your employees and ensure success for your business.

Create a Company Culture

A strong corporate culture gives your team members a sense of purpose and unity, which is key to building trust and promoting collaboration. To create a successful company culture for your remote team, start by defining your mission and values, and make sure they are reflected in all aspects of your work. Provide guidance on how you expect people to interact with each other, both online and in person. Encourage open communication, transparency, and collaboration. You can also take steps to make your remote team feel more connected. Consider holding regular virtual meetings or video chats to discuss projects and tasks. Establish a team workspace where everyone can share ideas and updates. Additionally, consider offering incentives such as recognition for excellent work or rewards for reaching goals.

Hire the Right People

You want to make sure that you’re selecting individuals who have the skills and experience necessary for the job. It’s also important to consider the types of personality traits and communication styles that will work well in a remote environment. To ensure you hire the right people, it’s important to take the time to develop a comprehensive job description that clearly outlines the roles and responsibilities of each position. This will allow you to determine the exact type of person you are looking for. Once you have a clear idea of what you need, you can start your recruitment process. When interviewing potential candidates, be sure to ask questions that will give you an idea of how they will perform in a remote setting. Additionally, conduct a few rounds of interviews with each candidate to get a better sense of their knowledge and expertise. Finally, be sure to check references and do background checks to ensure you are hiring qualified individuals.

Set Clear Expectations

Your team should know exactly what you expect from them and how you want them to carry out their tasks. To set clear expectations, make sure to create specific goals and deadlines. If there are any policies or procedures that you want your team to follow, make sure to communicate these to your team. Also, provide feedback regularly so that your team can stay on track and make progress. When it comes to communication, be sure to specify how often you want to check in with your team and the type of updates you need from them. For example, do you prefer weekly status reports? Or would you prefer a daily check-in? It’s important that your team knows when and how to contact you. Finally, be sure to give your team an opportunity to ask questions and discuss their concerns with you. This will help them understand their roles better and build trust in the team.


Communication should be frequent and clear to avoid any misunderstandings or confusion. As a business owner, you need to be constantly monitoring the progress of each team member and staying in touch with them. This can be accomplished through video conferencing, group chats, email, and instant messaging. It is important to remember that remote employees often work in different time zones, so be aware of this when planning communication. Setting up a routine for regular check-ins and keeping an open channel of communication can help ensure that tasks are completed on time and that everyone is working together. Regular one-on-one meetings are also important to discuss expectations, progress, any challenges the team is facing, and successes they have achieved. This will help build trust between the business owner and team members, which can go a long way in ensuring a successful remote work relationship. 

Use the Right Tools

As a business owner, you should invest in the best tools available that will help your remote team stay productive and collaborate. Here are some of the key tools for remote teams:

  1. Project Management Software: Project management software helps organize tasks, assign deadlines, track progress, and keep everyone on the same page. Popular options include Asana, Trello, Basecamp, and Slack.
  2. Video Conferencing Software: Video conferencing software allows remote teams to connect face-to-face, which can help improve collaboration and communication. Popular options include Zoom, Skype, and Google Meet.
  3. File-Sharing Software: File-sharing software makes it easy for remote teams to share documents and other types of files with one another. Popular options include Dropbox, Google Drive, and Microsoft OneDrive.
  4. Online Whiteboard: An online whiteboard allows remote teams to brainstorm together in real-time, even if they are miles apart. Popular options include Mural, Miro, and Stormboard.

What tips and tricks do you use to manage your remote team? Let us know so we can share with our audience!


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How to Create a Winning Job Post

Any successful hiring manager will tell you that having a great job description (or job post) is vital to hiring great candidates. Without it, you may not attract any candidates or you may attract the wrong ones — and that’s not a good use of your time or money. We want to share with you how to create a job post that will attract the right candidates and increase your chances of finding the rockstar team member you need for your business.

Examples of What Not to Do

The number one thing we see is that some employers do not include enough information on their job posts. With the first example below, you will notice that minimal information was provided about the company and the position itself. We recommend including information such as the duties of the job, specific experience needed, any special skills you are seeking, the number of hours per week or month you are seeking as well as any other pertinent qualities, qualifications or skills needed. It can also be helpful to include a bit about the company and the culture that gives the candidates an idea of what it’s like working for your company. This helps ensure they feel like they would be a good fit for what you are looking for.

Our next example is getting more on the right track, but we recommend adding more details without writing a book. This post does a much better job explaining the position and offering some information about the company. However, the time commitment is still missing as is more specific information about what is needed for the job itself.

Examples of What to Do

We’ve compiled two of some of the top performing job posts on the site to share with you below. You will notice that the first post has quite a bit more information than our previous examples. It goes into detail about the company, what the position is about, what is needed for the position, and the commitment requirements.

You may not have this many requirements or qualifications needed and that is 100% ok. Your job does not have to be long to be thorough. In fact, super long job posts don’t perform well because it overwhelms the candidates so it’s important to state what you are looking for, the important points but not go overboard and write so much that you scare off potential candidates. This example below is one of our longer job descriptions but we are suggesting that you should have one this long. 

Our next example is very similar with lots of great details. As a bonus, this post states up front what the salary range is which can help find better job candidates that know what to expect from the beginning with regards to compensation.  Again, your job description does not have to be this long. We just wanted to give you some ideas of things you can include to help your job post perform better!


In need of more inspiration or ideas to kickstart your job description? 

We’ve put together a FREE Job Post template for our audience to help make this process easier!  CLICK HERE to download it.

Do you tips that have worked well for you in hiring or writing job descriptions? Share with us your tips to help other employers create the best job post possible.



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Learn How Innovation Can Help You Expand Customer Relationships, Make More Money and Grow Your Business Fast

One common goal we hear from small business owners is a desire to expand their businesses. That’s not surprising–It’s fun to try new things and grow in different ways. As your business expands, your skillset grows, and you may add new members to your team, expanding your network and boosting your profits. What’s more, we’ve found that it gets easier to clearly see what’s next on the horizon for our business with every move. 

But, sometimes, expanding the customer base for your existing products is a struggle. You’ve tried different marketing approaches and tapping new pools of potential customers, but it seems like a nut that just won’t crack.  

In that situation, we find one of the most reliable ways to expand is by adding products or services that complement your existing offering. Adding services and products can round out your offering, help you stand out from the competition, find new customers and grow revenue. 

Think of a restaurant adding a new menu option to appeal to a broader audience–that’s a product addition. If the same restaurant starts offering catering, that’s a complimentary service. These additions fall into the same realm as the restaurant’s original service. But, the changes will help attract new customers and provide additional services to existing customers–both of which can drive growth and increase sales.

While a restaurant is an easy way to visualize the concept, the idea works across all businesses. Consider a Virtual Assistant who primarily responds to email inquiries and manages calendars for small business owners. The VA may notice one of the people she supports is doing a lot of travel. With that knowledge and her existing relationship, she may decide to add travel planning services to complement her other work and pitch the service to the client she knows has upcoming travel.

Here’s another example. At HireMyMom, we added concierge services to help our customers who need staff right away and don’t have time to go through a traditional hiring phase, which can take attention away from their core business.

We’re looking at other ways to grow, too. For example, we are working on expanding our overall Human Resources services. New services could include helping with onboarding, creating policies and procedures for employees, and developing standard operating procedures for small businesses. 

Other options include offering custom-written targeted emails to increase the exposure of specific jobs or lending the expertise of a Human Resources specialist to help employers enhance job postings to attract the right candidate. 

Find the right products and services

No matter the business you are in, there’s likely a way to expand by offering additional products and services. The key is to determine what products and services your customers may want and which you can provide. Here are some ways to do some market research:

  • Listen carefully to the questions your customers ask. If your customers routinely ask if you provide a particular service or know who does, that’s a clue that demand exists, and it’s likely something your current customers might eagerly add to their orders with you. 
  • See what the competition is offering. Take a look around at your key competitors and see what types of additional products and services they offer. There’s a good chance those same options may appeal to your customers.
  • Ask your customers what else they need or want. Inquire about how they use your main product or service and what could improve the experience. 

Build the right team

Once you’ve decided on a new product or service to add, it’s time to make sure you can reasonably provide it. In some cases, you may need to add staff members to offer the option. In other cases, your existing staff may be able to absorb the work. Also, you may need to purchase new supplies or find space to store materials or do work.

Doing a little upfront planning can make the transition easier. The first few times you provide the product or service might feel a little rough. But, it’s all part of the product development lifecycle. 

Check out our free Online Tools and App Every Entrepreneur Needs to find resources to help you expertly navigate this phase of your business.

Need inspiration? Join Mastermind

If you feel stuck or aren’t sure what types of services and product extensions might make sense for your business, an outside perspective can help you look at your business with fresh eyes. 

HireMyMom’s new Small Business Mastermind could be just the catalyst you need to identify the types of add-on products and services that can take your business to the next level.

Through the program, you’ll find the path for meaningful growth and success based on what matters to you. You’ll create deep and authentic relationships with business owners  on the a similar  path. 

The group will meet bi-monthly to discuss business growth, discuss ways to expand, and explore marketing ideas. The peer group dynamic will help fill you with fresh ideas and unique perspectives to develop new viewpoints and see your business with fresh eyes.

The group will explore ways to improve business systems, build better processes and automate your work. 

A private group app puts all the tools and resources at your fingertips. Group sessions will provide an opportunity to share thoughts, get support, and find encouragement. 

What’s more, the group sessions will help you stay accountable to your goals and will offer you a chance to network with other like-minded moms who you might not have otherwise met.

Sign up now and start envisioning your next chapter.

Happy growing!



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HireMyMom Success Story: Justine Graf

Tell us about you and your experience finding work on HireMyMom.

My experience on HireMyMom has been wonderful! Within the first week of joining I had 3 interviews and those led to multiple job offers. The response from the companies on HireMyMom have been so quick. I have been working in the online space for about 18 months and this site has been the biggest game-changer for me and my business. The exposure to other companies who are real, professional, and actually need your help is unlike anything I’ve found before. I’m very grateful to have found this site!

What are your top tips for landing a job or jobs on

Be honest, direct, and check all of the listings daily.

What piece of advice do you wish someone had given you at the start of your work from home journey?

Don’t be discouraged when you can’t find what you are looking for at first or if things don’t work out as you planned. There is something better out there waiting for you – you just have to keep looking!

What do you see as your greatest success in life?

My children

What is something about you that many people don’t know?

I’m a lefty





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Five Keys to Building Time-Saving Systems for Your Small Business

When you run a business and lead a team, a lot is happening each day. And, you are likely involved in managing all or most of the work. The chronic stress of shouldering this responsibility can wear down the most dedicated of entrepreneurs. What’s more, it can prevent you from the meaningful work that can help you grow your business and expand it to the next level and beyond. 

The good news is that by creating a system for portions of your work, you can achieve a level of automation that lets you work more effectively on the things that matter, add predictability to your business, gain some time back, and make your life easier. 

The trick is identifying the processes that are ripe for systemization and selecting a system that works for you.


What is a System?

Simply stated, a system is a set of processes, tools, people, and strategies that all work together to solve a problem or achieve a goal. 

Creating a system for your business makes every day easier because it lets you have specific actions on autopilot. When routine processes run on autopilot, you are freed from investing mental energy or time into those processes. In short, creating a system for your work can make you more productive. 

Many of the companies you patronize every day have systems in place to automate some element of work. For example, when you order from Amazon, a team follows the steps to get your package to you. The team follows the same steps for each package, which means they have a system in place. Likewise, if you order pizza from a local shop, the workers follow a process to ensure the quality of each pizza. 

At the extreme, emergency responders have a system to respond quickly and efficiently when calls come in. Imagine if the fire department had to start from scratch and wait for each person to gather needed items before proceeding to the call. Firefighters have a system for collecting all needed equipment and getting on the truck as quickly as possible. 


Why You Need a System

Finding the right system can free you to focus on more significant, big-picture issues for your business, like business development. It can also make it easier for you to outsource portions of your work to a team. The right system can also help you find more personal time, too. 

If you are just getting your business started, having an organizational system can help make tasks seem less overwhelming. For example, if you produce a video each week, at the beginning the process can feel like a lot of work. But, with a system in place, you can see the steps you followed last time and replicate them, saving you the mental energy of going through the process each time.

In all likelihood, you probably already have a set of systems you use every day. You just don’t see them as official systems. Once you start to see processes as a system, you’ll find more and more tasks that could be moved onto a system. Once that happens, you are well on your way to saving time and energy.


A Closer Look

Before you start thinking about developing a system, it’s helpful to look more closely at the elements that comprise a system. 

  • Processes: Developing standard procedures is a large part of creating an effective system. Identifying and documenting the process involved for each system is the lynchpin of the process. For example, consider the case of sending a mass email to customers. Having a standard procedure in place frees you from thinking about the best way to send the messages each time one goes out. Having your processes documented means that someone else can step in and send the emails. Having someone create the content, check the mailing list, proofread the text, and test the email could save you several hours of work.
  • Tools: As you develop systems, you may find the specific tools are a part of the plan. The right tools for your system will vary based on the industry you are in and the types of tasks you are creating the system to accommodate. Tools can range from templates that make it easier to draft routine messages to equipment or software that makes a job more manageable. Part of developing a system is assessing tools and considering the associated costs and benefits of a tool. As you think about the cost of tools, calculate how much time a tool could save you and assign in a dollar value.
  • People: Identifying the people or person who will perform different tasks is an essential part of creating a system. In some cases, you are the person performing the task. In other cases, your system may include adding to your team to outsource jobs. Once you have systems in place, you may find that a Virtual Assistant or another team member can manage the task. Having a system in place makes it easier to find the right person for your team because you can look for team members with the skill sets needed to manage the system effectively.
  • Strategies: A strategy is a plan of action or a policy designed to achieve a goal. When you are working on creating a system of your business, you are doing just that–creating a plan of action with the goal of growing your business by automating certain functions.


How to Get Started

Developing systems takes time and patience, but the payoff is significant. A system that works for you and your team is the key to success. Aim to develop a sound system that becomes great over time. As you begin, set aside time to consider which tasks are ripe for systematization. To do this:

  • Track the work you do in a typical week. Write down everything you do to get a close look at how you spend your days. You may be surprised by the tasks that eat up the most time.
  • Identify tasks you frequently do throughout the week by putting a star next to them.
  • Of those tasks, pay special attention to the jobs that tend to be hands-on or time-consuming. 
  • Consider if you can stop doing any of these tasks and eliminate those that don’t add value.
  • From the remaining tasks, consider which ones could benefit from the creation of a system. Look for items that are routine, multi-step, repeatable, frequent, and predictable.


Find the Right System

There are a lot of ways to create a system. The easiest way is to work with an Online Business Manager or coach specializing in helping business owners create systems. Hire My Mom is a great place to find an experienced person to help. 

When you post your job, you’ll quickly have access to a wide array of qualified candidates who will be dedicated to helping your business succeed and grow. The site attracts job seekers from across the country with specialized skill sets and a desire to work hard for you.

If you need help sourcing a candidate, HireMyMom’s Concierge service can streamline the process for you. The service was created for busy entrepreneurs and small business owners, like you, who need to hire help but don’t have the time or desire to go through the time-consuming process. With our full-service Concierge service, our HR Specialists will do it all for you from start to finish and present you with the top candidate(s). Once you select the candidate that’s right for you, the two of you can start creating systems to make your business more efficient.

If you aren’t ready to bring in a person to help, several free online resources can help you build a system for your business. Research the options and consider which might work for you. Popular options include the  Productive and Free website and the YouTube series How to Build Systems for Your Business with Greg Hickman

Or, head to your local bookstore and library, where you can find several books about creating business systems. Good options include Work the System by Sam Carpenter or The E Myth Revisited by Michael E. Gerber. If you don’t have time to read a book, search audible for the right option.


You Can Do It!

While the prospect of creating a system may seem daunting, you can do it. Start small and focus on the core tasks that can move the needle to free up your day. Soon, you’ll be enjoying the fruits of your labor and the success that comes with a growing business.


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