3 Ways to Update Your Resume

Your resume is one of the first things that a potential employer sees from you. It comes before you meet in person, and is often opened before the cover letter.

Prospective employers want to know what you’re all about – and quickly.  It’s a great time of year to update your resume before the new year and get it in great shape as you revamp your materials. These are some of our best tips to update an already established resume.

The most recent

Are the most recent items on your resume? Sometimes we only update them every few years, so your most recent job positions might need some care and expansion.  Be sure to include everything you’ve done since the last update – and don’t leave any blank time unless you truly weren’t working.

On the other side of the most recent are the old items.  If you’ve been out of high school and/or college for 10+ years with a substantial resume since then, you don’t need to include clubs, memberships, and so on, unless they’re extremely relevant to the job position for which you’re applying.  A simple note of the name, city and state of your high school, along with the name, city, state, grade point average, and major/minor from college is just fine.

Do your best to keep your resume to one page, maximum two pages.  Employers want to see quick, efficient information that will help them move quickly through the application process.  Make this easy on them!

Add some data

In keeping with giving your potential employer a break, include some data that truly stands out easily.  Saying that you “helped with the marketing” is fine, but saying that you “designed and distributed 10,000 flyers” and “helped grow attendance by 35%” is more impressive and quantitative.

Additionally, this makes your accomplishments much more concrete and easily measurable.  If you can’t find hard numbers and figures to present, get more specific about what you did at your jobs and skip the generalities.

Check for errors

Now is a great time to make sure your resume is free from errors! Nothing is worse than spending all your time on your resume materials, sending them in, only to realize that you had an error or two.

This will automatically diminish credibility in the eyes of your potential employer, so do your absolute best to eliminate errors now.  Have friends and family members review your resume for errors too.  Sometimes, all we need is a fresh set of eyes to point out something wrong – or something that can enhance your resume.


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5 Ways to Get a Work From Home Job

Home based job positions are highly coveted in today’s society.  Since we can almost always work from anywhere, the concept of a traditional office is changing.  Parents and families want more flexibility and time together, and work-life balance is becoming more of a prominent concept.

Even if you want to work from home, you may be curious about how to make that happen.  Most job postings are still for traditional office environment jobs, so it can be daunting to begin the search.  Read along for some of our best tips for landing a remote job position.

Use specific sites

There are specific websites just for the purpose of filling home based job positions.  Sites like HireMyMom.com are carefully crafted to filter only remote positions, making your search much quicker and less frustrating.  All jobs on HireMyMom.com are screened and involve flexible work schedules and environments.

Using specific virtual job sites also eliminates the probability of scam listings, which are prevalent in the work from home field.  Specific sites don’t typically feature multi-level marketing jobs, and they cater more to the educated professional seeking a similar job to those in the traditional workforce.

Avoid scams

As we mentioned above, scams are everywhere when seeking a virtual career.  Many listings feature jobs that you have to buy into, which should never be the case with a home based job position.  They will also say they’re virtual jobs, when they’re truly just call center or sales positions.

While there’s nothing wrong with these types of jobs, they aren’t often what most people are seeking when trying to find home based work.  Avoid the scammy positions and look elsewhere for your new position!

Word of mouth

Listen closely! Friends, family members, and current co-workers might have the in when it comes to home based jobs.  Sometimes a business owner will need a Virtual Assistant or Admin.  Maybe your hair salon is looking for social media management, or maybe you can offer your editing services to a family member who’s an author.

There are many ways to find freelance home based positions, which can transition to full-time work.  Listen to those around you, and see where you can offer your home based services in ways that can help others.

Look to the traditional

Don’t fear the traditional job postings.  Sometimes, in a sea of “regular” jobs, you’ll see that they’re open to remote or virtual candidates.

When you search, try words such as: “remote,” “virtual,” “telecommute,” “home-based,” or “work from home.”  You might be surprised to find that a lot of traditional office environments are open to ideal candidates who might not live in their cities.

Make it a transition

Sometimes a work from home career can come out of a traditional one.  You might find that you start in an office-based job position and have that conversation with your boss about transitioning to remote work.  Just because your current job is in an office, doesn’t mean that your boss isn’t potentially open to exploring the option of virtual work.  You don’t know if you don’t ask!

Maybe you can transition to 2-3 days per week at home, and eventually, full time. Show your boss that your productivity levels have increased, and be as effective as possible in your trial or transition time period.  Show that you have mostly eliminated sick days and overhead.  There are tons of benefits to working from home, and it’s up to you to do the convincing to make this a viable option for you.

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5 Ways to Get Your Work-at-Home Application Noticed

There’s nothing more disheartening than sending out job application after job application and not getting a reply to a single one. This is especially true when you’re trying to find a work-at-home job, feeling isolated but trying to stay on task job-hunting instead of binging the latest Netflix show. The struggle is real – but I’ve got a few tips to help your applications get noticed!

Read and follow the instructions in the job listing.

Remember how every teacher you’ve ever had told you again and again: read the instructions? Follow the instructions! Don’t ignore the instructions! Well, that’s the first rule in getting your application noticed too. Read the instructions, and follow them to the letter.

Some companies even throw a trick into the instructions – seriously. For example, the instructions may direct you to put a certain word into the subject line of your email. This proves that you read completely through the job listing and application instructions. Congratulations! You make it through the first round, and you’d be surprised to hear how many don’t. Other companies might instruct you not to include any attachments with your initial email, specifying that any emails with attachments will be deleted unread. (A worthy precaution on today’s Internet.) If you skip over that request and include your résumé as an attachment? You won’t even be considered, no matter how qualified you are for the job.

Following directions is the easiest “in” you’ll ever get with a company, so don’t skip over this simple step.

Personalize each email introduction or cover letter.

My next tip is equally as straightforward: personalize every cover letter or email introduction that you send. Start with who to address your letter to – researching the company in question should turn up who’s head of HR or hiring. If you can’t find out the person’s name, address your email to the Human Resources department or to the Hiring Manager.

Follow that personalization up with a letter that shows you’ve looked into the company and understand who they are and what they do. Focus on how your skills and experience can help you deliver on the company’s promise to their clients. Try to give specific examples of what you’ve accomplished previously that back up your claims of how you can be an asset to them.

Whatever you do, don’t write one letter and send it everywhere you’re applying. Hiring managers see enough form letters that they’ll most likely pick up on it and delete your application before reading any further. It is okay to write the overall structure of a letter once and use it as a template – I know there’s nothing scarier than a blank page, especially when you need to sell yourself. Just make sure you’re tweaking and customizing it for each application.

Tailor your résumé for each position.

Just as you must personalize each cover letter for each job application, you should also tailor your résumé for each application. As much as we’d love to believe every résumé is one-size-fits-all, they’re just not. You might be able to get away with one résumé for each job type – say you’re applying for writing jobs, teaching or tutoring jobs, and customer service jobs. Say you also have relevant experience for each. You could make three different résumés: one that prioritizes your skills and experience related to tutoring children in a certain subject, another that highlights your amazing customer service capabilities, and so on.

In fact, having a résumé for each job position you’re pursuing is one of the more efficient ways to manage your time when job hunting. You do the bulk of the work up front when you write your résumés, and then simply tweak it when you find a position you’d love to land.

How should you tweak your résumé for each job application? Look at the job listing, and pay attention to the specific qualifications they’re looking for. Note which ones they list first, or seem to put the most emphasis on. Then make sure your résumé uses similar language and puts your most desirable qualifications first.

Use keywords to stand out.

This tactic for getting your work-at-home application noticed is a little trickier, but it’s a great skill to develop to improve your chances at jobs that attract tons of applicants. Essentially, you need to use the right keywords in your résumé to get your application in front of an actual person. That’s right: sometimes you need résumé SEO to beat an applicant tracking system (ATS).

The problem is that some large companies receive applications in such high volume that it’s impossible for them to examine each one. There simply aren’t enough hours in the day. So, they use a set of keywords and an applicant tracking system to automatically weed out those résumés that don’t feature the correct qualifications for the job. Of course, this means that you might have the best qualifications in the world, but you’re never going to get your résumé read if you don’t use the correct keywords.

A great way to choose the best keywords is by getting specific – use terminology that’s unique to the industry and position, and make sure you both use common acronyms and spell out what that acronym stands for. For example: “Certified Coding Specialist (CCS).” The Muse has some other great tips to help beat the robots.

Be concise but memorable.

My last tip is this: follow the KISS rule, but also be memorable. KISS means “Keep It Simple, Sister,” of course, and is a great mnemonic device that’ll keep you from getting long-winded or muddled in your cover letter, introductory email, or résumé. But keeping it simple doesn’t mean being bland, boring, and just like every other applicant in their giant pool of applications. Instead, infuse a bit of creativity into your application – use a unique subject line (while still following any instructions given about the subject line!). Write a sentence or two that’s funny, or surprising while describing what you can do for the company – just make sure it’s also appropriate and accurate! Don’t promise anything you can’t deliver.

With these tactics in your back pocket, you should be well on your way to breaking free from the crowd and getting a hiring manager interested in you. Good luck, and drop me a line about how these tips work out for you!


Author Bio: Angie Nelson began working from home in 2007 when she took her future into her own hands and found a way to escape the corporate cubicle farm. Today she shares her passion for making money from home on her blog The Work at Home Wife. Visit her site for a great list of places to find virtual assistant jobs.

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6 Tips for a Stand Out Job Application

We all know what’s needed to apply to a job – a strong cover letter, resume, and great references.  Unfortunately, this isn’t enough to secure an interview or the job!  Those hiring today are truly looking for quality applicants, and that doesn’t just include your experience.

Quality applicants take the time to truly invest themselves in the hiring process, and in turn, receive much more response from these applications.  Check out our top tips for a job application that stands out!

Read the description

First and foremost, take the time to really learn about the position for which you are applying.  When you really want a job, it’s best to focus on those positions that excite you while playing to your professional strengths.

To stand out on your application, include words and skills that you have that match the job description.  This presents your qualifications in the best light, while showing that you paid attention and took the time to apply specifically for that position.

Learn about the company

If you want to be a stellar applicant, you must take some time to learn about the company.  Read their website, visit social media profiles, read press releases, news articles, and so on.  It’s also helpful to read about the industry, especially if there isn’t too much information available from a specific company.

This helps you to prepare for the interview, but it also allows you to be more connected to the application process.  This exercise might also help you realize, one way or another, if you’re the best fit for this particular company.  In speaking with a hiring manager, you may have to answer questions that include a bit about the company and why it’s a fit, so take the time in the beginning to really get to know them.

It’s also helpful to ask yourself, “How can I best contribute?”  Learning about the company will also show you where they shine and where they struggle, allowing you an opening to show where you would best fit in.

Be precise

Make sure your grammar and and spelling is impeccable! Your application should truly have zero mistakes and put your best foot forward.

To avoid any errors, run all spell check and grammatical checks in your word processing program, but also send your resume to friend and/or family members who may be willing to help.  Having a few extra sets of eyes look over your work can truly be the difference between a stellar and mediocre application.

Be prepared

When you decide to embark on your job search, gather all of your information into one place.  In addition, create a checklist that ensures that you have everything you need to be successful.  Create or edit your resume, draft a brief (but bulleted) cover letter, contact your references, and be specific to the position in all of this.  With all of these materials ready to go, you’ll be set to go when the right position presents itself.

It’s much easier to set aside time before your job search, and it avoids procrastination in applying, as well as forgetting anything when you come across an ideal opportunity.

Be specific

Create each cover letter and resume for each job position.  You shouldn’t have to change your resume too much, but you can still spend some time focusing on specific sought-after skills and experience to highlight.   Focus on the best attributes for this particular position, not simply which results or experienced that you liked best.

Also, ensure that your cover letter is specific to the job position.  Hiring managers and employers don’t want to feel like you aren’t a good fit, nor do they want to feel like you’ve just sent your information in a mass spree to dozens of other jobs.  Show that you took the time to highlight what they’re seeking, and your response should be much greater!

Put in your best effort

The ultimate hiring decision is up to the company or hiring manager, but you can send the time to put forth your best self.  It’s very apparent when an applicant takes the time to do their best, which will reflect in you receiving more calls and interviews.

It can seem daunting to create separate documents and edits for each position, but that’s why you should truly pick positions for which you’re qualified for and very interested in.  Invest the time and care in those applications that will be a great fit for you, and you’ll find that you might be the ideal match for your future employer!

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4 Keys to a Strong Job Application

It’s the time of year that we reflect and reevaluate our goals, and that often includes our careers.  If you’re feeling stuck, or you know it’s time to move on, your job application will be a valuable tool in the upcoming months.

While you may have a solid cover letter and resume complete, read along to ensure that you’re well-prepared and ready to take on the job market.

Reference ready

Do you have references ready to go?  You will likely want to note this in your resume and cover letter, as it shows that you are ready and willing for employers to speak to those who will vouch for you.

Be sure to set up your references ahead of time, so that these people have adequate time to prepare their notes and/or a letter of recommendation.  It’s a good idea to have 2-3 solid references on file, both in writing and available by phone or email for contact.  Ensure that these are people that you’ve worked for or spoken with in the not-so-distant future, so they’re able to speak to your current work and characteristics.

Strong but brief letter

Your cover letter should be thorough – but also brief.  This is the challenge of a great cover letter! Begin by conveying your interest in the specific position and company, followed by demonstrating why you’re the best person for the job.

From here, it’s best to include relevant positions and skills that are a match to the position, which is best presented with bullet points.  No one likes to be faced with huge walls of text, so bullets are a welcome break, and employers are able to digest your information in bite-sized bits.  This is a huge help to them, which helps your chances and makes your information appear more deliberate and efficient.

Resume without errors

Don’t go through all the trouble of writing a cover letter and resume without considering grammatical errors! From spelling to spacing to grammar issues, nothing is worse than discovering that you’ve made an easily-avoided error.  It’s better to take the time to fix them before they’re sent in, which can be accomplished with a keen eye and some help from family and friends.  Send your job materials to as many people as possible, and be open to feedback and revisions.

In addition to a resume without errors, it should also be concise.  Keep your resume to a maximum of two pages, and be sure to only include relevant information.  This is more labor-intensive, but it makes a huge difference to employers.

Confidence in your abilities

The number one tool you can bring to your job application is confidence in your abilities – and in yourself.  While you can have pages full of experience and accomplishments, if you lack the confidence to back it up, you will look less prepared to take on the job.  Job skills are incredibly important, but soft skills like communication and confidence are also key.

When you have confidence in your ability to do the job well, your potential employer will sense this, giving them more confidence in you.  Since an employer doesn’t yet know you at this point, it’s a great time to speak to them with authority and expertise with what you know you are capable of accomplishing!

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Top Resume Tips from HireMyMom.com Employers

Your resume is likely the most important document in your job search! We’ve compiled tips from HireMyMom.com employers to help you create your best resume.  Read along for tips and advice to make your resume stand out and land the job.

Hook with a Benefit to the Person Hiring!

Business owners are so busy and often get 30 – 100 resumes. The resumes that get read are the ones with something that HOOKS the CEO fast!  Something like:  Let me Take More Off Your Plate!

Don’t be afraid to BOLD

Resumes are boring to read and most business owners have some level of ADD.  They are visionary’s so ADD serves them but doesn’t get your resume read through.  BOLD important items that highlight your strengths and experience!

PS Your Attitude

There are many applicants in today’s market.  It’s not hard to find people to plug hole in a company but it is hard to find GOOD people.  Business owners are looking for a GO GETTER.. The P.S. is the most read part of ANY email or letter.  PS Your Go Getter Attitude so that you stand out

– Shanda Sumpter at HeartcoreBusiness.com

Be Careful

Proofread your resume carefully.  As an employer, I don’t know how many times I’ve received resumes with spelling errors, punctuation errors, etc.

Put yourself out there

Don’t shortchange yourself in talking about your skills, however be succinct and to the point.

Be honest

Be clear on your level of expertise with technology.  For example, if you have used Google Drive once or twice, then say that you’ve had minimal experience.

– Nancy Hoopes, Onboarding Consultant at ProfitFactory.com


Thank you to our wonderful employees for their expert advice!


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6 Tips for Your Best Resume Ever

A high quality resume is a daunting task, but it’s completely necessary if you’re entering the job search market.  Traditional resumes are good, but what can you do to really stand out?

To make the best use of your time and application efforts, read along for some best practices in creating your best resume yet.


Rich, descriptive wording is so important in your resume! Don’t shy away from language that really describes what you did, all while incorporating necessary keywords that fit the job listing.  Another useful description comes in the form of data.  If you worked at a job position that resulted in a specific outcome or quantitative result, please include it!

The point of your resume is to show the hiring manager what you can do for them, and proven results really up the ante for impressing your potential employer.  Additionally, it’s much more helpful than filler content that really doesn’t show results.


Resumes are not one size fits all! Don’t be afraid to show your creative side and make yourself stand out.  Can you do something fun with the format that still makes your resume readable but exciting?  Is there a beautiful, clear font that stands out? For certain positions, video resumes and social media posts as an application might be par for the course.

Truly look into the job posting and see what they’re searching for.  If it’s a much more traditional job, it might be best to stand out with accomplishments only, but if the company is a bit more fun or seeking creativity, this is your time to shine! Don’t hesitate to try something new – it might just get the right kind of attention and a new job position for you.


A good resume is very thorough.  Be sure to cover every recent, relevant position that might help you obtain the job.  Also be sure to offer (or simply include) 2-3 quality references and fill in any gaps in employment to avoid questioning or suspicion.

Covering your bases on your resume is a great way to show that you’re thorough in business and life, as well as giving you the opportunity to truly scan your brain and memory for past experiences that fit the job posting bill.

Cover Letter

Your cover letter is typically the first piece of communication that the employer sees! Take the time to create a solid, persuasive letter in your personal voice.  Of course it’s necessary to use correct grammar, spelling, and so on, but you can absolutely speak in your unique voice.

Your cover letter should be short but informative, including bullet points as to why you’re a great fit for the job and company, as well as why you’re interested in the job.  Focus it on the benefits to the new company and why they need to hire you.  Again, keep it short and to the point – a couple paragraphs and 4-6 bullets should do the trick!


Put your work and relevant experience in order of importance when listing them on your resume.  These days, your qualifications don’t necessarily need to be chronological.  It’s important to show the hiring manager what’s most relevant right off the bat, as most simply scan for applicable experience.  Show off your best assets first and foremost!

Stand out

Make yourself stand out and don’t sell yourself short!  It’s always important to be incredibly truthful, but be sure to not get too humble and leave out important information.  When it gets right down to it, include anything that is helpful and relevant to the job position, and do it in a way that allows you to shine!

Creating a resume is a bit of a task, but it’s one that is necessary in today’s job market.  Spend some time making yourself stand out, all while following the new “rules” of resume creation – be yourself, be unique, be thorough!

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4 Ways to Spring Clean Your Resume

The new and improved weather this time of year comes with a sense of renewal and change.  Many of us are seeking new employment, or simply looking for a new freelance project to fill a few hours.  Either way, a resume is a critical component of this process.

While we’re taking the time to spring clean our homes, bodies, wardrobes and so on, why not take a few minutes to update – or “spring clean” – your resume?  Read along for some tips on making effective tune ups to your resume.


It used to be that your resume had to be in chronological order – no exceptions.  Times have changed and so have resumes! Don’t be afraid to put your experience in order of importance versus a specific timeline.  This can be customized for each job position, as you want to put the crucial information that the employer is seeking first.

Go through your resume and determine what is most important or the job that you want and make the necessary changes.


As important is it is to organize your resume, it’s equally as important to remove what is no longer serving you in your career.  Do you need to note jobs that are 10 years old or club positions from high school over 15 years ago?  In most cases, these kind of inclusions aren’t necessary.  Do your best to focus on current, relevant work experience, and craft your resume in a way that highlights those accomplishments that are in line with your new desired work position.

Additionally, you can remove old, boring descriptions from your resume.  Make your resume pleasant to read and focus on the most important aspects of your career so far.


While you’re removing the older descriptions, focus on adding in valuable information – quantitative data and results, specific numbers and improvements, and so on.  The more specific and measurable you can be, the better.  If your job position doesn’t lend itself to this kind of data, still include results from your jobs and/or internships.  Employers are interested in what you did, but they really want to know how you’ve helped others in the past, which in turn can show how you can help them.

It’s also incredibly important to include other new, relevant information, even if it’s volunteer work.  Certifications, associations, and volunteer positions can tell an employer a lot about you, so they are very important to take the time to include in your updated resume. We often forget these types of notes in our resumes, and they can truly forge common bonds and extra credibility with a potential employer.


This is a bit of a bonus tip, as it won’t actually appear in your resume.  Ask for quality recommendations and letters from past employers.  It’s incredibly important to have these on hand as you’re sprucing up your resume and getting ready to go through many applications.  Give your past employer(s) plenty of time – up to 3-4 weeks – to complete a quality recommendation.  When your new potential employers ask for letters of recommendation, you’ll be ready and waiting without hesitation!

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3 Steps to a Quality Recommendation Letter

Whether you’re looking for a job, need one for your LinkedIn profile, or simply want to add it to your portfolio, recommendation letters are a key component to your professional file.

Quality recommendation letters give you credibility and instant trust with a new employer or prospect, along with giving you a boost of confidence in your strongest areas.  Read along for some quick tips to receiving a shining letter that makes you look great!

Ask when the time is right

When you come across a happy client or end a job or internship on a high note, it’s an ideal time to ask for a recommendation. A happy client will be more than willing to share their experience while they’re still in a good place, and your past employer knows that you’ll need a quality letter to move forward in your career.

It’s not a great time to ask for a recommendation if you ended a job in a less-than-ideal place, or if your client was simply lukewarm about your product or service.

Ask the right person

In addition to asking at the right time, be sure you’re asking the right person.  Choose someone who does a good job at using words to express thoughts, as well as someone who knows you well enough to write something specific enough.  Recommendations work best when they highlight you specifically versus general praise.

Asking a close co-worker is always a fairly safe bet, but be sure that they can speak about you professionally in a way that shows you at your best.  It goes without saying that all recommendations should be honest, and while they should be glowing, they must ring true to your experience and contributions to the position or service.

Offer something in return

While most people would gladly write a recommendation without expecting anything in reutrn, you can always make your request more appealing by offering something back.

Whether you can offer them a recommendation in return, a learning session, or an opinion on something for them, it’s always nice to give back.

Recommendations are important to your professional career, and along the way, you’ll likely meet numerous past clients and employers who are willing to rave about you.  Always ask! It can be tempting to be shy and walk away from an opportunity, but you can’t receive a great review if you never ask! Get those strong reviews at the right time, post them where they’re most visible, and watch your credibility and trust levels increase substantially.

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5 Tips For Your Best Resume

Resumes are the gateway to your new job! When applying for a home-based (or any) job, your resume is your first impression. You can make simple modifications to truly make your resume stand out while making yourself more appealing to the employer.

Follow the actionable tips below for writing a resume that shines above the rest:

  1. Highlight the Right Things: Resumes are typically a list of your job tasks, but that’s not all it should feature. Be sure to highlight your accomplishments and results from your job, not just what you did while employed. Always include numbers, statistics, and percentages when applicable, since that will function as proof of your ability to accomplish goals and projects. This is a bonus tweak that will take your resume from good to exceptional!
  2. Get Specific: Tailor every cover letter, resume and email to each one of your job applications. Yes, this takes more time, but it’s highly worth it! When you focus on each specific need and quality of the job posting and integrate it into your resume, you stand out. When you meet a specific criteria, use those exact words in your materials. It will show the employer that you pay attention and that the perfect employee is really out there!
  3. Be Honest: Of course you should never lie about past experience, but also be sure that you aren’t stretching the truth of your experience and accomplishments. You always want to make yourself sound great, but over-promising and stating that you can do things that you cannot will only land you in trouble later. It’s better to lack the skill in the beginning and be honest, since you can always learn new skills and improve yourself further.
  4. Stand Out: Are you creative? This is your time to show off! With new technology and programs, resumes aren’t all looking the same way anymore. From different shaped resumes to those that resemble Facebook profiles, there’s something for everyone. Especially when applying to creative-based positions, think outside the box and come up with something beyond the standard layout. This may not be needed for all industries, but if nothing else, you will certainly be remembered.
  5. Keep It Short and Sweet: Generally no more than two pages is just fine! You may have years and years of experience, but you must be concise. It’s tempting to think that a long resume equals better, but it’s often the opposite. Make your critical information easily visible and accessible, and remember to remove outdated and irrelevant job positions.

Resumes can be tough to perfect, but they’re so important! Making a solid first impression is crucial, and it will speak for you before you even have a chance to interview. Spend time on writing a resume now and your future job position will be that much easier to achieve.

Check out these other great articles about interviewing tips as a work from home professional. Also check out our current job postings for mom professionals.

(Image courtesy of phasinphoto at FreeDigitalPhotos.net)

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