4 Ways to Prepare for Summer Break

As the school year winds down, we’re all starting to prepare for one of the best times of the year – summer break!

While this is a great opportunity to spend more time with family, it also takes a bit more juggling.  As work from home moms, we have the flexibility to adjust our schedules and truly make the most of this time of year.


Since the kids are home now, it’s important that you have readily available childcare.  Look into options now – whether it’s family, friends, or outside help.  Make sure you discuss scheduling and see where you might need some time for yourself.  Depending on the ages and schedules of your kids, you might need more or less help, but it’s always a positive to have people you can call on.

It can also be helpful to look into activities and set up carpool to help during these times as well.  Look into fun things for your kids and see if some of the other parents can alternate driving obligations.  This gives you more time to get things done and manage your workload!

If you need to take a conference call during the day, or you need a few days to get a big project done, you’ll be glad you’ve pre-established some options for your kids.

Review your workload

Some businesses are less busy in the summer, and you may be prioritizing differently and rearranging your workload.

This is a great time of year to review everything on your plate for the next few months.  Does it look the same as always, or are there gaps?  Do you want to fill this time or allow for more space with family?  Sometimes taking on more hours is a good thing if work is sparse, and this is common in the summer months.

This analytical process will help you to better manage your work schedule in the summer, as well as the schedule of your family.

Summer schedule

Once you’ve taken a look at your summer work obligations, delegate some time off in the afternoons for your kids.  This doesn’t necessarily have to be the afternoon, but any time that works best in your schedules.

It’s a unique time of year when your school-aged kids are home, so it’s nice to take advantage of this when you get the chance.  It’s also a great time to rearrange your schedule a bit, so that you have that free time each day, or a few days per week.

Plan some fun

Summer is full of fun! Spend an afternoon by the pool, go for hikes, and generally enjoy the summer months.  It’s also perfect to plan a vacation or staycation, and enjoy more time with friends and family.

You don’t have to leave your area to have fun either! Schedule work meetings outdoors, or in coffee shops with outdoor seating to enjoy the weather.

Summer is a fleeting time of year and one that brings a lot more fun – and juggling.  Review your schedule, make time for family where you have it, and enjoy their time off!

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HireMyMom Success Story: Anza Goodbar

What’s your success story with HireMyMom?

Hire My Mom has been a wonderful tool for me to find clients over the years.  I have been an active member off and for more than 6 years.  Every client I have found on this site has been wonderful to work with and flexible with my schedule. Whenever my business is in a lull, HireMyMom is the first place I go to find new clients.

What’s your educational and experiential background?

I have a degree in communications.  I have been a business owner since 2004.  I have owned a mortgage company, a video rental company, a wholesale distribution company, a branding and packaging company as well as my online business services company.  I have recently started a coaching certification program to enable me to grow my virtual company by including business coaching, masterminds and webinars to teach entrepreneurs business basics.  I work primarily with coaches who want to grow their businesses. I also enjoy writing articles and blogs.

What is your top tip for landing a gig on HireMyMom?

Take your time to answer the questions the potential employer is looking for.  Also add a cover letter and follow their instructions for applying. Many small business owners will use a sequence of directions to see who can pay attention to detail and follow directions, if you don’t follow their directions you’ll be disregarded before you even have the chance to sell yourself.

What’s your favorite thing about HireMyMom?

The ease of use on their website.

What’s one fun fact about you?

I’m a competitive ballroom dancer.


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5 Tips for Better Work-Life Balance

We all hear about the elusive “work-life balance” concept.  It’s the place where our careers and personal lives become balanced.  We don’t feel overworked, we have enough time for friends and family, and so on.  While this is a great concept in theory, and one we should strive for, it can be quite difficult to make it happen.

Since reducing stress and making more time for those things that are important to you is truly crucial, read along for some of our best tips in increasing your work-life balance, and hopefully, your quality of life.

Declare your priorities

When you figure out what’s most important in your life, it becomes easier to figure out where to place your time.  If you’re working very hard to advance your career, perhaps that’s your priority for the next six months.  On the other hand, if you’ve been pulling 60 hour weeks and your priority is family time, you may have to re-evaluate a bit.  Everyone will have different priorities, and they will often change depending on the season of your life.

To start to create that feeling of satisfaction and balance in your life, start by examining priorities and place more of your time there.

Take time for yourself

It’s important to unplug when you aren’t in “work” mode! And it should be noted that work mode should not be 24/7.  This can be difficult as work from home moms, but it’s a necessity in gaining balance.

Take time for yourself: schedule something exciting, keep weekends for friends, family, errands, and fun, and generally create space for the good things in life.  Yes, work is important and a huge part of our lives, but if that’s all you do, you’ll quickly feel out of balance.  Don’t feel guilty about making yourself a priority; you’ll be a better mom, friend, and employee for it!

Manage your time

Are you spending more time than you thought on work tasks?  Keep track of your time for a while – both business and personal.  Once you see some patterns forming, create a solid schedule.  This will allow you to keep things in order and allow you to see where your free time is.  WHen you know where you’re spending too much (or not enough) time, you can readjust.

A lot of the work of establishing a solid work-life balance is in seeing where your time is going.  If you don’t keep track for a while, how will you know?  Put in some of the effort in the beginning and you can truly see where your time is being spent.

Make time for fun

For most people, a large part of work-life balance will include relaxation, family and friends.  You still have to have fun, even if your current priority is work or career advancement. It’s crucial to stay social, especially if you work from home.  Keep those social appointments and work them into your busy schedule whenever possible!

Take breaks

It’s important to stick to your guns regarding vacations, time off, and breaks.   Vacations and breaks don’t need to be elaborate, but there needs to be a definitive break from work on a consistent basis.

In our current culture, it’s easy to put these things off because so much needs to be done.  Fortunately, these things will still be there when you return! This isn’t to say that a great work ethic isn’t a wonderful thing, but too much of anything isn’t useful.

Work towards a balanced sense of work and life by following the tips above.  When you see where your time is going, focus on your priorities, and stay committed to what’s best for you, you’ll find these things are much more balanced in your life.

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HireMyMom Success Story: Katty Flores

What’s your success story with HireMyMom.com?

I tried HireMyMom for the first time this year. It took a little less than a month to find my first job! I applied to several positions, I’d say 12 different postings, being careful to not only apply through the HireyMyMom site but also to email these employers/businesses directly. I had 3 interviews, the last being the one that made me an offer. I was elated to finally have the chance to work from home while still being a mom and wife, first!

What is your top tip for landing a gig on HireMyMom.com?

1) Make sure your resume is clean, short and sweet. I know that we want to draw attention to ALL of our experiences, however, I read that you should keep your resume to one page.

2) Some employers will have links to their applications. Treat these like you would any other important, paper application. Fill them out completely and thoroughly. Even if you uploaded your resume, make sure you fill in job by job. Otherwise, it resembles laziness.

3) Use complete sentences and proper grammar when typing up explanations.

4) Email the employer with a quick greeting and inform them you’ve just applied to their position (if applicable) and briefly introduce yourself.

5) After 3 days or so, send another follow up email regarding your application. The idea is that if your goal is to get a job, your actions should demonstrate it.

What’s your favorite thing about HireMyMom.com?

My favorite thing about HireMyMom is that the business or individual posting their job on the site is well aware the applicants are family centered first. They are knowingly giving moms the opportunity to feel worthy of their intelligence and skills, while allowing them to be sensitive toward their family.

What’s one fun fact about you?

A fun fact about me is that humor is my most used ingredient when brewing perspective for life’s expected and unexpected challenges.


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HireMyMom Success Story: Stephanie Enciso

What’s your success story with HireMyMom.com?

I worked full time until the birth of my first son in November 2014.  I was blessed to have a stay at home mom growing up, and wanted nothing more than to provide the same for my children.  As with everything, I “Let go and Let God.”  One night, I stumbled upon a Facebook Ad while rocking my toddler back to sleep.  I never heard of the website, but decided to dig a little further.  After a few minutes, I knew I had to be a part of this in some way! I joined the site in June 2016, and within a month had my first interview.  I wasn’t offered the job, but was determined to find something that would allow me to stay at home with my son, while earning some additional income for our family.  Within a few weeks I received multiple interview opportunities and was fortunate enough to receive two offers.  I currently work for two companies, part time, and 100% remote.  I continue to apply for positions, willing to take on more work!  I love being able to work from my home, in my PJ’s, whenever I have free time!

What’s your educational and experiential background?

I graduated from the University of Pittsburgh in 2006 with a Bachelors degree in Communication.  After college, I worked for a medical manufacturing company in their customer service and marketing divisions.  I also worked for a steel manufacturing company in an inside sales support role.

What is your top tip for landing a gig on HireMyMom.com?

If the job seems interesting, apply for it.  I sent my resume to as many employers as possible.  I wanted to learn and gain as much knowledge about the WAH world as I could.

What’s your favorite thing about HireMyMom.com?

I love how all of the details are presented in the job posting.  At a quick glance, you are able to know the pay rate, the requirements, and a link to employer’s website.

What’s one fun fact about you?

I married my high school sweetheart on 9-10-11.  My husband can’t ever forget that day!


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Hire My Mom Success Story: Amanda Long

What’s your success story with HireMyMom?

I’ve been a member for 3 months, and I just love the quality of clients there… It was about two-weeks before I found the perfect fit. I’m very picky about who I work with so that was probably me. I made four contacts that became clients and/or leads for another time in their business.

What’s your educational and experiential background?

I’m a hair dresser, and have taken Virtual Assistant training from a VA Coach {Alyssa Avant}. As well as several blogging courses and hands on experience from running my own business and blog!

What is your top tip for landing a gig on HireMyMom.com?

Be yourself. When you connect with a client you are more likely to land a job with them as well as keep a lasting relationship. When I first got on HireMyMom, I was trying to be cookie cutter {maybe another reason it took two-weeks}, but when I started personalizing each cover letter more people were interested. These businesses and blogs are looking for the right person to work with, if they weren’t, they would be at UpWork or somewhere like that. So get your know, like and trust words out and use them. 🙂

What’s your favorite thing about HireMyMom.com?

It’s very easy to use, and I really like that they don’t require you to communicate with the client on the site.  These people actually become people you can talk to on the phone, email and plant into your business for a long time to come. They know me and I know them. They’ve referred more clients to me, and I’ve helped them succeed in business. Everyone is very happy!!

What’s one fun fact about you?

I married my high school sweetheart!! We’ve been together for 15 years, married for 11!!


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4 Tips to Achieve Ambitious Goals

Achieving goals is a prominent concept in business, life and self-development, and it’s for good reason.  When we set goals, we’re more likely to get where we want to be in life.  Although establishing these goals is a lofty and admirable practice, there are ways we can go about them that will ensure that they’re much more achievable!

Write it out

We often forget things if we don’t write them down.  Think about going to the grocery store without a list – we often end up forgetting several things.  The same can be said for to-do lists and other means of writing down reminders.  First of all, by writing down your goals, you’re more easily able to remember them on a daily basis.  Additionally, writing down your goals makes them that much more real.

Visualization is another large part of goal-setting, so if your goals are time-oriented, purchase a wall or refrigerator calendar so you may see your goal date, daily steps, or time passage appropriately.  When you can actually see something in front of you, it’s a more constant reminder of what you’re trying to achieve.

Every day, every week

Do one thing every day or every week to work towards accomplishing your goals.  It can be as simple as reaching out to someone, making a contact, networking, completing a document, or anything small that will help you on your way to success.

Choose an interval that works best for you.  If you know that daily practice isn’t possible, stick to weekly.  When you keep this momentum going, no matter daily, weekly or monthly, you’re more focused and able to come back to what’s important.

Be realistic

Goals must be realistic to be obtained, and what’s realistic for you may not be the same for your friends, partner, or family members.  You know what you’re able to accomplish, and you also know that goals require you to push a bit.  We feel much more accomplished when we’ve strived for a goal and made it happen, so ensure that “realistic” does not mean “easy.”

With that in mind, set goals that are able to be accomplished in a set amount of time.  By keeping time ambiguous, you’re less likely to commit.  Set a specific goal, with a time frame, that is possible within the scope of your lifestyle and willingness to accomplish it.

Move forward

If you’ve reached a goal, go a step further or establish a new, more bold goal that is similar.  You can also choose another step forward that will complement your prior achievement.  Setting, achieving, and moving on from goals is all part of self-improvement; we can stretch ourselves and work to improve and grow.

Goals don’t need to be scary or unobtainable dreams – they can be a real part of your life that allows you to strive for more and gain a true sense of accomplishment.  Reach for your goals, whether they are personal, business-related, or simply related to improving yourself.

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HireMyMom Success Story: Beth Rodgers

What’s your success story with HireMyMom.com?

I had been looking for legitimate opportunities for me to be able to work and still be home with my kids.  I wasn’t impressed with what I had been finding on my own.  I heard about hiremymom.com and went back and forth on whether or not to pay for a membership.  After checking out the reviews on the hire my mom website I decided to give it a try.  I hadn’t been a member long when I came across a listing that I knew would be perfect for me!  Me and the Mouse Travel was looking for a vacation planner specializing in Disney travel!  I had a series of telephone interviews with the companies owner and was offered a position!  I have been with Me and the Mouse Travel for 3 years now!

What’s your educational and experiential background?

As soon as I seen the listing from Me and the Mouse Travel I became so excited! I had worked for Walt Disney World and studied tourism in college I knew that I would be perfect for this job!  I graduated in 2003 from Central Michigan University with a bachelors degree in business management with a concentration in Human Resources and Travel and Tourism.

Check the site daily new listings get posted daily.  Brush up on your phone and facetime interview skills as most of the time you won’t meet your employer face to face.  Also, make sure to follow up on resume’s and applications you send!

What’s your favorite thing about HireMyMom.com?

My favorite thing about having a membership with HireMyMom.com is that they did the leg work weeding out any job opportunities that I wouldn’t have considered legitimate, professional job opportunities.

What’s one fun fact about you?

I LOVE my job!  Just like HireMyMom helps you to find a perfect job to fit your life circumstances I help families plan magical vacations to fit their desires!  My planning services are free to use!  For more information about my Disney vacation planning services please visit  http://meandthemouse.com/vacations/beth-rodgers/ or email me at beth@meandthemouse.com.

If you’d like to be featured as one of our Success Stories, please contact us!

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HireMyMom Success Story: Leslie Hawkes

What’s your success story with HireMyMom.com?

I first heard of HireMyMom in 2008. My youngest was just 1 at the time but I had been out of the workforce for 3 years by then. We had moved to a new state where I didn’t have a work history or any contacts so I thought it would be a good idea to start laying a foundation for future work by taking on a few freelance projects. I honestly can’t remember how I first heard of HireMyMom. It may have been a Google search for work from home jobs. I found my first project through the site within a week of subscribing in 2009. It may have even been on the first day that I searched the listings. I’m a writer and I found a short-term project that was just enough to get my feet wet and still have time for my kids and home responsibilities. My subscription cost was paid for with the first article I wrote.

I took some time off once that 8-month project was finished since my daughter was needing more of my attention but once she started preschool I looked again and, again, found a position the day I looked at the site. This one has turned out to be a wonderful, long-term work situation.

It was for a content marketing firm and they needed SEO (search engine optimization) content writers. I had never done that particular kind of writing before but they were willing to train me. We spoke on the phone once and I was hired as a freelance writer. I’m still working with them today in 2016! That position has resulted in me writing for 2 other content marketing firms as well.

It’s an ideal situation for me. I run my own business, make my own hours, and work from home, but I do not have to market myself or find clients. The companies I work with keep me so busy I don’t need to! I can just focus on writing.

What I especially love about these companies I work for is that they are owned and managed by SAHMs themselves so they understand all the obligations I have outside of work. I’ve developed some great virtual friendships through the jobs too, which really helps minimize any SAHM loneliness I might experience. I feel like part of a team even though we are all freelancers.

What’s your educational and experiential background?

I have a pretty varied background. I have a Bachelors in Political Science and a Masters in Public Administration. Before we had kids I worked in local government (municipalities) and non-profits where I’d always end up managing the PR function, even if it wasn’t my actual job description. Writing comes naturally to me and it lends itself really well to working from home so it made sense that writing jobs are where I’d focus my efforts.

What is your top tip for landing a gig on HireMyMom.com?

I would say be honest about yourself from the start. The employers on HireMyMom already know they are marketing towards SAHMs. Don’t feel bad or try to hide your gap in work experience and don’t worry so much about your availability and if it will be enough for an employer. For the right employer it will be enough. Be honest about your capabilities and time commitment and you’ll find a better fit.

I would also say, don’t undervalue yourself. It’s really easy to fall into the trap of thinking you’re not “worth” a certain rate because you work from home, or you’re only going to be part-time, or you’ve been out of the workforce for X number of years. That’s not true. If you have valuable experience that can help an employer, then there is no shame in being adequately compensated for it. You’re giving up time with your family to work. Make sure it pays off for you.

What’s your favorite thing about HireMyMom.com?

I LOVE that so many employers are SAHMs themselves. It’s like a little community of support even if you don’t know the person on the other end of the email. I also love that it’s a trustworthy site. You aren’t going to find junk jobs here or any scam work from home jobs. As a writer it’s hard to find jobs that will pay a decent rate, but you don’t see any of those low-paying junk jobs on HireMyMom. I tell every mom I know about the site.

What’s one fun fact about you?

I used to be a forest ranger! I worked for a county forest preserve system right before I had kids. In fact, I was pregnant with my first one as a ranger. I loved it.


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5 Ways to Add Style to Your Home Office

When you work from home, you’re bound to spend a lot of time in your home office.  We’ve already discussed the importance of having a separate space just for work, but does it inspire you?

While your office doesn’t need to look like it came from the pages of a home design magazine, you can add small trinkets or design elements that make it feel fun and like home.  After all, you want to be comfortable (and inspired) while you work!  Read along for some easy tips and tricks to make your home office into a comfortable, beautiful space that’s all your own.

Add some color

Color can change an entire room! Think beyond basic white or beige and add some bright, fun paint or simply incorporate colorful items.  Another idea is to do one or two basic colors with one bright pop of color incorporated gently throughout.  A little bit of color adds a lot of style, as your eye will be drawn to that and it will make the room seem more complete.

If you’re a bit afraid of color, start by thinking of your favorite one and add it sparingly among more earthy, basic tones.

Here are some expert tips to help with color in your workspace.


Storage can be fun! There are so many unique and innovative boxes, bins, and shelves to use for purpose and style.  Did you know that floating wall shelves come in a ton of different patterns and colors?  Start somewhere like The Container Store or Target for accessible options in price and style.

Another avenue of organization can come in the form of desk organizers, planners, and fun touches like chalkboards and white boards.  Take what you love about organization – and what works for you – and put a stylish spin on it.  Make it part of the room, instead of having to tuck it away because it doesn’t go with the color scheme.

Decor Items

There are so many decor and design elements that you can consider in a home office.  From lighting to rugs to fun knick knacks (just avoid overcluttering!) and organization items, there’s never a lack of ideas for adding fun to your office space.

Start with lighting – there are floor lamps, desk lamps, table lamps, and more.  With rugs, you can choose small area rugs with bright pops of color or a large area rug that’s more functional.  The options are truly limitless, but they are all areas to look into if you want to bump your style game up a notch.

A Stylish Desk

A desk and a nice chair can go a long way to adding style to your home office.  It often seems that these items are just typical fare and aren’t very exciting, but you can certainly find desks and chairs in unique colors and styles.  Desks come in a variety of weights and woods, and these days, can even be made in acrylic or lucite.  Chairs can be made to be stylish but ergonomic, padded, or simply fashionable.  Take your pick and use these items as ways to incorporate the color, theme and style of your other office items.

Personal Touch

Add some of your favorite items that showcase your personality and favorite colors. You can also feature your children’s artwork, awards or diplomas, and other things that just make your space feel like home.   Personal style is a major part of overall style and look, so don’t be afraid to incorporate items that are meaningful to you.

Creating a warm, personal home office is a lot of fun and can add a lot of style to your day.  When our offices are well styled and feel like us, it’s easier and more inviting to spend time in them – increasing productivity and efficiency in our daily work lives.

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