5 Ways Working From Home Promotes Healthy Work-Life Balance

One of the greatest benefits to working from home is the flexibility. Because you can work from anywhere, remote work has been for the longest time, considered a luxury.
Now however, remote work is a necessity. A few months ago, the world was hit with COVID-19 and suddenly, many businesses were faced with the decision to either close down completely or find a way to transition their staff to remote work.
For today’s blog, we’re going to talk about how this new situation can promote a healthy work life balance.
The Importance Of Work-Life Balance
Having a good work-life balance is important for your overall happiness and ability to stay motivated and driven to produce your best work at all times.
If you find that you are constantly working and have little time left over to take care of yourself, socializing with friends, and spending time with family, this can really impact your mental, physical, and emotional well being.
Finding a healthy work-life balance has always been a difficult thing to do, especially when the average person puts in an 8 hour work day and factors in commuting time on top of that.
With remote work becoming the new frontier for employment sustainability, it’s never been a better time to embrace and adapt to this new way of work.
For those of us who weren’t expecting to be working from home, keep in mind that for many years, remote employees have reported seeing a great improvement to their emotional, mental, and physical health as a result. A study from Staples found that those who work from home experienced 25% less stress.
Here Are 5 Ways Working from Home Promotes a Healthy Work-Life Balance
Working from Home Allows You To Create The Office Environment You Want
How many times have seen those cubicle style office spaces featured in movies and tv shows? The truth is, that those spaces depicted have been a reality for many people over the years.
The average office space consists of 3 portable walls, a desk, computer, phone and maybe a filing cabinet. Paint color, artwork, and the type of chair you have are all depicted by the employer. Workers are expected to be in their “office” for 8 hours a day or more.
With remote work, your office can be as big as you want, your chair can be as comfy as you want, the color of your walls, artwork and accessories can all be determined by you. Your home office space can be as bright and cheery as you want and can reflect your own unique personality. You can even bring in some natural light by putting your office in a room with windows. The world is your oyster when you work from home and this can lead to both comfort and contentment.
Remote Work Provides Flexibility For Personal Time
Because remote work is flexible, you can start earlier or end later depending on the routine of your family and the needs of your clients or employer.
When school and extracurricular activities return to normalcy again, you’ll be able to drop off and pick up your children from school and/or daycare as well as take your kids to their gymnastics, soccer games and attend school functions. You won’t have to ask or request the time off from your employer just as long as you are providing consistently good work, delivering it on time and it doesn’t interfere with calls, meetings or deadlines.
Working from Home Minimizes Socialization Stress
Let’s face it, there’s nothing more disruptive than someone barging into your office, or you getting caught in the “water cooler conversations” when all you wanted was to refresh your coffee.
Though it’s healthy to have a social life, it can be very distracting and disruptive to your workflow throughout the day.
Working from home gives you the perfect balance of isolation and socialization. You can chat with co-workers during conference calls and in your online communications but now, the social gossip is at a low and more productive conversations are at a high.
This improved level of working means you get more done in less time. In fact, a study by ConnectSolutions reported 77% report greater productivity while working off site. This can lead to your work day wrapping up sooner, giving you more time to spend with your friends and family.
Having said this, it’s important to expand your social network when you’re a remote employee. There are many online groups you can join that offer encouragement and share ideas on how you can improve your remote work lifestyle. At HireMyMom we have an online community on Facebook to help members connect and have a virtual support team.
Remote Work Eliminates The Stress And Time Loss From Commuting
Let’s address the elephant in the room … commuting. The time lost, the cost, and the stress of commuting has been one of the biggest realized benefits to working remotely.
Before remote work ever came to be, we were all forced to find a method of transportation to get to work each day.
For some of us, this meant driving during rush hour traffic with honking and shouting from other drivers and for others, this meant getting on buses or trains being exposed to hundreds of fellow commuters (and whatever communicable illness they could be carrying).
Being exposed to less stress, less sickness, and gaining more personal time as a result keeps us healthy and happy on all levels.
Working from Home Allows You To Take Breaks When You Need Them The Most
It’s really great that during a typical work day for the most part, we get lunch and a 15-minute break however, depending on the location of your employment, you were most likely taking those breaks in a lunch room or worse still, at your desk.
It’s so healthy for us to be able to get up and move around. Sitting in the same position for long periods of time is bad for our posture, our circulation and more.
When we work from home, we can move our office as needed (for example you can start your work day at the kitchen table and move into your designated office space in the afternoon). You can stretch as you need to and your 15-minute breaks can be a walk around the block.
You also can take your breaks when you need them the most. Rather than being dictated on the time frame, you can go with your body’s natural rhythm and flow.
This includes lunch breaks as well. For those who didn’t before, you now have access to a fully equipped kitchen so that fresh, healthy meals can be prepared right at home daily.
This minimizes the desire for grabbing “lunch to go” at a fast food chain. Not only is there a cost savings to doing this, but it’s also much better for your physical health too.
The reality is that COVID-19 isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. This new way of working might be hard for a lot of people, but it’s necessary in order to flatten the curve. The benefits of remote work even before this crisis situation occurred was so great that most considered this as being the “dream” lifestyle.
We now have a chance to come together and work towards a better future, an overall healthier lifestyle, and more time with the people in our lives that matter most. If you are searching for work from home options, check out our most recent job posts here. And if you are a small business seeking to hire virtual professionals, click here to post your job.