Small Business Finding Ways to Shine in the Darkness

Beauty is produced from struggling. Take a pearl for example. Without an irritant making its way into an oyster, it would have no reason to coat layer after layer of nacre on the irritant which after many years produces a beautiful pearl.


The same is true for the butterfly. Through the process of struggling to emerge from its cocoon, the butterfly gains power it needs to strengthen its wings to be able to fly. 

We are all in a struggle right now whether it be health, finances, isolation, fear or some other struggle, we are joined together through it. 


But like any struggle, there are pearls and butterflies to be found. Here are a few small businesses creating something beautiful through this struggle:


Big Sky Internet Design is a small family-owned website design company building websites for the Agriculture Industry since 1998.  Due to Covid-19 they discovered that many 4H, FFA, and other youth county organizations were not going to be able to hold their annual sale/auction due to the lockdown. Tom Bruch, owner of Big Sky Internet, decided that they could do something about that. They created easy and affordable websites for youth organizations to be able to have auctions online.  Now these students who have spent countless hours and sometimes large amounts of money, have a way to reach a market interested in buying their livestock. 


Dudley Court Press is a hybrid publishing house for authors. A couple of their remote team members homeschool their children. As “stay at home” orders became the norm, the rest of the Dudley’s team found themselves homeschooling as well. 


“The stress was palpable,” Gail Woodard, Dudley Court Press CEO shares. “We decided to devote half our weekly team meeting to sharing experiences and advice. The impact on the new homeschooling moms was so positive that we decided to offer a free, weekly Zoom-based Homeschoolers’ Support Group through April. Our first session was a great success with new homeschooling parents relieved to have ‘experts’ to chat with.”  


Ben Walker is in a CEO peer group of small business owners. These business owners have been helping each other in their respective areas of expertise at no charge through webinars and online meetings.  He shares, “I’ve been helping one fellow business owner here with brainstorming how he can pivot his event staffing company and all his skills and knowledge into a new business. All of this has been done with absolutely no expectation of anything in return.” It’s just one small business owner doing what he or she can to help another business survive and thrive through this season.


Marsha Means, MA is a part of a team of coaches who are offering new Covid-19 support groups that are free to those who have lost their income ($10 for with an income). Marsha shares, “If you’ve lost someone to covid, or if you are anxious and overwhelmed, I invite you to join me and others to share, process, and to support each other as we face the loss, the fear, and global trauma all humanity is experiencing.”


Barkha’s Custom Sourcing specializes in sustainable and ethical sourcing of fabric. Currently, they are organizing a large donation of stock fabric to the Sewing Masks for Area Hospitals – Atlanta project. They’re a non-profit that is building networks in and around Atlanta — and all across the U.S. — to make sure our healthcare workers have the PPE they need to fight the battle against COVID-19. 


Barkha Malik, owner, shares, “While masks sewn by volunteers at Sewing Masks for Area Hospitals – Atlanta are not viable by themselves, hospital staff are using them over their N95 masks to extend their usefulness. These masks can be sanitized and reused.”  Anyone interested in sewing masks or getting involved to learn more about the Sewing Masks for Area Hospitals – Atlanta project by joining their Facebook group here.
