5 Ways Working From Home Promotes Healthy Work-Life Balance

One of the greatest benefits to working from home is the flexibility. Because you can work from anywhere, remote work has been for the longest time, considered a luxury.

Now however, remote work is a necessity. A few months ago, the world was hit with COVID-19 and suddenly, many businesses were faced with the decision to either close down completely or find a way to transition their staff to remote work.

For today’s blog, we’re going to talk about how this new situation can promote a healthy work life balance. 


The Importance Of Work-Life Balance

Having a good work-life balance is important for your overall happiness and ability to stay motivated and driven to produce your best work at all times.

If you find that you are constantly working and have little time left over to take care of yourself, socializing with friends, and spending time with family, this can really impact your mental, physical, and emotional well being. 

Finding a healthy work-life balance has always been a difficult thing to do, especially when the average person puts in an 8 hour work day and factors in commuting time on top of that.

With remote work becoming the new frontier for employment sustainability, it’s never been a better time to embrace and adapt to this new way of work.

For those of us who weren’t expecting to be working from home, keep in mind that for many years, remote employees have reported seeing a great improvement to their emotional, mental, and physical health as a result. A study from Staples found that those who work from home experienced 25% less stress

Here Are 5 Ways Working from Home Promotes a Healthy Work-Life Balance


Working from Home Allows You To Create The Office Environment You Want

How many times have seen those cubicle style office spaces featured in movies and tv shows? The truth is, that those spaces depicted have been a reality for many people over the years.

The average office space consists of 3 portable walls, a desk, computer, phone and maybe a filing cabinet. Paint color, artwork, and the type of chair you have are all depicted by the employer. Workers are expected to be in their “office” for 8 hours a day or more.

With remote work, your office can be as big as you want, your chair can be as comfy as you want, the color of your walls, artwork and accessories can all be determined by you. Your home office space can be as bright and cheery as you want and can reflect your own unique personality. You can even bring in some natural light by putting your office in a room with windows. The world is your oyster when you work from home and this can lead to both comfort and contentment.


Remote Work Provides Flexibility For Personal Time

Because remote work is flexible, you can start earlier or end later depending on the routine of your family and the needs of your clients or employer.

When school and extracurricular activities return to normalcy again, you’ll be able to drop off and pick up your children from school and/or daycare as well as take your kids to their gymnastics, soccer games and attend school functions. You won’t have to ask or request the time off from your employer just as long as you are providing consistently good work, delivering it on time and it doesn’t interfere with calls,  meetings or deadlines.


Working from Home Minimizes Socialization Stress

Let’s face it, there’s nothing more disruptive than someone barging into your office, or you getting caught in the “water cooler conversations” when all you wanted was to refresh your coffee.

Though it’s healthy to have a social life, it can be very distracting and disruptive to your workflow throughout the day.

Working from home gives you the perfect balance of isolation and socialization. You can chat with co-workers during conference calls and in your online communications but now, the social gossip is at a low and more productive conversations are at a high.

This improved level of working means you get more done in less time. In fact, a study by ConnectSolutions reported 77% report greater productivity while working off site. This can lead to your work day wrapping up sooner, giving you more time to spend with your friends and family.

Having said this, it’s important to expand your social network when you’re a remote employee. There are many online groups you can join that offer encouragement and share ideas on how you can improve your remote work lifestyle. At HireMyMom we have an online community on Facebook to help members connect and have a virtual support team.


Remote Work Eliminates The Stress And Time Loss From Commuting

Let’s address the elephant in the room … commuting. The time lost, the cost, and the stress of commuting has been one of the biggest realized benefits to working remotely.

Before remote work ever came to be, we were all forced to find a method of transportation to get to work each day.

For some of us, this meant driving during rush hour traffic with honking and shouting from other drivers and for others, this meant getting on buses or trains being exposed to hundreds of fellow commuters (and whatever communicable illness they could be carrying). 

Being exposed to less stress, less sickness, and gaining more personal time as a result keeps us healthy and happy on all levels.


Working from Home Allows You To Take Breaks When You Need Them The Most

It’s really great that during a typical work day for the most part, we get lunch and a 15-minute break however, depending on the location of your employment, you were most likely taking those breaks in a lunch room or worse still, at your desk.

It’s so healthy for us to be able to get up and move around. Sitting in the same position for long periods of time is bad for our posture, our circulation and more.

When we work from home, we can move our office as needed (for example you can start your work day at the kitchen table and move into your designated office space in the afternoon). You can stretch as you need to and your 15-minute breaks can be a walk around the block.

You also can take your breaks when you need them the most. Rather than being dictated on the time frame, you can go with your body’s natural rhythm and flow.

This includes lunch breaks as well. For those who didn’t before, you now have access to a fully equipped kitchen so that fresh, healthy meals can be prepared right at home daily.

This minimizes the desire for grabbing “lunch to go” at a fast food chain. Not only is there a cost savings to doing this, but it’s also much better for your physical health too.


The reality is that COVID-19 isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. This new way of working might be hard for a lot of people, but it’s necessary in order to flatten the curve. The benefits of remote work even before this crisis situation occurred was so great that most considered this as being the “dream” lifestyle.

We now have a chance to come together and work towards a better future, an overall healthier lifestyle, and more time with the people in our lives that matter most. If you are searching for work from home options, check out our most recent job posts here.  And if you are a small business seeking to hire virtual professionals, click here to post your job

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5 Springtime Tips You Need to Do Now

Springtime means fresh starts, new beginnings and a renewed purpose, so it’s the perfect time to clean out the clutter and prepare for new growth! To help you get on track, we have 5 springtime tips you need to do now!


Clean Your Workspace

Let’s face it, if your desk is messy, it will not motivate you to do your best work. It will also keep you from being productive. One of the most important things to have on your desk is your to-do list. Write down the important tasks you need to accomplish each day with deadlines for each task. The other main thing you should have on your desk is the current task or project you are working on. Everything else should be placed neatly in a file or an organizer to keep your desk free from clutter.


Refresh Your Materials

How long has it been since you freshened up your resume, business materials and/or website?  Take some time to review all of your materials to make sure they are up to date and come across as top notch.  Spring weather tends to give us a more positive outlook, so use that energy to restructure, update or overhaul your materials.

You will be amazed at the renewed passion you will feel when you and your business are putting your best foot forward!


Get Back on Track

Studies show we tend to put on a few pounds in the winter, but now it’s time to get back on track. Use the momentum of springtime to get more exercise in the fresh air and choose healthier foods.  Look for accountability groups online or download a new app to help you stay on track with getting exercise and making good food choices.

It’s an ideal time of year for fresh fruit, healthy smoothies, and grilling nutritious meats and veggies outdoors.  Look for seasonal produce for even more health and nutrition!

Fresh Air and Vitamin D

Fresh air, especially with the coolness of a spring day, is good for your mind and soul! And after months of winter, we need some sun and Vitamin D! Get outside as much as you can during this time of year.  Start looking for local outdoor events in your area. Go to outdoor concerts, take your pets to a dog park, go to outdoor sporting events or simply make time for daily walks.

Being outdoors gives us renewed energy and a much-needed boost, so it’s only fitting that it would be a perfect start to the new season ahead.

Take Charge

How was your winter schedule? Did you find yourself slacking because of the gloomy, cold weather? Take some time to review your schedule. Where do you need improvement? Have you set any new goals for this season for yourself, your family, your finances and your business? What is one thing you can do in each of those categories to make a small step in the right direction?

Need encouragement and accountability? Join our Facebook community for both!

And if you’re seeking a freelance or remote work from home job, take a look at the recent Job Postings on HireMyMom for some options that may be just perfect for what you are looking for!




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4 Tips for Meal Planning on a Budget

We hear a lot about meal planning, but how can you do it in a way that keeps to your budget? Food can be expensive, and it helps to have a few money-saving tips before going shopping.

Read along for some of our tips for meal planning on a budget.

Plan ahead

The best thing you can do to save money is to plan. Map out each night with what you plan to make, and this will keep you on track.  Purchase a wall or refrigerator calendar and simply note each meal at the beginning of the week. A bonus to this is that it can also keep you on a healthy eating schedule! When your food is planned, purchased and ready to go, you’re less likely to veer off of your plan.

Eat seasonally

Fruit and vegetables that are in season are typically less expensive, as they’re easier for the stores to get.  Grocery stores have to pay more to import items that aren’t local.

To top it all off, seasonal fruits and veggies simply taste better!

Click here for a guide to eating seasonally.

Find the right recipe

By doing a simple Google search, you can find recipes that are inexpensive to make.  Certain blogs are even dedicated to budget eating, so it’s not difficult to find those options.  Many times, these recipes will give you a price per recipe or price per serving, which really allows you to budget accurately.

These days, inexpensive doesn’t mean unhealthy either.  There are plenty of options that incorporate fruits and veggies in a budget-friendly way, such as using frozen options.  They still pack a nutritional punch while being less expensive than the fresh varieties.

Factor in everything

Even though you might schedule out your perfect week of recipes and meal planning, don’t forget about other types of eating!

You might have dinner plans with a friend, a late meeting that will provide food, or simply the desire to have takeout once in a while.  To save money, factor this in! You can eliminate a few grocery store dollars when you remember that you’ll have food elsewhere.

Additionally, determine what’s reasonable for you and/or your family. If you eat larger portions, make sure to include that. If you’re often throwing food away or simply eating for one, reduce the recipe.

It’s important to really take the time to lay out your week, meal plan around this, and choose foods that are friendly to your budget.  If you stick to a routine like this, you should see a major difference in your food spending!


At HireMyMom we want to help our Mom Professionals thrive in business AND at home. We often provide free online training as well as have some super work at home jobs posted by small businesses around the country. Learn more about our memberships and how you can join a supportive faith-based community of Mom Professionals!

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5 Ways to Stay Fit From Home

Fitness should be a crucial part of our lives – it keeps us healthy and active. When you work from home, you may not have time or want the expense of an intricate gym routine. The good news is – you don’t need to let those challenges hold you back!

Read along for some of our best, simplest tips to stay fit when you work from home.

Take breaks

One of the major benefits of working from home is that your breaks can take place in your house! You have access to house chores, possibly a family dog, a side job, and much more. While this can also make focusing a challenge, it can also hold many benefits, especially when it comes to sneaking in fitness.

Use a few of your breaks during the day to do a short workout. You can even schedule these around meals and other breaks, and they don’t need to last long at all.  It’s even better to get up and move throughout the day, as we all know how bad sitting is for our health.

Make it short

Working out for an hour is not necessary, unless you truly want to.  Choose a reasonable amount of time and don’t make it overwhelming, especially in the beginning.

If you decide to use your breaks, maybe start by dedicating three, 5-minute breaks to do some type of fitness moves.  When it’s a doable amount of time, you’re much more likely to stick to it in the long term.

Use what you have

You don’t need to run out and buy anything fancy! Chances are, you have exactly what you need, or can get a few small, inexpensive items to start.

Most of us have some kind of fitness selection of gym equipment, machines, or dumbbells.  If you don’t have these things, you can start with bodyweight strength exercises or simply use the road for running.  If you don’t know what type of moves to do, you can access tons of free fitness content on YouTube. You can search by length time, type of workout, etc. For example, 5-10-15+ minute workouts that feature High Intensity Interval Training Cardio, light weight training, Tabata intervals, and so on.

Make it social

Fitness is great to share with others.  This is a great time to get out of the house – walk with friends, join a gym or exercise class, or join a running club.

When you work out with others, you come to depend on each other, which keeps you consistent and motivated.

Keep it consistent

In the end, consistency is key with fitness. If you don’t stick with it, you won’t reap the results that come from a regular workout routine.  Start with 10 minutes per day and go from there. You can simply walk or lift some light dumbbells if you’re a beginner, or find a way to make fitness social.

Set a specific number of workouts to aim for each week and start with at least 2-3.  Once you begin to feel better, sleep better, and generally improve your health, you’ll want to stick with your new, healthy habit!

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5 Tips for Work Life Balance


We often hear of work life balance, but how do we achieve it?  Bridging the gap between work, family, relaxation and social time is a challenge in our busy world, but it’s crucial to quality of life.

According to Small Business Trends, “66 percent of full-time employees say they don’t strongly believe they have a work-life balance,” which is a huge figure.  It’s important that we take the time to find a balance for better health and happiness.

What’s important?

The first step to work life balance is establishing what that looks like for you, along with what’s important in your life.  If you say it’s family but spend all your time working, it’s time to reevaluate your priorities. If you’re truly in a time period when getting ahead at work is crucial, you may have less time for family and friends.

Finding a balance starts with what’s ideal for you.  Is it important for you to have a few hours at night to do nothing?  Do you need to be done working at a certain time to get to your child’s game?  Lay out a perfect week that allows you to include those things that are non-negotiable.

Time management

For work life balance to be successful, you must manage your time! It’s easy to get distracted during work and outside of work, and that cuts down on the time you have left for you.  Break down your work tasks by time, and always leave room for breaks and downtime.

When you know where your time is going, you’re better able to re-adjust as needed.  Take inventory of where your time is spent, and take steps to rearrange some things if needed.

Stay social

So you don’t always feel like you’re in work mode, staying social is key! Make time for your friends and family, even if work is your current priority.  You can still take some time out of your days or weeks to see friends and family.

This is a great way to recharge your batteries, see where your priorities lie, and strengthen relationships.  It’s almost always known that we feel better after interacting with those we love! Make time for this – work will be there when you return.  When you get time away from work, you come back more refreshed and ready to do a better job.

Turn it off

Especially on weekends, it’s important to turn off electronics! Weekends should mostly be reserved for fun, relaxation, and recharging.  Your phone and computer can be used personally, but try not to get too involved with anything with work. It’s important for the brain to shut down for a while and not focus on work.  

It gets tiring for your brain and body to look at a screen constantly, and you seriously blur the lines between work and play when you end up working all weekend, even if it’s just through your computer.

Do your best to make weekends work technology free! Again, you’ll come back feeling ready to tackle your tasks on Monday if you didn’t spend the whole weekend working.

Remember downtime

Downtime is so important! Doing fun things with your friends and family is also crucial and valid, but spending time relaxing is very important to quality of life.

Whether you enjoy spa days, a leisurely walk, or just some time lounging by a pool, it’s important to have downtime where nothing is on the agenda.  We live in a very structured, scheduled world, and while that’s great for productivity, or figuring out where your time is, eventually you have to shut that off for a while.


You can even look at your schedule early in the week and ensure that you’ve carved out some time to do absolutely nothing!

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5 Tips to Avoid Work Burnout

Work burnout is a real thing! According to MayoClinic.org, it is defined as “a state of physical, emotional or mental exhaustion combined with doubts about your competence and the value of your work.”  It can cause mental, physical, and psychological stress, and there are many signs of it.

According to Forbes.com, if you’re experiencing burnout, you might have: exhaustion, lack of motivation, frustration and cynicism, cognitive problems, problems at work and home, lack of care for yourself, and more.  These are clearly issues that need to be addressed, and working to avoid burnout is the first step.

Stick to office hours

Since we have our phones and computers constantly at our fingertips, it can be tempting to answer emails and requests at all hours.  While this is possible, it shouldn’t be the case most of the time! Sure, there might be a late night every once in a while, but it should be the exception – not the rule.  Make time for yourself and stick to your office hours.

You can set office hours by figuring out how much time it takes you to do your work on a daily basis, and then you should only be emailing, texting, and answering calls for work during this time. Work will only sleep if you let it, so make a boundary here to keep your own sanity.

Make time for fun

Fun is important! It’s crucial to have things to look forward to, and it’s up to you to make those plans sometimes. Set up social events with friends or family, schedule a fun night with girlfriends, or make a standing walking date with a local mom who also works from home.

When you’re scheduling fun into your everyday life (not just vacations!), you can come back to work refreshed.  Bonus points if your “fun” activities include relaxation, such as a spa treatment, yoga class, or meditation group.

Say no

We get it – it’s hard to say no.  We want to do it all and we don’t want to miss out on anything.  While saying “no” can be difficult in the moment, it’s truly important to keep space in your life for the things you want to do, as well as space for simple rest.  We are all very “busy” these days, which makes us productive, but much more prone to burnout.

Say “no” when you can, and don’t feel guilty about it.  There are plenty of other opportunities to say “yes,” and it’s important to be discerning about where your time and energy goes.

Take a step back

Vacations are another way to put something to look forward to into your life! But while a full blown vacation isn’t always a possibility, taking breaks is equally important.

Schedule your breaks like you would schedule anything else in your day.  Take 10 minutes for a walk in the late morning, a 10 minute sweeping break in early afternoon, and 30 minutes to pick up your kids in the late afternoon.  Breaking up your day can make work feel more refreshing when you come back. Just stepping away for a bit – whether 5 minutes or 1 week – can really make a difference in your attitude.

Take a tech break

We already discussed that having all of this technology in our faces all day can be a challenge.  We’re productive, but are we happy? Or are we burning out? It’s not always possible to shut off your phone or computer, but you can put it down for a few hours in the evening.

When you break from technology, you’re breaking from seeing things that are work related. This gives your brain a chance to disconnect from the phone and internet, making it easier to connect in the morning.  You might even find that you come back much more eager to work when you haven’t spent your evening staring at a screen too!

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4 Tips to Stay Healthy This Winter

The holidays are over and we’ve been back into our healthy grooves for a while now.  However, it’s that time of year that a lot of sickness is going around! Watch or read the news and you’ll hear that the flu season is running rampant.  It’s important to do your best to stay healthy and keep your immunity high this winter.

Read along for some of our best tips to stay happy and healthy!

Keep it clean

It goes without saying that cleaning is a crucial component in staying well.  Wash your hands as soon as you come home, remove shoes inside the house, and wipe your phone.  It’s been said that phones are as germy as public bathrooms!

Other important tasks involve being mindful of coughing and covering your mouth, disposing of tissues immediately, and generally avoiding passing your germs if you’re already rundown or ill.

Natural options

Medication isn’t the only way to get and stay well! There are plenty of holistic options that will be more beneficial for your body – and keep up your immunity to colds and the flu:

  • Hot tea

  • Bone broth

  • Apple cider vinegar

  • Raw honey

  • Green juices

  • Vitamin C supplements

  • Plenty of water

  • 5+ servings of fruits and vegetables daily

  • Natural immune supplements such as Wellness Formula, that includes several immune-boosting ingredients


Get your rest

Rest is so crucial to your immune system. You know that when you start feeling rundown, it’s only a matter of time before illness takes hold. Exercise and being active is so important, but you don’t need to take it to extremes! Be kind to yourself – take breaks and don’t cram in a ton of things without down time, especially this time of year.

Make it a priority to get 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Take time to wind down in the evenings – relax and give your immune system a boost.

Cancel it

If a friend or someone’s kids are sick, do your best to cancel plans. It’s not fun or always convenient, but this helps to eliminate the spread of sickness. Illnesses can stay active for 24 hours to weeks after exposure – on surfaces and inside the body.

Click here for a helpful resource for parents that will tell you when your children are safe to return to school and activities.

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4 Ways to Be Present Over the Holidays

The holidays are here! We’re into the holiday season now, but there’s still over a month of festivities to go.  Are you finding yourself overwhelmed by this time of year?  There’s often a lot going on, and it can be hard to stay in the present moment.

The holidays are the times that we look back on as magical. It’s important to employ techniques that keep us mindful and present.  Read along for our best tips!

Take time

Take time each day during your holiday break to spend time with friends and family.  Give them your full attention! Plan something that you wouldn’t normally do, or simply find somewhere fun and unique to have a great conversation.

The greatest gift we can give each other is our time, so go out of your way to give it freely this year.  You will never regret time well spent with those you love!

Be grateful

According to Harvard Health, “Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships.”

When we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, it’s easy to focus on what needs done and not what we’re grateful for.  Take a few minutes every day to make a list – mental or physical – of what you’re grateful for.  It’s an important task with numerous benefits to your health and wellbeing!

Make memories

This is a time of year to have fun and make memories with those we love. If your parties don’t allow you much down time with friends and family, consider catering.  If they tend to lag, think about adding some fun games.

Games, good conversation, and quality time tend to add up to wonderful memories.  You can do something you normally wouldn’t do.  Try ice skating with your kids, outsource the dessert making if you don’t like it and don’t have any time, catch a midnight movie with a friend.  Whatever you do this season, take time to make memories that will last – and enjoy them in the process.

Turn it off

Technology, that is! We’re all glued to our computers, cellphones, and tablets every day, so use this time to disconnect.  You don’t have to fully toss your devices, but limit them as much as you can.  As we mentioned before, giving someone your full attention is a great gift, and you can’t truly do that if you’re constant looking at your phone.

Ask friends and family members if they’re willing to keep technology away from the dining table, and continue this into the evening if you’re all sitting around talking, playing games, or simply enjoying each other’s’ time.  Keep devices limited to emergencies and quick check-ins.

Staying present involves your time, effort, and gratitude to complete.  This time of year, being present it truly worth it.  Give the gift of yourself, fully present, to your friends and family this season.

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5 Healthy Eating Tips for Kids

We’re in the groove of the school year now, and one thing that’s always on the menu – lunches and snacks for your kids! Since kids are growing, they need lots of healthy, nutritious food.  Read along for some tips to keep them healthy and happy while eating well!

Keep it small and nutritious

After school snacks can turn into full meals that ruin dinners! They’re still important because it’s often a long time from school lunch until dinner, but it’s important to not go overboard.  Keep these snacks small and nutritious, and keep easy-to-grab options on the counter or in the fridge.

String cheese, cereal packs, beef jerky, and pieces of fruit are great options.  It’s ideal to get a combination of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates to keep your kids full until dinner.

Add a treat at lunch

Eating healthy is the goal, but treats have a place in a nutritious diet.  If your child knows that they’ll receive a small treat in their lunch, they’re less likely to ditch their packed lunch for other unhealthy options.  Making room for treats also teaches balanced eating in everyday life, and it’s important to establish this at a young age.

Figure out what would make your child happy to see in their lunch and include it daily! Keep the rest of the options healthy and balanced to keep their energy up.

Let them choose

Get your kids involved in their meals! Whether it’s breakfast options, items for their lunchbox, after school snacks, or a side dish option for dinner, let them choose the healthy options.  This is a great way to establish responsibility and decision making early on!

When they’re involved in the process, they’re more likely to choose things they enjoy and will eat.  Of course, do your best to keep things healthy! Give them a few choices from a predetermined category.  But maybe your child will eat roasted carrots over brussels sprouts, or they might prefer a yogurt cup to a piece of fruit after school.  Involving them will ensure that the food is eaten and enjoyed!

Keep a schedule

Eating on a schedule is a good way to keep blood sugar and energy balanced.  Of course, some flexibility in life is key, but children tend to thrive on a schedule.

Keep breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks around the same time each day. Work treats and “fun” foods into the mix as well, since it’s fun for them to look forward to these as well.

Make healthy fun

These days, there are so many convenient, nutritious options like chopped apples, protein snack packs, and cut up cheese options, just to name a few.

To save your time and make eating more fun, look into some of these options.  Ask your kid to choose a few items from the store! If you’re more of a DIY person, look to these convenient options as ideas and create them yourself.  Purchase some fun cookie cutters to cut sandwiches in unique animal shapes, buy a Bento box for lunch for a more exciting way to eat, or simply cut up fruits and veggies into easily accessible bites.

Eating healthy with kids doesn’t have to be a challenge! Involve them in the process, allow them to have treats, and give them the option of choices – it will make the process much easier.

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4 Tips for Healthy Eating in the Summer

Staying healthy in the summer is typically easier than any other time of year. Between family and friend activities, vacations, and sporting events, we’re on the go more. Additionally, produce is more readily available, and it’s often too hot to eat big, heavy meals.

It’s a perfect time to embrace wellness in our diets and stay healthy. This way, we don’t miss any of the fun and excitement of this time of year! Read along for some best tips for optimal, healthy eating in the summer.

Think seasonal

Eating seasonally is a great way to save money and load up on nutritional value. Yes, you can find watermelon in some other seasons, but it’s more expensive and not nearly as tasty! Between tomatoes, watermelon, mangos, and all the fresh berries, summer is a time for all our favorite produce.

These fruits and veggies are also loaded with water content, so they’ll help you stay hydrated and feeling light.

Produce first

Think produce first! When you go to make a plate or plan a meal, fill your plate (or recipe) with produce first. Ideally, half of your plate should be fruits and/or veggies. You can also sneak fruit and veggie purees into casseroles, popsicles, and smoothies! From here, add your carbohydrate and protein sources to make up the rest of your meal.

Pack the protein

Protein is always a key component to any healthy diet. It keeps you full, supports your muscles and bones, and helps to stabilize blood sugar. When the weather is nice, grilling is a great, fun option to get your protein. Here are some best tips for successful grilling.

Select healthy meats and spice them up with unique seasonings, marinades, and dipping sauces. If meat isn’t your thing, there are plenty of fibrous bean and grain salad recipes that will keep you healthy and satiated. Here are a few options to get you started.

Lighten up

In the hot summer months, we’re typically running around more and certainly spending more time outdoors. Because of this, we need more hydration, water, and electrolytes. Focus on foods that provide this and keep you feeling good. Watermelon is a great option, along with coconut water for balanced electrolytes.

It’s easy to feel sluggish and rundown in the summer, and you can avoid this with diet and lifestyle choices. Make choices that keep you feeling light, healthy, and satisfied. It’s a great time of year for those lightened up recipes, as well as an abundance of colorful fruits and veggies. Indulge in nature’s seasonal offerings and stay healthy with seasonal offerings!

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