3 Tips to Get Back on Track After a Vacation

Even if you love your job, there’s no denying that vacation provides a much-needed break from the stress of it all. However, returning to work after an extended vacation can sometimes be difficult to handle—the transition between your rejuvenating time off and your regular routine at work can be jarring, especially if you’re eager to return to your normal workload. For tips on how to get back into the swing of things at work after a vacation, read on!

1) Leave To Do Lists

Before you leave for vacation, break down all of your tasks into manageable chunks and make note of anything else that can help you get back up to speed. Don’t forget small details like, “get receipts from last trip for mileage reimbursement” or “cancel membership for extra security system monitoring when I get home”. Leave these items on your desk so that you don’t forget about them in your hectic schedule upon returning. The lists are there for a reason — use them! This will also help you from feeling overwhelmed when you get back because it will give you a starting point.

2) Prepare as Much as Possible Beforehand

If you’re leaving for vacation, take care of all your loose ends beforehand. If there are things that absolutely must get done before you leave, tackle them first so that your mind and body can relax when you’re away. This way, when you return from vacation, it will be easier to get back into work mode.  When possible, delegate duties to other team members in advance. For example, if you know an important email needs to be sent out after you return from vacation, ask another colleague or co-worker if they would be willing to send it out while you’re gone.

3) Set Realistic Expectations For Yourself

When you get back into work after a vacation, it can be hard to get back into your normal routine. As you sit down at your desk with that morning cup of coffee, do not set yourself up for failure by creating impossible expectations for yourself. The end of your break is not going to be like riding off into paradise and then coming out two weeks later as if nothing happened. Instead, create realistic expectations for yourself by keeping some of these points in mind: take your time and don’t try to just jump back into the same amount of work you took on before you left; work through the to-do list you left first (unless an emergency has popped up since then); take breaks and don’t feel like you need to tackle it all at once.

What tips and tricks do you like to employ for returning to work from a vacation? Reach out and let us know!



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A Checklist for Your Team Before Someone Leaves for Vacation

Besides managing the normal workflow, it’s that time of year when people head to the beach, the mountains, or wherever they want on vacations! While your team members are recharging at their favorite relaxation spots, vacation time for those that are still working can be very stressful.

Is your team ready for one of them to go on vacation? Even if it’s you as a manager and business owner (yes, you deserve time off too!)? Below is a checklist that should help you answer those questions with a resounding YES after you’ve completed it!

#1 Get the 411

As vacation time nears, schedule a time to sit down with your team. Discuss who is going on vacation, what they are working on, and what the plan is to handle that workload. Now is a great time to delegate tasks so that projects don’t slow down while employees are able to relax.

The sooner you do this, the better. That way small tasks can be handed off bit-by-bit rather than all at once in a mad dash on the final day before someone leaves for vacation. This allows your team to ask questions, get acquainted with new pieces of projects, and not feel so stressed.

#2 Get some ICE

We aren’t talking about the cold kind of ice; we’re talking about In Case of Emergency. Create an emergency vacation coverage plan just in case something goes wrong. What if a website you’re building for a client breaks in the middle of the night? What if in the middle of running an accounting report, the numbers just aren’t adding up? Don’t let it scare you. Run through those crazy what if scenarios. Come up with solutions on what to do so that (hopefully) you don’t have to disturb anyone’s vacation.

Also, get key contacts. If the website does go down, who do you call? Or, what if you normally manage a team of remote workers, do your other employees know how to get in contact with everyone else if it’s you going on vacation? Write it all down where everyone can get access to it. If you are working at a physical location, make sure people that need keys get them. You don’t want to wake up and realize your keys are on their way to the beach!

#3 Get out of the office

Besides literally getting out of the office, ask your employees to set out of office notifications on their emails, instant messages, calendars, and even voicemails. This will make sure that clients know what’s going on if they call; make sure to include who to contact while that employee is out of the office in the meantime!

#4 Get out of your head

A vacation is all about relaxing. If an employee is taking a break, make sure they stick to it. Everyone needs time to recharge, so they shouldn’t be worrying about work. The same goes for you as a manager! Don’t worry about work the whole time. Rest. Relax. Recharge. Get out of your head for a bit! Resist the urge to send that vacation email to your team.

By following this short checklist, vacation time should be a little more relaxing for everyone involved, but if your team is already stretched to the max, you can always look at outsourcing some of the work as well.

Now we need to know, did we miss anything on this checklist? Reach out to tell us about your procedures for employees taking a vacation!


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Surviving Summer: 4 Tips to Stay Productive

Do you remember what it was like, waking up on the first day of summer as a kid?

The morning air was cool with a hint of the heat to come. Dew covered the grass as morning doves cooed. You were excited; excited to feel the grass on your bare feet, or play your favorite video game, or catch up with friends, or maybe even go on a big family vacation.

You felt free.

As adults, the first day of summer looks a little different. We know you’re excited to spend time with your kiddos, but there’s some apprehension because you are working from home. 

How are you going to balance working with creating a summer of freedom and fun for your kids?

After working from home for several years, and with several different aged kids, we have some experience in this area. Here are our four favorite tips on how to have a productive summer while your children are home on summer break.

#1 Schedule, schedule, schedule

The number one thing we recommend is to create a schedule for your summer. Map out your vacations, meetings, and even time that you need to set aside for yourself. Let’s be honest, there are so many distractions without kids, that summertime can seem daunting.

Writing everything down on a calendar will help you and your family. In fact, you should also make a summer calendar for your kids too. Block out times when you know they will be at a friend’s house, or when they like to play outside.

If your kiddo goes to a summer camp in the morning, schedule it! If you have a really important meeting you can’t miss, schedule it! Write it all down before the summer starts, but also remember that the best laid plans will encounter problems.

Plan on revisiting your schedule once per week. Sunday nights are a great time to evaluate the coming week.

Most importantly of all, when creating your summer plan, make sure to include lots of flexibility because you never know what the day will bring!

#2 Beat the heat

You’ve heard of the afternoon slump, but did you know a summer slump exists too? The heat tends to make people lethargic, and if you already find yourself experiencing afternoon slumps no matter the season, then summer will make you even more tired.

So, beat the heat! When you’re planning activities or creating your summer schedule, keep in mind what times of day you work best and what times of day you do not.

We recommend comparing that with your child’s sleep schedules.

If you work best in the morning and your child sleeps in, plan on working in the morning so you can spend afternoons playing (or napping together!). Have a productive summer switching your normal 9-5 schedule around.

#3 On the next episode of Kid Swap

Remember that show, Wife Swap? While it produced some interesting characters, it also gave moms across the U.S. a great idea: let’s swap kids.

Seriously, it’s that simple. On days when you really need to be productive working from home during summer, ask your neighbors to watch the kids. Then, you can watch their kids when they need it.

Maybe even plan play dates with your child’s friends so that one week the kids go to your house, and the next they are at their friend’s house. As part of your summer calendar for your kids, they are sure to love it, and you will too when you get some time to yourself to power through work.

#4 Once upon a time at the library

Sure, you’re used to home based work, but what about working at the library? Find your nearest library, and check out what is available. Some libraries offer fun summer programs with different activities. Others have rooms you can rent to work out of while your children read books. No matter what, your local library has a kid’s section that can be fun for them to work on puzzles, read books, and play while you get access to wifi and a quiet location.

When you have a stay at home mom job, summer might seem extra stressful when you think about balancing productivity with spending time with your kids. We are here to say that you can do it, and have fun in the process.

There are lots of great resources available out there to help you create a schedule, track your productivity, swap kids, and even spend some time out of the house at the local library.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help, and remember that summers aren’t about huge vacations. Your kids will thank you for the small things like a surprise popsicle from an ice cream cart on an extra hot day, or spending time at their friend’s house building blanket forts.

As a kid, summer is all about freedom and free time. As an adult, that changes a bit, but that does not mean the summer has to be less fun for you! Put these four tips to use on how to have a productive summer, and you will find yourself balancing work and fun with your children just fine!

Do you have another tip you use to stay productive when kids are home for summer break? Let us know about it!

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5 Summer Survival Tips for Mompreneurs

Summer is a time to savor, to be joyful and present. A time to enjoy slower mornings, extra cups of coffee, a break from packing lunches and more time spent with family and friends.

For mompreneurs who run a home based business, this can also create some stress trying to adjust to a different routine and more interruptions throughout the day but it doesn’t have to. It is possible to have the best of both worlds during your summer break: time to set goals, work your business and keep the momentum going you’ve worked so hard to build as you work towards the amazing plans God is preparing you for while enjoying quality time with your family.

I hope to inspire you with this post as I share my best 5 tips for surviving the summer as mompreneur: tips to help you balance the passionate creative side of you who loves to work on purpose filled projects and the mom side of you who craves to savor and be present with those who matter most.

1. Embracing Slowness

The foundation of these summer survival tips is to embrace slowness. As a busy wife, mom and mompreneur myself, I whole-heartedly understand how easy it is to look at the word “rest” and be tempted to let out a sarcastic chuckle because slowing down can feel almost impossible most days.

There is always something that demands our time. Something to take care of, something that interrupts the flow of our attention but it’s important to remember that rest is a command God calls us to.

Rest is first mentioned in Genesis 2:2-3 where God rested on the seventh day of creation and if God felt it important to rest, shouldn’t we? When we are aware of our state of busyness and take control of where we focus our energy, we can rest in God’s presence drawing ourselves, our family and our business deeper into Him.

Because the fact of the matter is when we are overworked, tired and weary we are more vulnerable to disobeying God. Hebrews 4:11 reminds us “strive to enter that rest, so that no one may fall by the same sort of disobedience.” We can’t stop the demands of life. There will always be something pulling and tugging at you and for us moms, rest unfortunately doesn’t come naturally for most of us and that is why we have to work to intentionally embrace rest and invite God to refresh our weary spirits. It’s okay to let dishes sit in the sink a little longer and end the day without getting a load of laundry on because you chose to surrender into rest.

2. Stick To A Schedule

Summer will feel less hectic if you stay rooted in a routine. When your day runs as normal as possible versus having your days run together like a free for all, then unexpected changes or plans don’t feel so disruptive. This will also help you easily transition once summer is over and the kids are back in school.

Having a routine for the kids will create more structure and help to cut down on interruptions. Maybe you have a chore and activity chart for them in the mornings where they can earn some electronic or movie time so each morning they know what to expect and you know exactly how much time you will have to work with limited disruptions. A household is usually happier and healthier with a routine.  

3. Priorities

During the summer you may have to re-evaluate what your priorities are so you are only adding what is necessary to your calendar. This may require you to set tighter boundaries on what you say yes to. A client who wants you to tackle a large project with a tight deadline may not work with your schedule while the kids are out of school.

If it’s not in your best interest or that of your family, be honest with your client so they can find someone who can meet their expectations or see if your client can wait until the kids are back in school for the project to be completed.

Piling too much on your plate during the summer will only leave you feeling weary and resentful in the long run. Before saying yes and committing yourself take some extra time to think and pray about it before saying yes.

4. Savvy Scheduling

In order for the summer months not to stress you out and stay on top of your work while enjoying quality family time, it will require some pre-planning.

For example, if the kids want to hit the local library on Monday morning for some new books to read or one of them has an orthodontist appointment in town, plan to spend the whole day together and take care of any other errands while you are out like the grocery store, dropping off cleaning for the hubby, etc.

This allows you to focus on being productive and getting quality work done Tuesday-Friday which means you won’t feel the least bit guilty about unplugging for the day with your family.

This approach keeps you from running around all week and feeling frazzled about not having time to focus on your work. So Sunday night, plan your week out so you know what days you need to be out and take care of as much as you can. Keep your weekly schedule somewhere visible like the fridge and let your family know that on the day you will be out everyone needs to take care of their to-dos.

5. Limit The Financial Stress

Summer can not only be a time stresser but also a financial one. Look for ways you can have fun without breaking the bank. Check your local paper for free family friendly activities happening in your community, follow your favorite restaurants on social media and keep an eye out for weekly specials, visit a local state park. You don’t have to spend a lot of money over the summer to make it meaningful or memorable. There are tons of ideas on Pinterest for budget friendly family summer activities.

I hope these tips have encouraged you and helped you to feel more empowered about how to tackle summertime as a mompreneur so you can feel productive in your business and stay present as a mom.

HireMyMom is a community dedicated to helping women and moms find legitimate work from home jobs. Learn more about our community, resources and trainings.

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4 Tips to Make Summer Fun


Summer is almost here! School will be out soon, and we move on to one of the most fun times of the year. Although it’s summer, work doesn’t usually stop.  It may be lighter in the summer months, depending on your industry, but work still must be considered.

Enjoy this time of year while still being productive! Read along for some of our best tips to do just that.

Mix up your days

As we mentioned before, hours and schedules are often lighter or more flexible in the summer.  More people are traveling and taking time off with their kids, and there’s a general air of relaxation.  If this is the case for your job or industry, adjust your hours! Maybe you can set it up so you have some time with your kids in the afternoon for activities, and you can start earlier in the morning or go later into the evening.

Plan something fun

Summer routines are fun – the pool, swim team, sports, and cookouts – but it’s still a routine! Plan something fun with your friends and family, and try to make it something you can’t do in the colder months.  Plan a trip to a local amusement park, take a road trip for a fun event, or plan a staycation that gets you out of your immediate area.

Utilize this time of year to get out of your comfort zone, and do something that you will look forward to.

Take it outside

It’s summer, so by all means – get outside! If you’re working, you can still appreciate the outdoors.  Bring a comfy chair on your deck or the patio and work outside for a few hours. It can feel like a mini vacation to simply breathe in the warm, fresh air for a bit.

If you’re used to meeting up with friends or co-workers at coffee shops or over lunch, maybe suggest a picnic.  You could also work together outdoors at a nice, quiet park, or even outdoors at the cafe. It’s a great time of year to mix things up a bit, and enjoy the sun and warmth while it’s still around!

Involve the kids

Since your kids will likely be with you during the summer, involve them in your day to day.  As we said above, it can be as simple as leaving some time during their most active time of day to swim together, see an outdoor movie in a park, or take a hike on a local trail.

Of course you can still do these things after hours as well, but it can be kind of fun to break free from the norm.

Summer is all about relaxation, having fun, and leaning in towards more flexibility.  Take time to spend with your friends and family, and make sure you’re doing some special things that make this time of year even better.

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4 Summer Activities for Kids

Summer is coming up quickly! It’s getting warmer and pretty soon, the kids will be home for summer break.  While it’s obvious that the pool, having friends over, and local sports are great activities for this time of year, what else can your kids do during their time off?

We’ve compiled a few ideas that can be inexpensive fun for your kids this summer!

Get creative

You don’t have to do crafts to be creative! The summer months are often spent outside, but once in a while, you’ll encounter a rainy or just “too hot” day.  This is a great time to get creative!

Look up some new recipes and bake or cook something fun with your kid, like their own pizza dough for individual pizzas! You can also bake play items such as homemade play dough and slime.  Other crafts can include painting pottery and creating jewelry. Exercise their minds by planning creative activities that get them thinking and participating!

Another option is to make a stand, such as a lemonade, Kool-Aid or popsicle stand.  This can be a fun craft that takes a few days or weeks to complete, and also teaches your kids about money and sales.  Teach them how to run the stand, create it, and what they need to be successful. It’s not only a good way to spend time, but also includes teachable moments.

Get in nature

This is the time to be outside! Barring those really hot and rainy days, kids benefit from a lot of time in nature.  While the local pool is a great option beyond the iPad, being in true nature is also something to strive for this summer.

There’s everything from camping, the local trails, swimming at the beach (if it’s nearby), and much more.  Let your kids explore and get dirty! Look up local paths and trails that lead to hidden places in your area.

Another great way to expose your kids to the more natural life is to garden.  Have them participate in the planting of trees, veggies, or flowers. Most kids love to get involved in this type of activity!

Free local activities

Local websites will often list free activities! During the summer, local attractions like museums, zoos, art galleries, splash pads, and small amusement parks will have free days, afternoons, or discounted days.

This is a great way to save money while still indulging in the fun! Look into these options a few weeks in advance and make plans to meet up.

Learn something new

Just because school is out doesn’t mean that your kids can’t be learning! Whether you want to teach your young child to read over the summer, or teach your 10-year-old how to throw a football, this is a great time to introduce new skills.

Additionally, there are beginner language courses via phone, TV or computer, or you can teach them yourself, if you have the time! Create flashcards and make it a fun, family-friendly immersive experience to learn a new language over the summer.

Summer doesn’t need to become a second school year, but you can foster new skills and interests during the break.  This way, they’ll go back to school having expanded their knowledge and used their brain!

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5 Tips to Prepare for Spring

Spring is just around the corner! With warmer temperatures starting to become more and more frequent, it’s only a matter of time before spring is here.  We associate spring with new beginnings and a fresh start, so it’s the perfect time to implement some of the ideas below for a great start to the new season.

Get outside

Fresh air equals a fresh mood! Get outside as much as you can during this time of year.  Start looking for local outdoor events and festivals. Go see a sporting event, attend an outdoor concert, or simply make time for a daily walk around the block.

Nature gives us positive energy and an energy boost, so it’s only fitting that it would be a perfect start to the warmer season.

Clean it up

It’s a great time to get that old dirt and dust out! From your living room to your office and pantry, use this time to get it all into shape.  Do a fresh coat of paint in your office, bring in some organic plants, or simply do a thorough cleaning.

You can also air out your house when it’s nice enough! Get the dust out. Start fresh for spring. Clean out clutter and donate, sell, or give away items that no longer serve you. This is great for your own energy and gets you into the feeling of a lighter season.

Refresh your resume

Homes aren’t the only thing that you can clean up this time of year.  Take a few hours to refresh your resume and hiring materials if you’re seeking employment.  Warmer weather tends to give us a more positive perspective, so use that vibe to restructure, edit, or redo your materials.

If you already have a job or business, you can update your website, order new business cards, or simply revise your business plan.

Lighten it up

While you’re lightening your burden in your home, be sure to do the same for your body! Get more exercise in the fresh air and choose lighter foods.  Our bodies typically crave lighter foods this time of year anyway, so fill it with hydrating, nourishing options.

It’s an ideal time of year for fresh fruit, healthy smoothies, and cooking nutritious meats and veggies on the grill.  Use seasonal produce for even more health and nutrition!

Take note of your schedule

How was your winter schedule? Did you cram too much in, or did you have a lot of extra time? Before spring comes, take a few minutes to examine your schedule.  Cna you better allocate your time over the next several months? You might need to fill some work space, or you might need to unload some work.

If you’re seeking a freelance, part-time or full-time work from home job, take a look around HireMyMom.com for some options that will fit into your schedule!

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4 Tips for Healthy Eating in the Summer

Staying healthy in the summer is typically easier than any other time of year. Between family and friend activities, vacations, and sporting events, we’re on the go more. Additionally, produce is more readily available, and it’s often too hot to eat big, heavy meals.

It’s a perfect time to embrace wellness in our diets and stay healthy. This way, we don’t miss any of the fun and excitement of this time of year! Read along for some best tips for optimal, healthy eating in the summer.

Think seasonal

Eating seasonally is a great way to save money and load up on nutritional value. Yes, you can find watermelon in some other seasons, but it’s more expensive and not nearly as tasty! Between tomatoes, watermelon, mangos, and all the fresh berries, summer is a time for all our favorite produce.

These fruits and veggies are also loaded with water content, so they’ll help you stay hydrated and feeling light.

Produce first

Think produce first! When you go to make a plate or plan a meal, fill your plate (or recipe) with produce first. Ideally, half of your plate should be fruits and/or veggies. You can also sneak fruit and veggie purees into casseroles, popsicles, and smoothies! From here, add your carbohydrate and protein sources to make up the rest of your meal.

Pack the protein

Protein is always a key component to any healthy diet. It keeps you full, supports your muscles and bones, and helps to stabilize blood sugar. When the weather is nice, grilling is a great, fun option to get your protein. Here are some best tips for successful grilling.

Select healthy meats and spice them up with unique seasonings, marinades, and dipping sauces. If meat isn’t your thing, there are plenty of fibrous bean and grain salad recipes that will keep you healthy and satiated. Here are a few options to get you started.

Lighten up

In the hot summer months, we’re typically running around more and certainly spending more time outdoors. Because of this, we need more hydration, water, and electrolytes. Focus on foods that provide this and keep you feeling good. Watermelon is a great option, along with coconut water for balanced electrolytes.

It’s easy to feel sluggish and rundown in the summer, and you can avoid this with diet and lifestyle choices. Make choices that keep you feeling light, healthy, and satisfied. It’s a great time of year for those lightened up recipes, as well as an abundance of colorful fruits and veggies. Indulge in nature’s seasonal offerings and stay healthy with seasonal offerings!

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4 Technology-Free Summer Activities for Kids

Summer has arrived! Kids are home all day, and it can be challenging to pull them from the allure of the TV, cellphone, and tablet devices. While there’s a time and place for these items, it’s not great for kids to spend their entire summers enveloped in these activities.

It’s important that kids get out, stay social, and enjoy nature! Viewing technology as a treat, and other activities as the “main events” will go a long way towards a happier and more productive summer for you and your kids. Read along for some ideas that are technology-free!

Social Activities

There’s so much going on in the summer in the way of enrichment activities for kids. Local libraries, schools, and community centers often offer summer camps or discovery activities. These might include a class on a particular craft, sport, or hobby, which gives your kids the opportunity to learn something new, make friends, and turn off those devices.

Ask your kid what they’d like to learn about, or hone in on a particular interest that might be taught in a local kids’ class. They will most likely love the idea, and they’ll enjoy making memories and learning something new over the summer break.

Toys & Games

Toys don’t have to be electronic! There are plenty of toys that are educational, fun, and don’t even involve batteries. You can also get out the old games – simple ones, such as cards, Monopoly, Connect Four, or something similar that holds interest. An afternoon of games goes a long way towards creating memories and encouraging problem-solving and thinking skills. Crafts can also fall under the category of “toys and games,” and you can spend an entire afternoon on a craft of two. If possible, invite some of their friends over to partake in the fun as well. Kids love creating, and they can take their craft home to display.

Games can also include sports. Sports such as swimming often have seasons in the summer, and it’s a great way to get your kids involved in a team environment. They’ll make friends, get some exercise, and enjoy the outdoor environment while staying cool!

Outdoor Play

Outdoor play is the best part of summer break! Require outside play daily when the weather is nice, although sometimes it may be rainy or too hot.

Suggest some activities that your kids might enjoy – calling over a neighbor friend, biking, rollerblading, collecting bugs, or anything else that may be fun to them. When they’re encouraged to get outside, there are plenty of activities available to them.

Plan something different

Keeping your kids engaged (technology-free!) over the summer can be challenging. As the days wear on, they can become bored by the activities they’ve done over the last few months. It’s time to mix it up! Have them help you plan an outdoor picnic, end of summer party, or other event that is a bit more special.

You can also have them create a fun game to play, purchase a new piece of sporting equipment, or take them to a different pool for the day. It’s all about being spontaneous, and using the benefits of summer – the warm weather and flexible schedules – to your advantage.

Use technology sparingly this summer! We all love computer and phone games and communication, but when it becomes unbalanced, it’s a problem. Encourage your kids to enjoy time in nature this summer, as well as in activities that will grow their brain, social circle, and knowledge base. Summer is a great time to expand horizons, grow, and enjoy the beautiful weather.

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5 Tips for Back to School Season Success

It’s almost that time again – time to go back to school! It’s hard to believe that school will be starting any day now, but as summer winds down, it’s important to gradually get back into the groove.

We all miss summer and its flexibility, but the school year also brings a lot of fun and more structure.  It can be a great time to reexamine priorities, take a solid look at schedules, and truly get prepared for the year ahead.  With a little bit of prep, you’ll be ready for back to school success!

Establish routines

Routines aren’t established overnight, so ease into a new one gradually.  Starting a few weeks before school starts, begin having your kids go to bed a bit earlier.  Start with 10 minutes, then 30, then 60, and so on, until they’re close to the time they will go to bed during the school year.

This is a much better approach than fighting on the first night back! It establishes expectations, gets kids sleeping more normally for the school year, and allows them to get on a schedule that works for them.  It’s also important to try to have them wake up a bit earlier too, so they can practice being active in the mornings.

Revamp your schedule

This is a great time of year to look at your home based career schedule and see where you can improve, change, or be flexible.  You might realize that you’re off balance in terms of work.  Maybe there’s too much going on, maybe there’s not enough.  If it’s the latter, take a moment to browse some new job positions.

You can also take some time to look at the schedule of your whole family for those first few weeks.  Will your kids be starting a sport?  Some type of rehearsal?  Adjust the family’s schedules around those first few weeks and months to make going back a lot easier.

Purchase your items

It’s a lot easier to get your back to school supplies now! Avoid the mad rush and create your list.  Browse the list from your children’s teachers, or simply find some basic back to school shopping lists online.  It’s better to go in prepared so you don’t forget anything.  Go on an off peak time and have your kids select their items.  It’s more fun to get them involved, and they can choose items that match their personality.

Also, make back to school shopping fun.  You don’t have to spend a lot of money, but you can make a fun day out of it so your kids are encouraged to start the new year on a positive note.

Set some goals

Setting goals this time of year is important for you and your family members.  While this doesn’t need to be done until closer to back to school time, it gets everyone into the habit of thinking ahead and working towards something.

Set some short-term goals that can be accomplished within the first few weeks of going back, such as sticking to bedtimes, agreeing to a proper place in the house to study, getting all the lunches packed, creating a work schedule that will work for the school year, and applying to a certain amount of jobs in a week. You can also set longer term goals with your kids, such as making the spring musical, playing a sport, or saving a specific amount of money for a purchase.

The goals don’t necessarily need to do with school, but are more for getting everyone thinking and being more productive during the school year.

Enjoy the rest

Above all else, it’s so important to enjoy the rest of the summer.  While you slowly implement tasks and items that will make the school year much smoother, don’t forget to enjoy the rest of this time of year.  You can even create a summer “bucket list” of items that you still have time to do.

Take another small trip or enjoy a staycation and technology-free weekend.  Take an afternoon to do something fun in your local area.  Book reservations at a fun restaurant for your kids.  Soak in this time and create memories! Schedule more playdates, more pool days, and fun times with your family.

You can certainly prepare for back to school while still enjoy the rest of what summer has to offer.  Then, when the school year starts, you’ll be all set for success!


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