3 Tips to Get Back on Track After a Vacation
Even if you love your job, there’s no denying that vacation provides a much-needed break from the stress of it all. However, returning to work after an extended vacation can sometimes be difficult to handle—the transition between your rejuvenating time off and your regular routine at work can be jarring, especially if you’re eager to return to your normal workload. For tips on how to get back into the swing of things at work after a vacation, read on!
1) Leave To Do Lists
Before you leave for vacation, break down all of your tasks into manageable chunks and make note of anything else that can help you get back up to speed. Don’t forget small details like, “get receipts from last trip for mileage reimbursement” or “cancel membership for extra security system monitoring when I get home”. Leave these items on your desk so that you don’t forget about them in your hectic schedule upon returning. The lists are there for a reason — use them! This will also help you from feeling overwhelmed when you get back because it will give you a starting point.
2) Prepare as Much as Possible Beforehand
If you’re leaving for vacation, take care of all your loose ends beforehand. If there are things that absolutely must get done before you leave, tackle them first so that your mind and body can relax when you’re away. This way, when you return from vacation, it will be easier to get back into work mode. When possible, delegate duties to other team members in advance. For example, if you know an important email needs to be sent out after you return from vacation, ask another colleague or co-worker if they would be willing to send it out while you’re gone.
3) Set Realistic Expectations For Yourself
When you get back into work after a vacation, it can be hard to get back into your normal routine. As you sit down at your desk with that morning cup of coffee, do not set yourself up for failure by creating impossible expectations for yourself. The end of your break is not going to be like riding off into paradise and then coming out two weeks later as if nothing happened. Instead, create realistic expectations for yourself by keeping some of these points in mind: take your time and don’t try to just jump back into the same amount of work you took on before you left; work through the to-do list you left first (unless an emergency has popped up since then); take breaks and don’t feel like you need to tackle it all at once.
What tips and tricks do you like to employ for returning to work from a vacation? Reach out and let us know!