LinkedIn Brand Ambassador
Be a brand ambassador. Allow us to champion our marketing agency program through your LinkedIn Profile. This job is entirely virtual and is part time.
We are seeking brand ambassadors that will allow us to connect with our target market and create conversations for our company through your LinkedIn profile. We will give your profile a complete LinkedIn makeover to make you stand out and look more professional.
This is potentially a long term position and is perfect for anyone that does not use their LinkedIn profile all that often.
These are required:
1) have a LinkedIn profile with a LinkedIn profile picture
2) at least 150 LinkedIn connections already.
Please reply with a direct link to your LinkedIn profile and your phone number so we can arrange an interview.
We are a 16 year old award winning company that has been featured in Forbes magazine. Having worked with prestigious companies like Mark Cuban companies, John Maxwell, Gannett (who owns USA today), Mojo Global is highly regarded in the industry.