4 Keys to a Glowing LinkedIn Personal Summary


LinkedIn is not only important for a job search, it’s important to let your colleagues and future employers know your past experience, results, and personal attributes.


We’ve all seen the Summary section at the top of our profiles, which can be a little intimidating.  Since it’s a free form block of space, we often wonder what to put there.  Is it a written out resume?  A list of skills? Read along for tips to maximize your personal Summary for success!


Make it readable


Although you have a lot of space to create your Summary, don’t put all your text in one place.  For starters, use bullets and numerous paragraphs to break up the space and each topic.


When a potential employer comes to your profile, they need to know what you do in a succinct, well organized manner.  Keep each set of information together – for example, qualities and attributes in one paragraph, general applicable results in another, followed by your call to action – all in separate spaces.


Use the space


Never leave your personal Summary blank! I repeat, never leave it blank. It’s better to have a small Summary of your contributions versus leaving it blank.  The rest of your LinkedIn profile is basically laid out like a resume, whereas this is the ideal space to show some personality and writing skills.


This is the space to really show yourself – use the space as you need, but don’t feel the need to go on and on just to fill the maximum characters either.


Call to action


It’s important to let your potential employer or potential clients know what to do and how to contact you.


Do you have a link to your online profile? Do you have a business email address or phone number? A website? Include this information in your call to action.  Whatever makes the most sense for your purpose on LinkedIn, do that to ensure that the right people can contact you directly.


Answer the question: What do I want my reader to do after reading this?  Create your call to action accordingly!


What’s important?


It’s important to tell a story via your personal Summary.  How did you get started in your chosen field or industry? The less it reads like a cover letter or resume and more like a personal story, the more intriguing you become to readers.


Include the compelling story of how you got to this point, as well as any applicable accomplishments – especially those that can be quantified.  Impressive results and hard data are always ideal, but if you can’t do that, include a short, 1-2 sentence testimonial or proof of your past works.

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Use Technology to Make Your Home Office a Success

If you work from home, you probably encounter the common misconception that you spend most of your workday sitting on your couch in your pajamas with only a half-charged laptop to keep you in contact with the working world. It is true that working from home gives you a level of freedom that isn’t available to the commute-and-cubicle set, but if you’re successful, you make your work environment match or even exceed that of a real office. You keep strict hours and a strict dress code, and you have a designated workspace with a range of technologies that keep you productive and competitive.

If you’re trying to find this balance, consider the following technologies to help you out. Then, you’ll see that they only thing missing from a traditional office is the daily commute.

Track Your Time

Working from home takes discipline. You are surrounded by all kinds of distractions, including the television, laundry, and children, but you have the same demands as any other employee. Technology can be a great tool for separating your work life from your home life. Smartphone apps like Toggl allow you to track your work life the way any at-office time keeper does, so you know when you put your eight hours in. If you need to limit your time on Facebook or BuzzFeed, RescueTime runs in the background on your computer or phone and limits your time on sites that are notorious for wasting time. If you have the opposite problem and find it difficult to separate yourself from work at the end of the day, use Eternity Time Log to restore balance by tracking your work and play. It even connects with your smartwatch to alert you when it might be a good time time to take a break and smell the roses.

Stay Connected

Working from home doesn’t always mean working alone. There are meetings to attend and large-scale projects that require collaboration across multiple departments. Google Hangouts and Skype have become standards for video communication on the web. When it’s time to get down to work, Dropbox and Quickbase offer specific environments for sharing and managing files. One of the greatest features of these technologies is the ability to track changes over time and quickly delegate tasks for different team members. Physical offices used to be a necessity because you needed an actual location to bring everyone together, but as technology finds newer, better ways for people to connect from remote locations, the cube farm becomes more and more irrelevant.

Make Your Home a Place of Business

If you run your own business out of your house, technology is necessary for promoting your business and giving you a leg up in a competitive market. If you meet with clients at your home office, there are subtle ways to make it feel more like a place of business. When combined with mirroring capabilities of Apple TV and Chromecast, a high-def OLED display is perfect for displaying PowerPoint presentations and product demonstrations. Your clients will be so impressed, they won’t ever want to go back to their office.

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4 Tips to Transition Back to Work

School is starting again soon, and if you’re a work from home mom, you might have taken a short break or lessened up on your work over the summer months.

While this is a typical practice in the summer with certain jobs, the fall brings new schedules, structure, and a return to the “normal” that we see the rest of the year.

Use the tips below to help you transition back to work and ramp up your business this fall.

Take it slow

Slow and steady is really the key here! You don’t want to rush into your new routine, since this can be jarring to your, your health, and your family.  It’s best to take it easy and do one thing at a time.

Start by laying out everything you need to purchase and do for the upcoming weeks.  From here, lay it all out, and lastly, start implementing. It’s a time to make those little changes before the big changes take place in just a couple weeks.  Although we love the freedom of summer, sometimes the structure of fall helps our productivity and effectiveness.

Take care

As schedules change and we get more and more busy, it’s important to take care of yourself.  This means getting adequate sleep, exercising and eating right.  It’s a good time to look up healthy recipes online and get a schedule in order for the fall, making it much easier to meal plan and keep healthy meals on the table.

Exercise can be as simple as evening walks with your kids while they’re still in summer mode, or getting out to take a class with a friend.  It’s all about re-establishing those healthy structures that will keep you happy, healthy, and stress-free as the school year begins.

Get things organized

Start now with your family calendars! Now is the time to get life back on a schedule.  Get yourself (and your kids!) to bed earlier, and begin to get back into your fall schedule mode. Purchase a refrigerator or desk calendar that works for the whole family. It’s best to use dry erase markers for changes, as well as any additions that might be needed.

Getting your calendar started now is the key here. It’s not ideal to wait until the chaos of school starting to get things in place – the time is now. Take a big picture look at your first few months of fall, decide on activities and obligations, and be sure to pencil them in as soon as possible.

As far as work, begin your calendar and list here as well.  Start deciding how your days will change, what work you’ll be adding, and how to balance it all with other family obligations. It’s important to get an overall view of this now, so you can avoid overwhelm in the near future.

Enjoy it

When it’s all said and done, the summer will end soon and fall will be here any minute. Enjoy summer while you can! Fall is full of fun activities and the new excitement of school, but it can be hard to realize that summer has passed.

Above it all, enjoy the last few days and weeks of summer. Even though you’ll be starting to get things back to normal and on a more regulated schedule, it doesn’t mean you have to miss out on those spontaneous moments of summer. Enjoy them while preparing to make your transition forward!

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4 Steps to Re-Engage with Your Job

Even if you have a job you enjoy, we all get burnt out from time to time. Whether it’s workload or a simple feeling of exhaustion, it’s important to re-engage after a physical or mental break.

Re-engaging with your job doesn’t have to be so tough, and it’s the little steps that help us reconnect with our careers.

Talk it out

Do you have a coworker or friend you can talk to?  Let them know your frustrations and brainstorm ways to get back in the groove.  

With burnout, sometimes just talking about it with someone else is comforting, especially if they’ve been there before – and most of us have! They can provide some perspective, as well as being able to relate, which always makes us feel a little bit better.

Take a break

Although we usually can’t take a full blown break from work, maybe you can knock off a few hours.  If you’re really approaching burnout, try to work more one day so you can take a few hours off later in the week.  

Use that time to get some fresh air or do something you enjoy.  Sometimes a very mini vacation is just what you need to come back refreshed and ready to work hard.

Try something new

Sometimes trying something new can invigorate us in other areas of our lives.  Is there a new craft or exercise class you can attend? Even if it’s just a few times, it may be enough to get you out of your slump.

When we let our minds try something new, it can breathe new life into our situation.  Even if it’s not job related, it can step us out of our routines, which may be the reason for burnout in the first place.

Try a fitness, yoga or cooking class, or get into another healthy habit, such as evening walks or meeting up with a friend or family member.

Plan it out

Plan out little ways to keep things interesting and take mini breaks.  Although work is important, staying engaged with our job is key to personal and professional growth.  We all get burnt out from time to time, but planning for the future can be helpful.

Map out your next few weeks when you have a few moments of downtime, as seeing your work days planned out can give you a boost to check those items off your list. 

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3 Steps to a Successful Job Search

A thorough, successful job search can seem like a part-time job! To do it correctly and effectively, you often have to dedicate a lot of time and effort into the process.

Although creating a professional is first and foremost, it is just one of several components of a successful job search; the others include: materials, preparation, and mindset.  With these three tools at the ready, you’ll be well-equipped to succeed in finding your ideal position.


As we mentioned before, materials are the first thing you must nail down. A professional, grammatically correct resume, cover letter, and any portfolio pieces are all important.  Include information that is specific and provides numerical support, or includes recommendations as part of the package.

Your cover letter should specify the desired position, what you bring to the table, and any applicable job experience.  Portfolios are necessary for most jobs these days, and you can either build one in a binder or via an online portfolio option.  Create your materials first, as you’ll need to be ready to send them at a moment’s notice.


Preparation is the all-encompassing theme of a solid job search, and it’s something that starts at the beginning of your search and ends with the follow through.

You start preparing by creating your materials, reviewing them yourself and with a friend or family member, finalizing them, then beginning the actual search.  Your search is also something to prepare for! What kind of job are you looking for?  Do you want to work from home? THere are specific work-from-home job sites like HireMyMom out there, for the specific purpose of working from home.  There are also industry-specific job sites which can be helpful if you’re looking to stay in a particular field.

Following up is the last part of the puzzle, but one to look into right away; don’t wait until your first interview and realize you aren’t prepared with any sort of follow-up.  Start by creating the content of an email inquiring about the status of the job position, as well as the content of a thank you note for your interviewer.  Once these are at the ready, all you have to do is add in a bit of personalization for each interview.

Come up with a list of sites to search, a materials-needed checklist, and a list for follow through.


Mindset is #1 in almost everything we do, and the job search is no different.  It can be tough out there, and sometimes job searches can go on for a very long time.   Prepare yourself mentally that it could take a while, and determine what you really want from the get go.  While your dream job might not show up immediately, it’s important that you don’t settle and take a job that you cannot see yourself enjoying or succeeding in.

Know what you want, persevere in your search, and stay positive.  If you have solid materials in place, additional necessary preparation completed, and a great mindset, your next job is closer than you might think!

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5 Tips to Reduce Stress Working from Home

While working from home eliminates a lot of everyday stresses like commutes and office noise, it can still be stressful with distractions and a lot of sitting.

Most work from home jobs are done via computer, so there’s a lot of time spent sitting, which can be taxing on the body as well as stressful. Although busy days will happen, it’s important to take steps to keep your body and mind as stress-free as possible!


Stretching not only keeps your body loose and limber, it’s a great mental break.  When you can take a minute to release the built-up tension, you’ll look and feel much better throughout your day.

Stretching doesn’t have to be an intense yoga practice, but there are numerous streaming yoga websites that offer 5-minute classes and tutorials that can help you feel better in no time.  In addition to free videos on YouTube, you can try some of these sites for yoga videos ranging from 5-90 minutes.  Another benefit of workouts from home is that you can do yoga in increments throughout your day!

Some sites to try: My Yoga Works – https://www.myyogaworks.com/

YogaGlo – https://www.yogaglo.com/

Udaya – https://www.udaya.com/


Meditation is another way to center the mind and reduce tension, and it doesn’t have to last for an hour! It’s a simple tool that helps you to focus on you breath and being still, all things that can be challenging in our fast-paced workday.

You can now do meditation through a variety of apps and websites, and all it takes is a few minutes of quiet and calm.

Try some of the apps listed in the 5 Best Meditation Apps at Psychology Today.

Walk around

Walking is great for mental health! Believe it or not, a simple walk can change the course of your entire day. Getting your blood flowing and getting out in nature (if possible) is a great way to keep stress levels low.

You can find a variety of 1-3+ mile walking workouts online if weather is an issue, or simply take a 5-20 minute stroll a few times per day outside. It may not sound like much, but walking will lower your stress levels much more than intense exercise.

Time for yourself

Working from home can sometimes feel like you’re trying to do it all at once. Between kids, housework, and actual work, it can be a bit overwhelming.  This is why it is crucial to take time for yourself! Whether you can meet a friend for coffee during the day or want to schedule an after work pedicure, be sure that you’re including these treats every so often.  Small acts of pampering go a long way to reducing stress and giving you something fun to look forward to.


Take a deep breath! When we’re stressed, deep, calming breaths are the first thing to go. Place your hands on your chest and feel your breath go in and out. Do this a few times per day for a few minutes.  The awareness and calm that this brings is important, and it can be done just about anywhere.  Remember to breathe when things get tense – it will help you work through the stress!

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3 Time Management Tips for Work From Home Moms

Working from home requires you to be very effective at time management. Although you may work for a company, much of your workday is still dependent on your own schedule and ability to be a self-starter.

Adding children into the mix can make this even more of a juggling act, so time management truly becomes #1. Follow these simple time management tips for work from home moms to keep you on the right (and productive) track.

Write it out

Scheduling is important, and as a work from home mom, scheduling for the whole family becomes crucial. Time and time again, people do better with time management when they see everything written out in front of them.

A solution for this is a large family calendar, either placed on a kitchen island, attached to a side door, or on the refrigerator.  Simply write out all known commitments at the beginning of each month and consult the calendar each day for a few minutes of updating. Teach every family member to consult the calendar as well, perhaps even color-coding for greater ease of use.

When everyone is in the habit of looking at the calendar and remembering commitments, it makes your days much more productive and efficient.


Delegation is so important for work from home moms! Not only are you working, but you’re taking care of kids as well. Call upon friends and family members when you need their help, and look into programs, camps, and groups for kids when they’re home.

On the business side, especially if you have your own business or do freelance work, look into hiring a Virtual Assistant or some additional help with your busywork. There’s no shame in not doing it all, and it’s the key to reducing stress and increasing productivity.


One of the many benefits of being a work from home mom is the ability to multitask.  You can do laundry while you work! Create a weekly plan of attack – write out your household responsibilities and job responsibilities, and add in short breaks to throw in a load of laundry or start dinner early.

This allows you to get housework done in the same time that you’re working – a double bonus!  You can really get a lot done this way, all while managing your time and having more hours in the evening to yourself and your family.

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4 Steps to a Great Cover Letter

Part of the job process is the application process, which can be daunting. Between the resume, cover letter and interview, there’s a lot to consider.

The first place to start is always the cover letter, which is the lead-in to your resume and hopefully, everything else that follows until you’re interviewing for the job.

Creating a successful, well thought out cover letter is important, as it’s really your first impression to your potential employer(s).  Follow these tips to have a resume that stands out and impresses your audience.

Be Unique

The employer will likely receive a number of cover letters and resumes, so it’s important to be one of those that stands out.  You can do this in a number of ways – writing style, the way you highlight your experience, and adding personality.

While you still need to mind your grammar rules, adding some personality to your cover letter is always a plus.  Mention important personality traits that will make you successful in the job position, as well as unique statistics and results from your past job experiences.

Be Correct

Grammar and punctuation is key in creating a successful cover letter.  Be sure that you look up any questionable spelling and grammar questions you may have, and always have your letter proofread by a friend or family member.

Even if the potential job position is not writing-based, utilizing correct grammar and punctuation shows that you’re paying attention to details and care about presenting a quality product – both important skills to have in any position.

Be Succinct

As we mentioned before, your potential employer will likely receive many cover letters and resumes.  Keep it short and simple! State the position you’d like to be considered for, why you’d be a great fit, and a few key, bulleted highlights on your experience and why it is relevant. That’s really all you need!  The best cover letters are succinct, effective, and to the point.

Be Specific

Don’t send general cover letters or resumes to anyone, no matter how many you may be sending. Your employer needs to know why you’re right for their particular job position and company, and it’s your job to make the argument as to why you’re the right fit.  Notice the verbiage they use in their job posting – include some of them in your cover letter and resume, if applicable.

The more you can specializing your cover letter for the particular job position, the better your chances of achieving it.  You need to show the employer that you have exactly the right skills, personality, and job experience that will make you an ideal fit for the job.  Do your absolute best to highlight these qualities in an efficient, brief manner.


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5 Effective Stretches You Can Do at Your Desk


Working at a desk – whether you work from home or not – can be taxing on the body.  Experts say that even if you workout, it’s still important to get up and move around throughout the day.


Back pain is one of the most common causes of missed work every year, and it’s incredibly important to keep yourself out of pain and feeling limber, alert, and stretched out throughout the day.  In this post, we’ll explore some effective stretches that you can do without leaving your desk.


1) Shoulder Stretch via MayoClinic.org




Standing or sitting for long periods of time can take a toll on your muscles. To prevent or reduce stiffness and pain, try simple office stretches throughout the day. Perform these stretches several times throughout the day to help keep your muscles from feeling sore and tight.

Start by stretching the back of your shoulder:


  • Place one hand under your elbow.


  • Lift your elbow and stretch it across your chest. Don’t rotate your body as you stretch.


  • Hold the stretch for 15 to 30 seconds. You’ll feel tension in the back of your shoulder.


  • Relax and slowly return to the starting position.


  • Repeat the stretch with the other arm.


See the stretch and learn more here.


2) Hip Flexor Stretch via LifeHack.org


Sitting truly shortens and tightens your little hip flexor muscle. It’s the one at the front in the crease of your hip. It runs through your pelvis to your back, so when it is tight it often presents with an achy back. To lengthen this one out while at your desk, sit at the edge of your chair but shift to face to your left. Take your right leg and extend it behind you with as straight a knee as you can. Sit tall and lift your sternum while trying to tuck your tailbone under. This increases the stretch. Repeat on the other side. Repeat both sides 2-3 times.


See the stretch and learn more here.


3) The Freedom Search via Healthline.com



Clasp hands behind your back, push the chest outward, and raise the chin. Hold for a longer period of time if you feel tension in your lower or upper back.


See the stretch and learn more here.

4) Upper Cervical Spine Flex via Men’s Health




From the chest elevation position while seated, dip your head forward slightly as if you were nodding “yes.” Feel the stretch in the neck at the base of the head. Pause for 10 seconds, then relax and repeat 5 to 10 times.


See the stretch and learn more here.


5) Seated Hip Stretch via Exercise.about.com




This move helps open up the hips and stretch the complex series of muscles in the hips and glutes.


Do it right: While seated, cross the right ankle over the left knee and sit up nice and tall. Gently lean forward, keeping the back straight and reaching out with the torso until you feel a stretch in the right glute and hip. You can also press down on the right knee to deepen the stretch. Hold for 10-30 seconds and repeat on the other side.


See the stretch and learn more here.

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4 Top Tips for Social Media Success

Social media is a key component to a successful business and professional life.  Whether you have your own business or simply want to share information via your own social media channels, it’s important to have some best practices for social media success.

While there are many tips, tricks and “rules” out there to succeed online with social media, here are some of the top professional tips for your profiles and business profiles that will set you apart.

Don’t leave it blank

Whether you started and abandoned a business or you simply lost time to update your Facebook page, do not leave blank profiles! If you know you aren’t going to ever update your business page or your LinkedIn profile is 5 years out of date, it’s best to simply delete it (or never start one to begin with, if you’re considering it!)

When business prospects or potential employers see these profiles, it can be confusing.  What message are your profiles giving off?  Is your business closed?  Are you out of touch with online technology? Be careful of keeping profiles open that you don’t plan to use or update at least semi-regularly.

This also goes for your information – is it updated? Make sure that the image you’re giving off is reflecting what’s current and accurate in your life.  It’s important that you keep your profiles up to date, especially if you’re in the job search market.

Update regularly

Updating is key to using social media as it was intended! While updates of what you’re eating can be great if you’re a food blogger, do your best to provide the best value possible.  Even if you don’t have your own business, what’s an area of expertise that you can post on?  You can still provide value to your audience!

This is especially crucial if you own a business, or if you’re seeking employment.  Employers these days absolutely look into your social media profiles, and the more you can show your expertise, the better.

Keep it separate

Do your best to avoid sales on your personal page.  This isn’t to say that you can’t be friends with your clients, but keep selling to your business page(s).

When you’re constantly utilizing your personal profiles for business, people may decide to unfollow you or at least, may become annoyed with the pushing.  It’s much easier (and up to them to follow) to sell on another page that’s dedicated to your business or sales.  People use personal profiles for personal reasons – keep 90% of sales and business posts to your business pages.

Decide what’s necessary

You don’t need to have a profile on every site, and doing so will likely drive you crazy and drain your bandwidth! Choose a few key profiles that you enjoy, or a few key profiles where your customers and prospects are likely to be.

The top profiles that will offer the most bang for your buck will be Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.  Although, there are so many industries where Twitter is irrelevant.  Are you a visual company, or do your interests lie in that realm?  Pinterest may be perfect for you! Look into the profiles that will help you both personally and professionally – and choose ones that you’re willing to use on a consistent basis.

(Image courtesy freedigitalphotos.net)

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